In this Discussion

Paolo Nutini



  • QUOTE (meliswilis @ Jul 9 2007, 08:30 PM)
    you guys are getting me hooked..i kept telling myself i wouldn't get sucked into the paolo crazyness. i think it all started when i came to this thread to post that picture.. look at me, i can't stop watching his live earth videos.. rolleyes.gif

    cool.gif ph34r.gif :They should have a Muahaha smiley.:
  • oh snap its smiley time..

  • vinnie i'm bored!!!
  • ^^^

    awwww, ambie!!! dont be

    oh, hey, do u wanna listen to this song, omg i LOVE IT!!
    its sexy!!!!!!!!


    im sooooo excited ahhhh i can barely type ambie!!!

    omg, r u getting the interpol cd tomorrow?!!? ahhhhhhhh U BETTER!!!

    ahah, wub.gif
  • man i'm really not appreciating this summer..
    i wanna go back to SD.
    first it was working a lot.. and now this math class is gonna be ridiculous, and i'll still be working..
    today my friend and i were working on homework, and after two hours we were barely finishing the first section! and the teacher is rather incompetent too..
    and i've barely done anything fun this whole summer..
    gah i'm so fed up.
    there are only a handful of friends from home that i would actually want to spend time with, but everyone is so busy or going on vacation or whatever.. and other people i'm just like uh i dont really want to see you..
    i miss some of my college buddies, living on my own, going about according to my own routine, oh and scott too.

    sorry i had to get that out, but i didn't want to put it in the complaints thread because i don't know if its worthy.. cuz its not like a super bad situation or anything, but i'm just fed up.
    again, i apologize.
  • oh snap i didn't realize you wrote stuff vinnie!

    i'd never heard that song before, but its so great!!!!!!

    and yeah i think i'm gonna get it on my way home from school tomorrow.. i'm debating getting it from best buy cuz i have a gift card, or target cuz you get three free itunes downloads, and i wanna download "no, no, no" from paolo.. so yeah.
  • ^^

    awww, ambie, u know i dont mind biggrin.gif

    my summer's been that way too
    i had some friends over and yeah, its been over a month and they're getting tired of us and us of them but they have some business in la so they have to stay for a couple more weeks.

    well, yeah i dont have any advice for u like always, but i can always listen and i hope u feel better. *hugs from angela, paolo, paul, and julian* biggrin.gif
  • aw thanks dear =]

    figure out what i want to listen to right now.. that'll be helpful..
    i'm having one of those moments when i don't know what i song to listen to, but i need to listen to a good powerful one you know?
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jul 10 2007, 04:01 AM)
    oh snap i didn't realize you wrote stuff vinnie!

    i'd never heard that song before, but its so great!!!!!!

    and yeah i think i'm gonna get it on my way home from school tomorrow.. i'm debating getting it from best buy cuz i have a gift card, or target cuz you get three free itunes downloads, and i wanna download "no, no, no" from paolo.. so yeah.

    haha, that song is great
    i think im at the brink of another obsession...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    umm, i think theres a better chance ull find it at best has shit cds...for realz
  • zomg vinnie i turned on the tv and it was on abc family and its that new show Greek or whatever
    and they played a clip of albert hammond jr's "in transit"
    and i was like aw i gotta tell vinnie!
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jul 10 2007, 04:04 AM)
    aw thanks dear =]

    figure out what i want to listen to right now.. that'll be helpful..
    i'm having one of those moments when i don't know what i song to listen to, but i need to listen to a good powerful one you know?

    haha, yeah, i know exactly what u mean...i usually end up watching some vid, ahah

    omg, i think im gonna break and listen to some of the new interpol songs


    i can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ima be at best buy at 6 in the morning, ahaha
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jul 10 2007, 04:06 AM)
    zomg vinnie i turned on the tv and it was on abc family and its that new show Greek or whatever
    and they played a clip of albert hammond jr's "in transit"
    and i was like aw i gotta tell vinnie!

    haha, other awesome internet friend (who told me about paolo biggrin.gif) just said the same thing


    wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

    that song always makes me soo happy that i start crying...its weird
  • awwwwww
    you rock vinnie cool.gif
  • ^^

    i know, right?? haha jk jk

    ur awesome too ambie

    omg, yesterday after i got on tatsu i threw up!!!
    ahhhh, it was sooooo gross. i couldnt stand or open my eyes or move at all cuz i was soo dizzy and just, ugh! i couldn't get on anymore rides and it was barely 7 sad.gif
  • oh no!!!!!!!!!

    thats sad, because i <3 tatsu.
    that ride is freakin amazing.. when i went on it, i was swearing like a sailor cuz i was like holy shit wtf is going on!?!? haha
    aw that reminds me.. one time when i was talking to scott online, i told him the same thing while we were talking about going to six flags, and he was like haha how cute i can so picture that.
    aw scott sad.gif i miss him.
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