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You know you're obsessed when...



  • Wow. That'd actually be pretty cool if they did take that from OK Go.
  • YKYOW You have a dream that you were at a concert in a park that wasn't really a concert in the park. It was like a nature jam for a record comapnay. The park doesn't exist or if it does you have no idea where it is, and you're sitting on lawn chairs with your two room mates and Stevie Nicks because she was staying with you. Well Stevie decided she could sing better than the other people so she went up there and started singing OK Go songs and Damian came out of no where and was her back up singer. And then I realized i was sitting next to rusty. I looked behind me and Tim and Dan were sitting right there. i was freaking out but trying to hide it. Then the concert was over so Stevie and I were walking home and my room mates came and told us they were having another concert so we headed back to the park and then I saw Dan drinking Lemonade with his wife and he was asking her if that was really Stevie Nicks who had just sung. As i was walking past I said yes it was. He laughed and I went and sat down. Of course I sat by myself. then Rusty came and sat next to me again and then damian sat on the other side of me and then tim sat next to Damian and Dan and his wife went and sat by Rusty. I was pretty much freking out. then Damian and Rusty started talking across me. I was just like "aren't you guys ok go?" my voice was shaking. Damian was like "yeah! Aren't you the girl Stevie is staying with?" And I just nodded. Rusty was like "I can't believe we actually saw her perform. Its been an all time dream. Damian have you ever had an all time dream?" damian was like "Actually yeah, I've always wanted to go Gold mining. What about you Amanda?" and I was like "Ummmm go on tour with a band. I have always wanted to experience that kind of life. but there are only a few bands I'd actually want to work with" Damian looked realy interested and he looked me right in the eye and he asked "Who?" I started freaking out even more and i was like "Well The Aquabats, They Might Be Giants, Jet Lag Gemini guys." At that point rusty broke out into a huge smile and he started whispering something to Dan. Damian turned and started whispering something to Tim and I was just like ummm AWkWarD. All four looked at each other smilingear to ear and then gave a nod. Damian got down on one knee in front of me and was like "How would you like your life long dream to come true? we're actually here looking for a new roadie just to help us out with simple stuff, nothign to dificult, but we've got a spot on the tour bus for you if you want it." I just started smiling and then I woke up. it was probably my favorite OK Go dream so far.
  • ^^ Wooow, that is one cool story! I don't care if it's a dream, you are very creative! Sounds like Teeny Ok Go were whispering in your ear while you were asleep.
  • hahah! that would be AWESOME! the only problem with being creative is that you then feel let down cause it didn't really happen.
  • Tally Hall's Boralogue #4
    besides the fact that Tally Hall is absolutely amazing
    (and I'm seeing them on Thursday with Katy!!!)

    one of them is playing/singing Let It Rain during soundcheck in this tour video, at around 6:13.
    although I can't tell if the words are right or not.. but it's definitely Let It Rain.

    And the fact that I noticed this means that I'm pretty much completely obsessed.


  • haha, I heard it for... I guess one and a half seconds... is that right? I'm not sure though biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • I HEARD IT! plus I love tally hall, and I'm jealous you get to go see them.
  • YKYOW you're going to 3 of their next 6 shows. 2 of which are in different states that you do not reside.
  • YKYOW you find yourself on another continent in order to see them. biggrin.gif
  • YKYOW you're thinking of hanging around outside the House of Blues tomorrow like a groupie to get a glance at the boys.

    AHHH, they're gonna be in Chicago. Tomorrow.
  • Thinking of? You mean you're going to, right? If you feel like it'll be weird, just say you're there to give them hugs from me because I still haven't given Dan his thank you hug.
  • Now that gives me an excellent excuse to go see them. And hug them.

    And I can ask Damian to sign my book.

    Yes. Two excuses.
  • want a third excuse? biggrin.gif

    Tell them they should come back to Europe sometime this year.
  • QUOTE (mayonaise @ Apr 13 2008, 12:21 PM)
    want a third excuse? biggrin.gif

    Tell them they should come back to Europe sometime this year.

    And a fourth:

    Tell them you have been happy all weekend feeling the glow of happiness that Alice and I have been projecting from the East Coast. And tell them we still love them. A Lot.
  • and a 5th: Tell them to come back to Arizona. The desert misses them!

    See? Plenty of excuses. Don't feel embarrassed. I'd be doing the exact same thing if there was a venue here they were doing that sort of show at.
  • Alright, so I have my 5 excuses/reasons to be a groupie tomorrow.

    #1 - give "Thank You" hug to Dan from Kalinda, then proceed to hug the rest of them because Dan didn't get his "Thank You" hug
    #2 - ask Damian to sign my copy of Things I've Learned...
    #3 - ask them if they have any plans to make it back to Europe this year, specifically Germany
    #4 - let them know how "glow-y" I've been over the weekend because of the awesome time that Allie and Rachel had on the East Coast, and that the sisters still love them
    #5 - let them know that they are in high demand in Arizona and they should get their butts there soon

    Now, the only drawback to this is that I have no idea when the damn thing is. I've found another article on the Guitar Hero III competition and that it is tomorrow at the House of Blues, but it fails to say when it is. So, I'm kinda scared that it's a day thing and I'll show up at night all stupid like.

    Anyone know what time the gig is gonna be? Anyone? Bueller?

    YKYOW you go be a groupie even if you end up looking all stupid like.
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Apr 13 2008, 08:34 PM)
    Anyone know what time the gig is gonna be? Anyone? Bueller?

    OMG! What is that from? My eighth grade math teacher ALWAYS asked Bueller when the rest of us had no answer and stared at him blankly- I thought he was just weird! I can't believe someone else in the world says that!!!
  • It's from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Apr 14 2008, 01:03 AM)
    OMG! What is that from? My eighth grade math teacher ALWAYS asked Bueller when the rest of us had no answer and stared at him blankly- I thought he was just weird! I can't believe someone else in the world says that!!!

    I feel So. Old.

    Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
    There's someone else doing the scene, I couldn't find the actual clip. But I did find this for the "Anyone? Anyone?" bit:

    That movie is brilliant Sally. Even though it's now 23 years old it is completely TIMELESS.

    Let My Cameron Go!
  • whoooooah. Wow, that is amazing. Thx, guys! I am rather stunned.
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