Aw, that sucks! Yeah, it looks like they are starting to heat up a little more now. I'm sure that Thursday is going to be crazy! At least I'll be home so I can hopefully protect my tie. I'm SO happy no one else has tried to outbid me. Yet. I'm sure that wont last. I just hope that not all the ties are gonna end up selling so that when they stick them back up I can just go ahead and buy one now. That's why I kinda hate that they are all ending at the same time. If you get outbid and lose your tie then it's not like you've still got a few minutes to try bidding on a different one that hasn't been bid uppon yet, or buy one now, or anything. They are all going off at the same time. Bah.
I've been neglecting my homework and have been searching the Juggling Club boards AND this board for the past half hour, going through every entry about these ties/buttons.
I have my eye on a tie that I am certain no one on either board has claimed. I've also checked Facebook and MySpace to reassure myself that no board user has secretly claimed it without telling. However, there is a single, solitary bid on said tie.
Since I cannot find the person who has bid on it, how do the rest of you feel about placing a bid? There's no pact unless you "claim" your tie, is there? It could be someone completely random, bidding, but it could also be another boardie.
hmmm... Well, why don't you post which one it is and see if anyone mentions anything about it. And also, you don't want to go bidding on it now and risk the price getting really high now! So post on the sites asking if it's anyone's and give the link, and see what happens. If you don't get any replies by tomorrow, I'd say bid
hmmm... Well, why don't you post which one it is and see if anyone mentions anything about it. And also, you don't want to go bidding on it now and risk the price getting really high now! So post on the sites asking if it's anyone's and give the link, and see what happens. If you don't get any replies by tomorrow, I'd say bid
Of course, but that's also a double-edged sword. I post, asking, and someone perks up and says "Hey! I'm bidding on that!" regardless if they are or not.
I've been checking the items all week, making sure I got a tie that I really wanted (the tie that I asked for above went a bit high and I backed off). A few days ago I noticed the ties that didn't have bids suddenly had reserve prices on them. ?!???!? How incredibly rude, to put a reserve in the middle of an auction. ANYWAY, I placed a bid a second ago (about two minutes before the auction ended) and I was the high bidder all the way to the end, but now I may not get the tie because it didn't go high enough in price.
I really thought this was a good idea; selling ties and buttons, "authentic" OK Go merch. And I understand that they are clearly looking only to make money. But I think that after making the ties $35 (which is pretty high to begin with) and THEN returning to make each of them higher in price is pretty greedy. And I don't even know how much OK Go is getting out of this, if anything. Not that I wouldn't be elated to give OK Go all of my monies (((grin))), but only if I knew a large portion of it would go to them directly.
Perhaps I should wait and see if they decide to sell it to me anyway before starting a war, but as of right now I did not win a tie that I was going to pay $43 for. Then again, a lot of them will probably be relisted, but still...just a bit peeved. I hope the rest of you got the tie of your OK Go dreams!
Perhaps I can take that money and make a donation to my favorite charity in honor of OK Go.
That really sucks. I noticed that whole "reserve" thing. There were many ties that I was keeping an eye on that still had their "buy it now" prices, just in case I got outbid, and I thought it was strange that that was added in in the middle of the week. I figured I'd just missed it or something, thinking I pry would have noticed it before but that I was too excited over this whole tie thing. Well, with any luck, when they relist them they will have the starting bid a bit lower and have no reserve price either. I'm so happy cuz I got the tie I wanted! I can't wait to get it
I got the tie I wanted, but that's because I bought it. I got all paranoid that someone would buy it before me or that I would be outbid if I bid on it, so I got my sister to buy it with her account. Now I feel kind of stupid because the most expensive tie ended up being $50, which is still cheaper than buying it. Oh well.
They've already put all the ties and buttons back up. And (it may have been bid upon by now) there was a button whose starting bid was less than all the other buttons, for some reason. And the buy it now price was also less. Mistake, I imagine. But I saw that last night (I don't know why I'm looking at those things. I've got my tie, and I don't have the money to get anything else. But there is still another tie there that I really like- #29. But oh darn, I just checked and it's got a bid on it now and that button is still there, but I'm sure it's less because the pattern is red and black and the stitching on it is black, so you can't read it)
My button got outbidded at the last second, by a freaking penny. LE SIGH.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore never responded, but I emailed Jason at A Fine Tooth and he said this: "I was going to list it as such again, but the boys have been so busy we have not been able to get them to record a special message about it. In the message they were going to say how unofficially yes, they would love to meet their fans who bought the ties, but put in all the caveats that they can't guarantee anything given the arrangements (security and otherwise) at all the different venues where they play. So we dropped it. That said, I think that if you go to a show, you should wear your tie(s) and send a message through whomever is working the merch booth for them. They will at the very least come say hi and sign them I'm sure."
