That was the first tie that was sold back in September and on the bottom of the page, it says:
"Better than that, though: each of these unique ties acts as a backstage pass at the band's next show! That's right! Present your tie at the door and hang with the band after the show, where the guys will sign your tie wherever you'd like. Don't believe us? Ask the band!" (Ask the band is a link to j orge's email)
But it doesn't say that on the ties they're selling now, so I don't know.
I really hope I end up with that one. Now I regret not doing the "buy it now". But, $63 (with shipping) is an awful lot for a tie. But I love them so very much. There are 2 others I've got my eye on, in the off chance someone is mean and steals my tie there But really, I'd be happy to get one. But that's the one I want most. My second choice would be this one-
I wish I could get them both, but the chances of me being able to talk my parents into getting that one for Christmas are pretty slim. They already think I'm crazy to be willing to spend that much on a tie. But, come on! It's OK Go! Maybe I can get them to pay for half...
That was the first tie that was sold back in September and on the bottom of the page, it says:
"Better than that, though: each of these unique ties acts as a backstage pass at the band's next show! That's right! Present your tie at the door and hang with the band after the show, where the guys will sign your tie wherever you'd like. Don't believe us? Ask the band!" (Ask the band is a link to j orge's email)
But it doesn't say that on the ties they're selling now, so I don't know.
Very intrigued, but still skeptical. How would a doorman know of the tie's ultimate power?
Any doorman would be awed by its power! You know that!
OMG, HIGA just came on WXRT!!! That may not seem like a big deal, but today (yesterday, I guess) is the first time I've ever heard it on that station, and now here it is again. I'm just so excited that they're on this station--it just feels really ... respectable. Anyway. Back to the topic at hand ...
When's the pic of DK in just one of these ties coming out? Huh? Huh? J orge?
There are pics of Damian wearing one of the ties? O_O oh, dear lord. Which one, I wonder... Pry wont release a pic of it until after the ties are all gone. That, or towards the end and try and get the bid on that one to go through the roof. Such evil master minds! lol.
Btw, I see U2 is your second fave band. Excellent! HUGE U2 lover here. Not that we have to turn this into a U2 thread--I just wanted to mention it. agentnumone (Melissa) is also a U2 fan, another happy Bono lover
y'all leave this to me! (pleasepleasepleaseplease)
Man, that was the funky orange backup tie on my list. But, that first light bluish paisley with pink lettering is still there and unbiduppon. So there's a chance there. Not to worry. I wont take the orange one. I'm not mean. I just hope people do the same for me. Maybe we should like, post this stuff on the Juggling Club as well. Make a pact there, so that they don't come and bid on these ties we've got. Course, no one has (thankfully) mentioned anything about the ties over there yet. But I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone, or Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, posts something there talking about it. *gets worried*
Never mind, I just checked and there IS in fact a message on the subject of the ties now, and a question as to whether or not they are sold outside of the US.
So if anyone feels gracious enough to not bid on them, I'll do the same to you.
My sister wanted to bid on your button, but I told her not to. She ended up finding one she liked even better, but I think someone bid on it.
i sent Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore an email to find out, we'll know soon enough.
Then and only then would I bid.
That was the first tie that was sold back in September and on the bottom of the page, it says:
"Better than that, though: each of these unique ties acts as a backstage pass at the band's next show! That's right! Present your tie at the door and hang with the band after the show, where the guys will sign your tie wherever you'd like. Don't believe us? Ask the band!" (Ask the band is a link to j orge's email)
But it doesn't say that on the ties they're selling now, so I don't know.
No love for the button buyers, though?
Of course, if you're gonna spend that much on a button, you might as well get the tie instead.
I really hope I end up with that one. Now I regret not doing the "buy it now". But, $63 (with shipping) is an awful lot for a tie. But I love them so very much. There are 2 others I've got my eye on, in the off chance someone is mean and steals my tie there
I wish I could get them both, but the chances of me being able to talk my parents into getting that one for Christmas are pretty slim. They already think I'm crazy to be willing to spend that much on a tie. But, come on! It's OK Go! Maybe I can get them to pay for half...
That was the first tie that was sold back in September and on the bottom of the page, it says:
"Better than that, though: each of these unique ties acts as a backstage pass at the band's next show! That's right! Present your tie at the door and hang with the band after the show, where the guys will sign your tie wherever you'd like. Don't believe us? Ask the band!" (Ask the band is a link to j orge's email)
But it doesn't say that on the ties they're selling now, so I don't know.
Very intrigued, but still skeptical. How would a doorman know of the tie's ultimate power?
OMG, HIGA just came on WXRT!!!
That may not seem like a big deal, but today (yesterday, I guess) is the first time I've ever heard it on that station, and now here it is again. I'm just so excited that they're on this station--it just feels really ... respectable. Anyway. Back to the topic at hand ...
When's the pic of DK in just one of these ties coming out? Huh? Huh? J orge?
TOTALLY kidding. I just pulled that out of my ass.
Btw, I see U2 is your second fave band. Excellent! HUGE U2 lover here. Not that we have to turn this into a U2 thread--I just wanted to mention it.
agentnumone (Melissa) is also a U2 fan, another happy Bono lover
TOTALLY kidding. I just pulled that out of my ass.
That BETTER be a joke. Otherwise it is required that you post it.
more on this latter
y'all leave this to me!
more on this latter
y'all leave this to me!
Man, that was the funky orange backup tie on my list. But, that first light bluish paisley with pink lettering is still there and unbiduppon. So there's a chance there. Not to worry. I wont take the orange one. I'm not mean. I just hope people do the same for me. Maybe we should like, post this stuff on the Juggling Club as well. Make a pact there, so that they don't come and bid on these ties we've got. Course, no one has (thankfully) mentioned anything about the ties over there yet. But I'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone, or Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, posts something there talking about it. *gets worried*
Never mind, I just checked and there IS in fact a message on the subject of the ties now, and a question as to whether or not they are sold outside of the US.
There are so many buttons - why does this person want MINE?!
I did want the one kikkychan is bidding on, but heard of this "pact" that's going around here and didn't bid for it.