I've read the text of that, because it was on the official site somewhere I think, but I've never seen the actual article, which adds so much! First of all the picture is new (to me) and secondly the additions from the editorial staff: "Damian knows that he is an attractive, intelligent young man, but he's warning you not to date him or others of his kind" and "Damian says 'I know you want me, but it's a bad idea.'"
I don't know if any of you have seen that before, but I just saw it for the first time. It's a good read, actually, although I'm kind of blushing at my newfound knowledge.
Paul: What's your favorite curse word? Damian: I think probably cunt. Just because it's actually still sort of offensive. Like, if you say cunt, under most circumstances, people still wince when you say cunt. Like, shit and fuck go straight past them and nobody pays attention, and sometimes, for more humorous effect, I really like douche bag, but you don't really offend anyone, you just make them laugh.
HAHAHAHA. I'm dead. This man kills me...and is completely right.
It's in a foreign language, but maybe someone can get it translated...
Some of the pictures i recently posted are in this article as well.
Your wish is my command. My italian is rather rusty though.
NOTE: I've tried to preserve the spirit of what is said rather than give a literal translation. The comments between asterisks are mine, I just couldn't leave them for the end, I got bored.
OK Go: A Million Ways to be Cool Circle of Artists, Rome, 04-10-2006 Author: Francesco Sciarrone
Of all the people who came to the circle(set/stage) for the Ok Go concert, 5% came just to pass the time, 15% for curiosity and the remaining 80% for their ballet of A Million Ways. I was one of those in the 5%. I had expected them to be just the opening act to the Flamming Lips and all in all their live presentation wasn't bad at all. They sparkle, they know the exact point at which the audience is captivated, they wrap you around their show and let's be frank, they are four very interesting characters. I'll tell you, for starters their bass payer is truly quite a character, he's worth as twice the number, we could as well say there are five of them. Their vintage instruments (the said bassist had a Fender Coronado that can't be found anywhere), vintage wear (the singer had an extremely huge tie, like a soap from Marseille), vintage scenery (millions of patterns from the sixties and seventies that crossed frantically at their backs) and also the music.. thinking it throughly it also could be labelled as vintage. Because, yes, let's say it clearly, OK Go hasn't invented anything new. Their riff is energic but a bit "rough", their music is essentially like the sixties like the Kinks, but a bit more modern like Everclear, their chorus sounds like the falsetto of the Beatles, their shamelessness akin to that of Austin Powers (speaking of which, the second guitarrist must be his cousin or something).
*AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Did he just compare Rusty to AUSTIN POWERS??? Let's set the record straight, in my book, NOBODY is allowed to make more fun of Rusty than I. ...that was funny though *
Alltogether, Ok Go is a more or less perfect mix of retro and modern hits. A bit of research about their album Oh No reveals this fortunate album was during a long time in the top 50 lists to later make it across into the top 20 lists... all thanks to a series of formidable ballets, the last of which, was performed in eight treadmills at the last VMA's.
*funny how he calls their dances "ballet" LOL*
Anyways, if not for their music, at least just out of curiosity, shouldn't a group like this arise some interest? Ok Go seems to be aware of the fact that they're living their moment of glory, and they're making a profit out of it. They aren't stage animals (even if their singer throws himself off the amplifiers), they aren't skilled performers (even if they try to reach out to the public); they don't have a vast repertoire (even if they have a former album called Ok Go a few years back),
*...sheesh, give me a break, I could just see this guy writting, "they're not good (even if they're awesome)" *
but they have lived on the road and their stage (show) is enough to leave you satisfied and almost convince you. In spite of a lack of stylistic variety, their execution of their songs is impeccable, their mix of voices is wisely done and they sometimes even use a tambourine in some songs, copying sixties rock; but, what's important is that the entertainment isn't missing. After 45 minutes of maximun overdrive they're ready for the grand finale. The stage clears and the quartet launches into the AMW ballet... if you haven't seen it yet on the past months you must have been living on the moon.
*like me at the time *
At the end, the 5% of the audience who came just to pass the time rush out of the circle, sweaty and doubtful, 15% are entertained but not exalted and the other 80% are satisfied.
*this is getting a bit long, so I'll just summarize. The important part of the review is above. Afterwards the reporter just mentions something about a band called Terrorvision from Keighley, England. I didn't fully understand but it seems to him that OK Go shares too many similarities with this band, except for what he calls "awful vintage patterns". He compares Terrorvision's album "Shaving Peaches" to Oh No.*
---------------------------------------------- Call me crazy but this is not such a "great" OK Go article. I wonder why this guy even titles the article "A Million Ways to be cool" if he's going to give such a bittersweet review afterwards
This might have been posted b4 but oh well.
