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    I'm sorry your friends are whinging but at least they haven't ditched you completely. Three of my friends decided not to come after they found out the Arctic Monkeys were playing on the same night. It's a rather bothersome situation because the arctics appeal to the same sort of crowd as okgo so i don't see more people buying tickets to ok go when they can see artics at an all ages show.
    Oh no Juniperberry! I'm in exactly the same situation as you, because the Kaiser Chiefs are playing the same night at an all ages gig too! It's so unfair that all of the bands that I'm into at the moment are playing that very weekend (because of Splendour) and I'm broke and have stupid uni. Gah!

    "We’re very excited to get to Austr-yaah" kids Damian "I want to lie on the beach until my fat ass gets nice and brown." When I suggest that it might in fact go red, he proceeds to explode in laughter. "Nah man, we're Americans, the only thing red here is our necks."

    i hope they know it's winter down under...

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Hey, are there any other Aussie boardies going to shows this week? I mean Juniperberry and I can't be the only ones...and I don't go on the JC either. Come on peoples, where are you?!!

    I feel like I should make them something, as a gift to give to them, but I'm just not that creative. Oh well, thy're just gonna have to make do with me screaming "OMG, TIM IS TEH COOLEST!"

    4 days! I'm shaking with excitement!
  • It's all Splendours fault!!! GAH!!

    I'm wondering where the aussie boardies are too... we need more excitement here!!!!

    I want to make them a gift too but i'm so busy this week. It's actually really silly to be going to two gigs on the weekend before assessment week... but it's OK GO so i guess it's all good. I better get in. I'm sacrificing my education just to see them, it's not gonna be very pretty if they try and keep me out!!

    5 days for meee!!!!
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Jul 29 2007, 01:24 AM)
    Oh no Juniperberry! I'm in exactly the same situation as you, because the Kaiser Chiefs are playing the same night at an all ages gig too! It's so unfair that all of the bands that I'm into at the moment are playing that very weekend (because of Splendour) and I'm broke and have stupid uni. Gah!
    i hope they know it's winter down under...

    I don't know if it will help, but here's my take on it. I definitely think OK Go is a better bet for that night because a) it's in a smaller, more intimate venue and cool.gif it's a headlining show. I, too, love Kaiser Chiefs. I've seen them headline and perform at a festival. While they always put on a kick-ass show, they don't get to play very long at festivals because of time restrictions, especially if they're not the last band for that night. So, it's a sad decision to make (like Sophies' Choice!), but you have definitely chosen quality over quantity.

    ETA: Grrr... code. That is not supposed to be an emoticon up there. It's supposed to denote my point B.
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Jul 29 2007, 04:24 AM)
    Hey, are there any other Aussie boardies going to shows this week? I mean Juniperberry and I can't be the only ones...

    Giggleguy is Australian too. And I bet there are a lot of lurkers.

    You're going to have an awesome time, guys- eee, so exciting! oo, and you could teach them Aussie slang- I bet they'd love that!
  • You have no idea how excited I am for everyone!
    I want to make them a gift too but i'm so busy this week. It's actually really silly to be going to two gigs on the weekend before assessment week... but it's OK GO so i guess it's all good. I better get in. I'm sacrificing my education just to see them, it's not gonna be very pretty if they try and keep me out!!

    But it'll be so damn worth it! Oh, my thoughts and prayers go out to you, I so hope you can get in! How strict are they usually about ID's anyway? And if you can't get in, do you have a back up plan? Haha. Like hang around the back and wait for them to come out? Or perhaps a *whispers* fake ID?

    I don't know if it will help, but here's my take on it. I definitely think OK Go is a better bet for that night because a) it's in a smaller, more intimate venue and it's a headlining show. I, too, love Kaiser Chiefs. I've seen them headline and perform at a festival. While they always put on a kick-ass show, they don't get to play very long at festivals because of time restrictions, especially if they're not the last band for that night. So, it's a sad decision to make (like Sophies' Choice!), but you have definitely chosen quality over quantity.
    Oh yes, don't get me wrong, I'm so excited about the show and am so not regretting buying my ticket (because hello? It's OK freakin' Go!) or anything like that, it's just that it's not often that any of my favourite bands come to Australia, much less somewhere as backwater as Brisbane blink.gif So missing out on them kinda sucks. I mean, they're on the same night?! What are the chances of that?! Haha.
    With that being said, I'll stop whining now.

    Giggleguy is Australian too. And I bet there are a lot of lurkers.

    You're going to have an awesome time, guys- eee, so exciting! oo, and you could teach them Aussie slang- I bet they'd love that!

    Come on peoples! Get in here!

    Oh, I would try but I'd probably be too embarassed to talk to them properly. It'd probably be like "PICTURE! SIGN THIS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! BYEEE!!!"

    In other news, the support band has been announced. They are a Perth based band (all good Aussie bands come from Perth, or at least a lot of them anyway) called The Dirty Secrets.
  • Ooo thanks everyone, for being excited for us!!!

    ok, my back up plan is a long winded and angry speech including many "f*ck you"s laugh.gif but I have a feeling that i'll just end up rocking back and forth in a little ball on the ground, weeping...

    i was just going to ask who the back up band was today but now we know! i'm going to check out their myspace. hope they're good!

