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You know you're obsessed when...



  • YKYOW:

    -you start freaking out when you see that Ok Go changed their status on Myspace about their new Zazzle store.

    -you realize how the OK Go forum makes you forget about all the stresses of school.
  • YKYOW your mom makes you this birthday cake. It's amazing. smile.gif

  • QUOTE (Electra @ Nov 1 2007, 03:08 PM)
    YKYOW your mom makes you this birthday cake. It's amazing. smile.gif


    Wow! I wish my mom was that cool. Im jealous of you.
  • HOLY CRAP!!!!!!

    How did your Mum do that??? Can she make one for me? What kind of cake is it? Does it taste as good as it looks?
  • OH MY GODDDD! That is far too f'n amazing for words!! That's so badass wifey, I love it. I want a piece.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 1 2007, 06:22 AM)
    big duhhhhhhhh beasle knows smile.gif
    ps. yoknow wwhennnn you do the amw da;nce at every bar/every bar line you waits in sits aweszome.

    and who better to do the AMW dance at every bar/bar line with than your OK Go partner in crime?


    and that cake? WOW. Awezome. Fucking Awezome. Happy Birthday!
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 1 2007, 07:31 PM)
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!

    How did your Mum do that??? Can she make one for me? What kind of cake is it? Does it taste as good as it looks?

    I know, it's fantastic, isn't it? Tastes amazing too smile.gif
    And it's an orange zest sponge cake, with lemon and orange flavored icing/frosting (I never understand the differenct - we call it icing). It's soooo yum. I've had some of one of the O's, and a bit of the K so far..

    My dad made a template on the computer, which my mum used to cut the right shape. It's two cakes, held together with the icing, and there's all the little bits of cake that she cut out for the middle of the O's and the outside, around the K and stuff, which she's also iced and we've eaten as weirdly shaped cupcakes lol!
  • That cake is AMAZING! My sister made a cake that was shaped like the number 80 for my Grandpa's birthday, but it was not good as your cake. We also had the same problem of having weird pieces of cake leftover. Tell your Mom that she's awesome (although I'm sure she knows that already)!
  • You have such adoring parents!
  • mmmmm...cake... That's so spectacular of your parents to be so supportive of your fanship! they named you Electra! how cool is that? wink.gif

    YKYOW you're reading the Godfather and for some wicked reason Mike Corleone in your mind looks exactly like Rusty... which is really weird cause Rusty looks as italian as sushi.

  • You know you're obsessed when...

    You compile a list with your partner in crime via text messaging with reasons why no guy will ever be good enough due to multiple physical and personal characteristics that they DON'T possess...

    Reason #2 - They don't wear clashing patterns.

    Reason #9 - They don't have Damian's wide range of vocabulary.

    Reason #10 - They don't know the significance of the word 'pamplemousse'

    etc. smile.gif
  • WOAH That's friggin' AWESOME Electra! Your family is so cool!
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 30 2007, 12:23 AM)
    Katie, can I just say that you're MAGNIFICENT?

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 30 2007, 12:25 AM)
    Holy Shit, Katie! Those pumpkins are awesome! You should submit a picture of them to Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore or to Captain Internet.

    Again. YOu are all too nice smile.gif you should have seen how frustrated i was when I was finishing it up. I was getting all read and hot b/c it just wasn't turning out right. And maybe I WILLLLL show it to Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore smile.gif

    QUOTE (Beasle @ Nov 1 2007, 11:29 PM)
    You know you're obsessed when...

    You compile a list with your partner in crime via text messaging with reasons why no guy will ever be good enough due to multiple physical and personal characteristics that they DON'T possess...

    Reason #2 - They don't wear clashing patterns.

    Reason #9 - They don't have Damian's wide range of vocabulary.

    Reason #10 - They don't know the significance of the word 'pamplemousse'

    etc. smile.gif

    It's true. We got up to 16, and that was just in a matter of 10 minutes... imagine us sitting down together... whoops.
  • YKYOW your friend's display name on MySpace says "Sheila Bryant [obviously loves Dakota] {xTSCx}", but you see "Secret Dakota Ring" at first. tongue.gif

    Alice! That cake is AMAZING!! My birthday's next week, and I think I'll have to make myself one just like it. happy.gif Not to steal your thunder or anything, I just really think it's amazing. tongue.gif
  • YKYOW you think of Damian when you're watching Cash Cab and one of the answers is "Colt 45"
  • Electra? That cake? I love your mum, seriously!
    Oh yeah, and HAPPY 18th! You sexy thing you!

    And nice pumpkin carving skillz Katie!

    You compile a list with your partner in crime via text messaging with reasons why no guy will ever be good enough due to multiple physical and personal characteristics that they DON'T possess...

    Reason #2 - They don't wear clashing patterns.

    Reason #9 - They don't have Damian's wide range of vocabulary.

    Reason #10 - They don't know the significance of the word 'pamplemousse'

    That is effing hilarious! I wanna see the entire list! Or are these the only items that pertain to OK Go?

    YKYOW...when out of everything in a store, you gravitate towards grapefruit juice. Tasted pretty good too.
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Nov 3 2007, 12:16 AM)
    And nice pumpkin carving skillz Katie!
    That is effing hilarious! I wanna see the entire list! Or are these the only items that pertain to OK Go?

    oh no. it's all ok go related. we're working on making it longer smile.gif there are 16 items thus far
  • YKYOW... You google "I Love Tim Nordwind" and most of the results found are what you've said on the forums. Lol.
  • LMAO wow that's...obsession.
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