That being said, I'm kind of sad. I mean, yes the ties essentially could convince the boys to come out and say hello if they decided they wouldn't and all that(even though they normally come out anyway)...but then I kind of wanted to see what backstage was like and see how the boys act without being surrounded by ten thousand people. (I could just be being weird with my dreams and aspirations though )
With any lukc though, they will try hard to follow through with bringing you backstage with a tie, because they really aren't coming out after shows any more. Which I understand- it's been 2 yearsish of playing and meeting fans after shows most nights. So if they chose to pretty much completely stop coming out after shows for the rest of this whole tour, then I'd hope they'd at least try to make the time to meet with their tie buddies away from the other fans to have a propor hello and thank you and all. We'll see.
I just got home and my stuff was at the door waiting for me. *does the happy dance*
The button is freaking huge, I have to say. Though I'm not as happy with the backing of it, since it's kind of falling apart at the seams. I've got a button press and can probably fix it, and I know using cloth is pretty hard to do, but I'm still a bit upset a that.
I have one tie (not delivered yet, but all paid for) and I feel kinda sad because I chose between two and the one I decided against is still there with no bids... it looks so lonely. ;___; Poor thing...
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore never responded, but I emailed Jason at A Fine Tooth and he said this: "I was going to list it as such again, but the boys have been so busy we have not been able to get them to record a special message about it. In the message they were going to say how unofficially yes, they would love to meet their fans who bought the ties, but put in all the caveats that they can't guarantee anything given the arrangements (security and otherwise) at all the different venues where they play. So we dropped it. That said, I think that if you go to a show, you should wear your tie(s) and send a message through whomever is working the merch booth for them. They will at the very least come say hi and sign them I'm sure."
I am still quite skeptical with that. The boys haven't said anything about it, J orge didn't say anything about it, and now someone is making an unofficial statement.
I would still love to nab a tie (and I'm still sore about that "reserve" thing), but I am going to be pessimistic here (at least until an official statement is made) and say that I don't believe the merch would hold any such "power." I am going to one final show next year (wiith Snow Patrol) and I doubt, with the big venues they will be playing in, that they will even have the time or the ability to come out afterwards and talk to only those with ties/buttons. And after that they might be on 3rd record-writing hiatus until further notice. It could be quite awhile before they toured again, and would the ties still be "worth" something, nearly a year after purchase?
Of course, all of this doesn't make sense because, regardless, I STILL WANT A TIE.
(Feel free to sway me in either direction. I am easily moved.)
I've decided Ok Go should be a one-hit-wonder type band.
They get big for maybe six months to a year, maybe play an arena tour, get the feel of being big, and then when everything settles down they go bak to their regular old venues, etc.
cause then they get to be popular and I don't feel like I'm being rude when I wish they were still less-well-known, and I also get to see them in a smaller venue, meet them afterwards, etc.
Just a thought- either way, I'm still happy for them, and I'm not complaining that much.
and about the ties and buttons and such- well, I don't have much to say. They're all very pretty. I didn't bid on anything and I feel bad for those who lost their bids/didn't get the merch for other reasons. I'd be inclined to agree that the getting backstage is more wishful thinking, until something actually happens that proves otherwise.
I agree with you. I know it's good that they are getting more popular and getting in larger venues and all, but I really can't see them in larger places. Smaller ones that have bars in the back seem to work for them (and I'm sure Damian likes having drinks so close at hand, lol), and there is a stronger connection between them and the audience. More personal. It's just nice to be able to have slight yelling conversations and also have a good view of all of them when they are up on stage, no matter where you end up. Of course it's good that they can spread their glory, but rather than doing 1 show in a big place, couldn't they have 2 shows in a smaller place?
The button is freaking huge, I have to say. Though I'm not as happy with the backing of it, since it's kind of falling apart at the seams. I've got a button press and can probably fix it, and I know using cloth is pretty hard to do, but I'm still a bit upset a that.
and im on a stupidly tight budget atm so it looks like no ties for me...
I've been neglecting my homework and have been searching the Juggling Club boards AND this board for the past half hour, going through every entry about these ties/buttons.
I have my eye on a tie that I am certain no one on either board has claimed. I've also checked Facebook and MySpace to reassure myself that no board user has secretly claimed it without telling. However, there is a single, solitary bid on said tie.
Since I cannot find the person who has bid on it, how do the rest of you feel about placing a bid? There's no pact unless you "claim" your tie, is there? It could be someone completely random, bidding, but it could also be another boardie.
Just curious.
Of course, but that's also a double-edged sword. I post, asking, and someone perks up and says "Hey! I'm bidding on that!" regardless if they are or not.
I guess I have no other choice.
This is the tie I want to bid on:
PLEASE let me know right away if you are the person who placed the bid, and I shall back off.
Otherwise, it's fair game.