I've read the text of that, because it was on the official site somewhere I think, but I've never seen the actual article, which adds so much! First of all the picture is new (to me) and secondly the additions from the editorial staff: "Damian knows that he is an attractive, intelligent young man, but he's warning you not to date him or others of his kind" and "Damian says 'I know you want me, but it's a bad idea.'"
Yep, it's hot off the presses. It says 19 Nov 2007, which is the current date in the UK.
I don't know if any of you have seen that before, but I just saw it for the first time. It's a good read, actually, although I'm kind of blushing at my newfound knowledge.
Damian: I think probably cunt. Just because it's actually still sort of offensive. Like, if you say cunt, under most circumstances, people still wince when you say cunt. Like, shit and fuck go straight past them and nobody pays attention, and sometimes, for more humorous effect, I really like douche bag, but you don't really offend anyone, you just make them laugh.
HAHAHAHA. I'm dead. This man kills me...and is completely right.
What word or sentence?
Yeah. That’s it. Feeling. Thank you. You got it.
haha I love Damian.
It's in a foreign language, but maybe someone can get it translated...
Some of the pictures i recently posted are in this article as well.
It's in a foreign language, but maybe someone can get it translated...
Some of the pictures i recently posted are in this article as well.
NOTE: I've tried to preserve the spirit of what is said rather than give a literal translation. The comments between asterisks are mine, I just couldn't leave them for the end, I got bored.
OK Go: A Million Ways to be Cool
Circle of Artists, Rome, 04-10-2006
Author: Francesco Sciarrone
Of all the people who came to the circle(set/stage) for the Ok Go concert, 5% came just to pass the time, 15% for curiosity and the remaining 80% for their ballet of A Million Ways. I was one of those in the 5%. I had expected them to be just the opening act to the Flamming Lips and all in all their live presentation wasn't bad at all. They sparkle, they know the exact point at which the audience is captivated, they wrap you around their show and let's be frank, they are four very interesting characters. I'll tell you, for starters their bass payer is truly quite a character, he's worth as twice the number, we could as well say there are five of them. Their vintage instruments (the said bassist had a Fender Coronado that can't be found anywhere), vintage wear (the singer had an extremely huge tie, like a soap from Marseille), vintage scenery (millions of patterns from the sixties and seventies that crossed frantically at their backs) and also the music.. thinking it throughly it also could be labelled as vintage. Because, yes, let's say it clearly, OK Go hasn't invented anything new. Their riff is energic but a bit "rough", their music is essentially like the sixties like the Kinks, but a bit more modern like Everclear, their chorus sounds like the falsetto of the Beatles, their shamelessness akin to that of Austin Powers (speaking of which, the second guitarrist must be his cousin or something).
Alltogether, Ok Go is a more or less perfect mix of retro and modern hits. A bit of research about their album Oh No reveals this fortunate album was during a long time in the top 50 lists to later make it across into the top 20 lists... all thanks to a series of formidable ballets, the last of which, was performed in eight treadmills at the last VMA's.
*funny how he calls their dances "ballet" LOL*
Anyways, if not for their music, at least just out of curiosity, shouldn't a group like this arise some interest? Ok Go seems to be aware of the fact that they're living their moment of glory, and they're making a profit out of it. They aren't stage animals (even if their singer throws himself off the amplifiers), they aren't skilled performers (even if they try to reach out to the public); they don't have a vast repertoire (even if they have a former album called Ok Go a few years back),
*...sheesh, give me a break, I could just see this guy writting, "they're not good (even if they're awesome)"
but they have lived on the road and their stage (show) is enough to leave you satisfied and almost convince you. In spite of a lack of stylistic variety, their execution of their songs is impeccable, their mix of voices is wisely done and they sometimes even use a tambourine in some songs, copying sixties rock; but, what's important is that the entertainment isn't missing. After 45 minutes of maximun overdrive they're ready for the grand finale. The stage clears and the quartet launches into the AMW ballet... if you haven't seen it yet on the past months you must have been living on the moon.
*like me at the time
At the end, the 5% of the audience who came just to pass the time rush out of the circle, sweaty and doubtful, 15% are entertained but not exalted and the other 80% are satisfied.
*this is getting a bit long, so I'll just summarize. The important part of the review is above. Afterwards the reporter just mentions something about a band called Terrorvision from Keighley, England. I didn't fully understand but it seems to him that OK Go shares too many similarities with this band, except for what he calls "awful vintage patterns". He compares Terrorvision's album "Shaving Peaches" to Oh No.*
Call me crazy but this is not such a "great" OK Go article. I wonder why this guy even titles the article "A Million Ways to be cool" if he's going to give such a bittersweet review afterwards
When Tim said they were donating money to cancer research, I felt so- uugh, I can't express how much I love this band.
Me and Tim are so much alike. Lol.
I wonder if Yukie could help us with that...