In this Discussion

Paolo Nutini



  • ^^
    awwww, courtney, i missed u too!!

    u haven't met/seen jp sad.gif i've told him a lot about u though:D

    oh, and my first day was fine. stupid ppl messed up my schedule so i had to go to class like 30 minutes late. and then i threw my retainers away!!!! sad.gif sad.gif i had to dig through the trash to find it [i just got new ones cuz i broke/lost the other ones and if i didn't look for it my mom would have killed me] i didnt find it sad.gif sad.gif so yeah...

    i dont wanna go back tho. school feels different now.
  • First of all, who is JP?
    And why do you tell them about me?
    (Though I couldn't blame you, hehehe. wink.gif)

    And I hope tomorrow's better. Don't worry, I bet when you were gone, everyone was crying a pool of blood the color of deep and uncurable sorrow!
  • ^^
    jp...well, is julian paul casabanks, my imaginary friend and the sexiest man alive. you should check out the strokes thread wink.gif me and jb explained jp to porridge. im sure u'll love him.

    aww, and ur so sweet wub.gif wub.gif i think tomorrow will be better. happy.gif
  • Cool!


    Can I shake his hand? If he has one? And it's not covered in oil or something???

    OMG So creepy, I was looking at some JB (Jonas Brothers) videos and I watched this one about Joe and I was like, wow, this is a pretty good video. Then I looked at who made it...and it was a guy. And he is like obsessed with him. Creeeeepppy...
  • ^^
    haha, he sure does have a hand, a pretty sexy one too.
    no oil, me and jp are just "friends" hahaahahhahahah

    haha, those guys are creepy. there was this gay guy on this t.v. show that was obsessed with britney spears and he started dancing one of her songs - i was scared.
  • LOL
    Okay, I believe you...
    Sure you're "just friends..."

    Oh, but that isn't as gross as a DUDE liking Joe, who, if you didn't know, Vinnie, is also a dude. wink.gif OMG it scares me.
  • ^hahahahha

    ya Courtney, you're back! We missed you!

    I go back to school tomorrow. Boo! But it won't be that bad since it's my senior year. O ya!! hahah But I still hate school, it just might not be entirely horrible haha And tomorrow, we're not doing anything.

    O and check out JP. Vinnie and JB were explaining him to me and I'm not as confused. I think I'm starting to like JP! haha
  • ^^
    haha, awww

    yay for us seniors!! omg, we're so old sad.gif

    and u should come join us in the interpol thread *nudge* *nudge*
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Sep 5 2007, 01:01 PM)
    haha, awww

    yay for us seniors!! omg, we're so old sad.gif

    and u should come join us in the interpol thread *nudge* *nudge*

    hahahahah laugh.gif

    right on!
  • i had a fortune cookie the other day and it said
    "a distant romance could begin to look more promising"
    and my sister was like ooo maybe you'll marry paolo then - he's distant!
    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
  • ^^
    haha, awww

    are you going to that street scene thing ambie? I just got my paolo tickets biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif sexy.

    this thread is so dead. its sad. stupid school and its stupid self with all its stupid work.
  • Ugh now I feel bad becuase just the 2nd week of school and I already have a stupid 91 in stupid algerbra II with that stupid blonde teacher with the stupid last name, making me feel stupid.
  • school is stuupiiiddd

    but its getting better
  • I mean, why learn Chemstry or Algebra II or Calculus if you really don't need them? I mean, how many kids actually aspire to be chemists, and how many jobs actualy require Calculus? My mom doesn't even remember that, and she used to be an accountant.

    I know you need like, chemistry to become a doctor, but, I don't know. If you're certain you're not going down that path, why be forced to take it?

    And why exactly do they give you numerical grades? Why not just A, B, or C, etc? I mean, I'm feeling really bad right now seeing I have a 91. And why do they have to make it all competitive? don't you go to school to learn, not to compete over who's smarter or who wastes their time doing 5 hours of homework per night?

  • yeah i have chemistry homework tonight.

    and i have algebra II but im pretty good at that.

    i hate having 89's [i don't have any now though]
    but its really annoying. cuz your like 1 point away from an A but then people are like ohhh you have a B.
    big deal!

    haha ranting about school is fun.

    oh yeah our school gets to go off campus for lunch, but some stupid kids stole from walmart so we can't go there anymore, and they are gonna go to jail.

    blink.gif blink.gif
  • Ugh, I hate 89s too, and 69s, not that I've ever failed anything in my life.

    Whatever happened to those days whereI was the "smartest" kid in 5th grade but I got like B's and even a C in PE? And I didn't care.

    I'm pretty good at Algebra II too, but I rush on the HW which is why I have two really bad homework grades (well, like 86's and stuff) that make up the three homework grades that make up my 91.

    OMG, that is so bad. Why would anyone steal from Walmart?
  • lol yeah.

    i dunno.
    but my school is full of dumbasses, so there ya go.
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Sep 6 2007, 09:05 PM)
    are you going to that street scene thing ambie? I just got my paolo tickets biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif sexy.

    Sigh. I still don't know if i'm going.
    This makes me very sad.
  • ^^
    awwww sad.gif

    you have to go see paolo!! who knows when he'll come back!!

    sad.gif sad.gif
  • why wouldn't you see Paolo??
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