    Come on peoples! Get in here!

    yes, please come and join in!!! it'll be so much more exciting!!!

    ahaha aussie slang, i don't even realise that some words are slang and then i wonder why people don't understand me laugh.gif
  • I'm Australian, but I'm only 15, thusly too young to go to any of the shows. I'm really fucking pissed off about this.

  • ^^ I am so sorry!! I know how it feels because i won't know until the night if i'll get in or not. I'm so tense!

    Why did they have to make it 18+?? It's so unfair, after all that time waiting, you'll still miss out!

    sad.gif I just wish i could be excited about this but i'm really really scared and worried
  • Calling all Australians!

    We have made some OK Go tour posters to promote their Australian tour and so far there have been no takers on this challenge on the juggling club. If you haven't checked out the flyer challenge there, do so now, because you get 200 points for each area that you post flyers in. If you are not part of the juggling club but would like to help support the tour, click on either of these links,.jpg flyer or .pdf flyer, to print the flyers. We really want your help with this tour as OK Go has never toured Australia before. Please post as many flyers as you can and we hope to see you at some of the shows!
    I'm Australian, but I'm only 15, thusly too young to go to any of the shows. I'm really fucking pissed off about this.
    What?! Noooo! Aww, I feel for you giggleguy sad.gif *hugs* That sucks, that really sucks.

    I just wish i could be excited about this but i'm really really scared and worried

    Power of positive thinking Juniperberry! Um, I wish I had something supportive to say, but I'm not too good with the words, so I'll just give you a hug too! smile.gif *hugs*

    Crap, now I feel super guilty for being so excited. Buuuut ...

    *small voice* two more sleepies to go! YAY!

    Hmmm... am off to the JC to see what this challenge is all about ...
  • oooh thanks!! *hugs right back at you!!*
    aww don't feel guilty!!! its not your fault just embrace it because you can biggrin.gif

    ok two sleeps now, not that i'll be sleeping. i haven't slept properly in the last week because of all this sillyness

    Hello people,

    It's me, Damian, in Australia. We're getting ready for a short little tour here, which is exciting because, like absolutely everyone, I'm super into marsupials, and it's a rare chance for a boy like me to watch the toilet flush backwards.

    That's from their MySpace bulletin. How exciting is that? I wonder which city they're in at this very moment... Anyways, I really don't get this fascination with marsupials. They're evil little blighters that run on your roof at obscenely early times in the day, waking you up! But, whatever.

    Eeeergh! 26 more hours!
  • hahahahaha they also sit outside your window breathing deeply when you're trying to sleep!

    How awesome is it that they're actually in the same country as us right now!!??
    I can almost feel them laugh.gif

    I'm having these crazy giant mood swings atm, one minute i'll be bouncing off the walls and the next i'm crying. argh!

    Ooo i should pop a few flyers up around school, the only problem is that most of the people there are under 18...
    OH BRAINWAVE! If i can collect a big enough army of fans then we can storm the forum without any need for fake IDs and emotional breakdowns!!!!!!

    I'm gonna print some flyers off right now!
  • Guys, let me tell you a story.
    OK Go played in MA a few times last year. And most of the shows were around the Com Ave area, where I live. However, all of the shows they played in the area were 21+.
    So yeah- I couldn't go. There they were, down the streeeeet from me, and I couldn't go. This happened over and over.
    So in Feb, I went to their first all-ages show that was reasonably close- all the way in RI, another state.
    And after I posted about the show, a girl who was 15 years old- 15!!!- posted about how this was like her seventh show of the year, as she'd gone to all the ones in MA.
    That kind of stunned me, and I realized I had missed very real opportunities to see them. And I regret that a lot.
    So my advice is, go, go, go! Borrow a cousin or older sibling's ID-- make one or buy one if you must! I don't even care that I'm advising you to do something illegal, because I really, really don't want you to miss the opportunity like I did.
    Play it cool, act natural and go guys, go!
  • ^^^ aww thanks!
    I'm trying to stay positive, i mean, if they don't believe me there's always bribing laugh.gif jk... i'll do my best

    omg LolaBert, you're going tonight!!!!! ohmy.gif
    Hope you have a blast!!!!
  • Best night of my life, ever!

    I'm going to wait to see if you get in Juniperberry! I so hope you do! *fingers crossed*

    But I have pictures!

    And a ridiculously long LJ entry!
  • OOooh it sounds brilliant!! sooo happy for you!!! i was hoping you'd get pics, just in case...

    It's tonight!!!! I wonder if the boys will wear jeans for genes day laugh.gif
  • ^^Oooh, that would be nice wouldn't it?

    How are you gonna sit through school today?! Haha, I have lectures that I really don't want to go to.

    I haven't slept in over 30 hours (!)
  • ^^^ haha i don't think i slept last night either! 30 hours!!! laugh.gif are you on some kind of OK Go high??

    Luckily i have a free first today, so i can get some coffee and fridays are always shorter biggrin.gif

    were there many people there last night?
    omg did you get to meet them?
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