I received it in the mail a couple days ago, upon seeing it's belovedness I screamed like the obsessive fan that I am, and then did a drunkard version of the 'A Million Ways' dance.
And, I was also elated to see that the tie actually had a 'hint' of a brownish color in it, and also, it had a 'satiny' feel, in which, I wasn't prepared for and and started to scrutinize every single inch of the tie.
Also, I'm glad about the size, I was going to go for the bigger ones. Giving homage to the phrase, "The Bigger the Better." but, I ended up not liking the rest that were up and got the above. *shrug* I still wuv it though, and I think it fits my 'frame' better anyways.
The computer I am on is lame and has a retarded blue tint to it, so I can't really see the proper color of your tie, but I will try to imagine. I got so excited when I got a note! It was seriously almost as sweet as the ties themselves, I think when I meet the guys again, I'll have them sign the note, forcing them to agree with James.
"OFFICIAL OK Go MERCHANDISE The third round of auctions for Official OK Go Ties & Buttons begins TODAY and ends on DEC 8.
There are ONLY 10 ITEMS LEFT, including 9 TIES and 1 BUTTON. (That's right, only 1 button left!)
While each of the 100 items on auction were selected by the band, only one (1) tie out of 65 ties actually once belonged to a member of the band. This tie is one of the remaining 9 ties still on auction.
So as not to cause a frenzy on this one item, the tie in question, as well as to which OK Go member the tie belonged, will remain secret and will only be revealed as a surprise to the winning buyer--and will only be published after the auction has completed.
Also, two of the remaining ties, selected at random, will be shipped with brooches in special (if random!) thanks for making these auctions a total success, for us at A Fine Tooth and for the band."
I want a free brooch. But there's no way in hell they're making me buy another tie. Oh yeah, there's only 9 items left. One of the ties was bought.
"OFFICIAL OK Go MERCHANDISE The third round of auctions for Official OK Go Ties & Buttons begins TODAY and ends on DEC 8.
There are ONLY 10 ITEMS LEFT, including 9 TIES and 1 BUTTON. (That's right, only 1 button left!)
While each of the 100 items on auction were selected by the band, only one (1) tie out of 65 ties actually once belonged to a member of the band. This tie is one of the remaining 9 ties still on auction.
So as not to cause a frenzy on this one item, the tie in question, as well as to which OK Go member the tie belonged, will remain secret and will only be revealed as a surprise to the winning buyer--and will only be published after the auction has completed.
Also, two of the remaining ties, selected at random, will be shipped with brooches in special (if random!) thanks for making these auctions a total success, for us at A Fine Tooth and for the band."
I want a free brooch. But there's no way in hell they're making me buy another tie. Oh yeah, there's only 9 items left. One of the ties was bought.
Oh my.
While I am happy with my own tie aswell, I'm very excited to hear that one of those ties was worn by an actual member himself. And a free brooche is always welcome with me. But, I'll get over it quickly. Who ever does receive the lucky tie and the 2 brooche recipients is a lucky fan. *shrug*
I'm still in suspense over the whole 'backstage pass' thing, I've read over all the other posts. I'm forced to agree with the opposed. But, I think everyone is still unstable on the fact. If anyone ever does find out what exactly these ties and buttons entail, please post. =)
i just had the genious idea of selling tie-die ties
but im to lazy to do own about it
so i just bought one on "buy it now"
hopfully it will be here before 2007
oh! I really like that one, it's really nice.
so i just bought one on "buy it now"
hopfully it will be here before 2007
buttface, I was going to give you a tie as a surprise. Quit ruining my plans!
Well you know, *I* don't have a tie yet...*hint hint*
but im poor
so all i can offer is a smiley face
but im poor
so all i can offer is a smiley face
A smiley face would be fine.
edit: *forgot to quote the post*
but im poor
so all i can offer is a smiley face
I gladly accept the smiley.
But, despite that fact, I did get a tie that is fabulous and that I love very much:
I received it in the mail a couple days ago, upon seeing it's belovedness I screamed like the obsessive fan that I am, and then did a drunkard version of the 'A Million Ways' dance.
And, I was also elated to see that the tie actually had a 'hint' of a brownish color in it, and also, it had a 'satiny' feel, in which, I wasn't prepared for and and started to scrutinize every single inch of the tie.
Also, I'm glad about the size, I was going to go for the bigger ones. Giving homage to the phrase, "The Bigger the Better." but, I ended up not liking the rest that were up and got the above. *shrug* I still wuv it though, and I think it fits my 'frame' better anyways.
The third round of auctions for Official OK Go Ties & Buttons begins TODAY and ends on DEC 8.
There are ONLY 10 ITEMS LEFT, including 9 TIES and 1 BUTTON. (That's right, only 1 button left!)
While each of the 100 items on auction were selected by the band, only one (1) tie out of 65 ties actually once belonged to a member of the band. This tie is one of the remaining 9 ties still on auction.
So as not to cause a frenzy on this one item, the tie in question, as well as to which OK Go member the tie belonged, will remain secret and will only be revealed as a surprise to the winning buyer--and will only be published after the auction has completed.
See if you can guess which one:
Also, two of the remaining ties, selected at random, will be shipped with brooches in special (if random!) thanks for making these auctions a total success, for us at A Fine Tooth and for the band."
I want a free brooch.
well i will be when it arives
The third round of auctions for Official OK Go Ties & Buttons begins TODAY and ends on DEC 8.
There are ONLY 10 ITEMS LEFT, including 9 TIES and 1 BUTTON. (That's right, only 1 button left!)
While each of the 100 items on auction were selected by the band, only one (1) tie out of 65 ties actually once belonged to a member of the band. This tie is one of the remaining 9 ties still on auction.
So as not to cause a frenzy on this one item, the tie in question, as well as to which OK Go member the tie belonged, will remain secret and will only be revealed as a surprise to the winning buyer--and will only be published after the auction has completed.
See if you can guess which one:
Also, two of the remaining ties, selected at random, will be shipped with brooches in special (if random!) thanks for making these auctions a total success, for us at A Fine Tooth and for the band."
I want a free brooch.
Oh my.
While I am happy with my own tie aswell, I'm very excited to hear that one of those ties was worn by an actual member himself. And a free brooche is always welcome with me. But, I'll get over it quickly. Who ever does receive the lucky tie and the 2 brooche recipients is a lucky fan. *shrug*
I'm still in suspense over the whole 'backstage pass' thing, I've read over all the other posts. I'm forced to agree with the opposed. But, I think everyone is still unstable on the fact. If anyone ever does find out what exactly these ties and buttons entail, please post. =)
It's got OK Go and Oh No stamped on it, if you can't see it below:
Now I just need some shoelaces stamped with OK Go, and I'll be set. hahah.
When I saw Damian at UCSD Friday I showed him and complimented it.
Instead, I'm trying to make everyone fabulous buttons.
And probably not made of vintage ties, since I don't have any on hand.
But fabulous buttons, nonetheless!
Man, you're lucky to get one of the brooches! And I love the tie you got too. Very snazzy