I've been checking the items all week, making sure I got a tie that I really wanted (the tie that I asked for above went a bit high and I backed off). A few days ago I noticed the ties that didn't have bids suddenly had reserve prices on them. ?!???!? How incredibly rude, to put a reserve in the middle of an auction. ANYWAY, I placed a bid a second ago (about two minutes before the auction ended) and I was the high bidder all the way to the end, but now I may not get the tie because it didn't go high enough in price.
I really thought this was a good idea; selling ties and buttons, "authentic" OK Go merch. And I understand that they are clearly looking only to make money. But I think that after making the ties $35 (which is pretty high to begin with) and THEN returning to make each of them higher in price is pretty greedy. And I don't even know how much OK Go is getting out of this, if anything. Not that I wouldn't be elated to give OK Go all of my monies (((grin))), but only if I knew a large portion of it would go to them directly.
Perhaps I should wait and see if they decide to sell it to me anyway before starting a war, but as of right now I did not win a tie that I was going to pay $43 for.
Perhaps I can take that money and make a donation to my favorite charity in honor of OK Go.
I'm so happy cuz I got the tie I wanted!
It's better this way I really didn't have the money to buy a button, but I was still a little peeved off.
i sent Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore an email to find out, we'll know soon enough.
Did he ever get back to you on that?
Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore never responded, but I emailed Jason at A Fine Tooth and he said this:
"I was going to list it as such again, but the boys have been so busy we have not been able to get them to record a special message about it. In the message they were going to say how unofficially yes, they would love to meet their fans who bought the ties, but put in all the caveats that they can't guarantee anything given the arrangements (security and otherwise) at all the different venues where they play. So we dropped it. That said, I think that if you go to a show, you should wear your tie(s) and send a message through whomever is working the merch booth for them. They will at the very least come say hi and sign them I'm sure."
That being said, I'm kind of sad. I mean, yes the ties essentially could convince the boys to come out and say hello if they decided they wouldn't and all that(even though they normally come out anyway)...but then I kind of wanted to see what backstage was like and see how the boys act without being surrounded by ten thousand people. (I could just be being weird with my dreams and aspirations though
The button is freaking huge, I have to say. Though I'm not as happy with the backing of it, since it's kind of falling apart at the seams. I've got a button press and can probably fix it, and I know using cloth is pretty hard to do, but I'm still a bit upset a that.
Other than that, everything is wonderful.
"I was going to list it as such again, but the boys have been so busy we have not been able to get them to record a special message about it. In the message they were going to say how unofficially yes, they would love to meet their fans who bought the ties, but put in all the caveats that they can't guarantee anything given the arrangements (security and otherwise) at all the different venues where they play. So we dropped it. That said, I think that if you go to a show, you should wear your tie(s) and send a message through whomever is working the merch booth for them. They will at the very least come say hi and sign them I'm sure."
I am still quite skeptical with that. The boys haven't said anything about it, J orge didn't say anything about it, and now someone is making an unofficial statement.
I would still love to nab a tie (and I'm still sore about that "reserve" thing), but I am going to be pessimistic here (at least until an official statement is made) and say that I don't believe the merch would hold any such "power." I am going to one final show next year (wiith Snow Patrol) and I doubt, with the big venues they will be playing in, that they will even have the time or the ability to come out afterwards and talk to only those with ties/buttons. And after that they might be on 3rd record-writing hiatus until further notice. It could be quite awhile before they toured again, and would the ties still be "worth" something, nearly a year after purchase?
Of course, all of this doesn't make sense because, regardless, I STILL WANT A TIE.
(Feel free to sway me in either direction. I am easily moved.)
I've decided Ok Go should be a one-hit-wonder type band.
They get big for maybe six months to a year, maybe play an arena tour, get the feel of being big, and then when everything settles down they go bak to their regular old venues, etc.
cause then they get to be popular and I don't feel like I'm being rude when I wish they were still less-well-known, and I also get to see them in a smaller venue, meet them afterwards, etc.
Just a thought- either way, I'm still happy for them, and I'm not complaining that much.
and about the ties and buttons and such- well, I don't have much to say. They're all very pretty. I didn't bid on anything and I feel bad for those who lost their bids/didn't get the merch for other reasons. I'd be inclined to agree that the getting backstage is more wishful thinking, until something actually happens that proves otherwise.
I know it's good that they are getting more popular and getting in larger venues and all, but I really can't see them in larger places. Smaller ones that have bars in the back seem to work for them (and I'm sure Damian likes having drinks so close at hand, lol), and there is a stronger connection between them and the audience. More personal. It's just nice to be able to have slight yelling conversations and also have a good view of all of them when they are up on stage, no matter where you end up. Of course it's good that they can spread their glory, but rather than doing 1 show in a big place, couldn't they have 2 shows in a smaller place?
That makes me sad. How big is the button?