2: Has anyone noticed the slight change in their attire? Like, less colors/patterns, more black and white?
First the haircut, now this. I may cry.
Becky, you wrote the greatest write-up!!! It felt like I was actually there with you, sooooo good I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
my favorite part is the way you two are around them/talk about them rach is married, and becky will be soon. i love it. i'm glad your hub's are so understanding!!! my guy friends get annoyed with the way i talk about them... however. well. whatever.
Adam knows that he's my number one, and that I love him more than anyone else. He does, however, occasionally roll his eyes at me. Which is absolutely deserved, although I'll roll my eyes back. But Katie, you guys saw us in the car when we were bonding over an inside joke. You know he's cool.
QUOTE (Electra @ Feb 4 2008, 02:28 PM)
Becky, you wrote the greatest write-up!!! It felt like I was actually there with you, sooooo good I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
You're welcome dear sister. The only thing that could've made that night better would have been your presence.
Adam knows that he's my number one, and that I love him more than anyone else. He does, however, occasionally roll his eyes at me. Which is absolutely deserved, although I'll roll my eyes back. But Katie, you guys saw us in the car when we were bonding over an inside joke. You know he's cool.
Oh, I know this too. It's very obvious I just love how he's just so chill about it, and you're right, I did see that and it was cute. Adam is a great guy!
Ang, I'm so glad I captured it too... I'm currently working on uploading The Fix Is In
aww becky!! the pictures are gorgeous! as usual and i think the picture of all of us is the best... stealing loads of your pics, love
Thank you Miss Katie. Steal away.
QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 3 2008, 10:49 PM)
yey! Thank you for the lovely pics, beckysioux!
I'm glad you liked them!
QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Feb 3 2008, 11:13 PM)
Wow. All of you took some of the best pictures I've ever seenof the boys! Becky, are your glasses fogging up in that picture with Andy?
I wish they were fogging up. My stupid lens was smudged If anyone has some really mad photoshop skillz and can fix that up, I'd love you forever.
QUOTE (ytel82 @ Feb 3 2008, 11:22 PM)
This is a FANTASTIC shot of Dan. I don't know what it is but I am simply in love with it!
Dan is the Man!
QUOTE (Beasle @ Feb 4 2008, 07:52 AM)
Becky...those pictures are PRICELESS. They turned out to cute!
Thank you Miss Angie. The one of you and Dan is utterly cute.
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Feb 4 2008, 10:41 AM)
Becky! I love your write-up! Delicious! And you look sooo happy!!! I love your smile! And your eyes are so bright! And yes, you and Tim do look like a happy couple! And your conversation with Andy- AAAAAA!!!! That is so wicked cool that you discussed Spanish grammar!!! And pants to boot!
I can't wait to hear the rest! Thx for sharing!
Thank you! It was the most fun talking with Andy. I still really can't believe we talked about correct Spanish grammar and pants. I was so close to calling him bliss in silver pants, but I didn't.
QUOTE (katieyellow @ Feb 4 2008, 01:15 PM)
my favorite part is the way you two are around them/talk about them rach is married, and becky will be soon. i love it. i'm glad your hub's are so understanding!!! my guy friends get annoyed with the way i talk about them... however. well. whatever.
I think Eric just tunes me out when I begin a sentence with OK or Andy. I'm really glad he's okay with my little crush on bliss.
QUOTE (Electra @ Feb 4 2008, 01:28 PM)
Becky, you wrote the greatest write-up!!! It felt like I was actually there with you, sooooo good I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
Thank you!
And Angie and Katie, I can't wait to get home so I can see the videos. I'm almost sorry I didn't take any, but then I wouldn't have taken as many pictures nor had as much fun dancing and bopping around. An OK Go concert is a workout!
Just seen the videos and the pictures of yesterday night, it looks like you all had a fun night? I wish I could have been there, hopefully the guys return soon, to Amsterdam, to grab some .. yea you know what
I really looking forward to hear the EP w/ Bonerama, those guys are pretty impressive.
Then Rachel nudged me to ask him THE question. Dorky me goes, “Oh yeah. Donde esta los pantalones de colour plata? Which is ‘Where are your silver pants’ in Spanish.” What was really cool, he said the English translation at the same time I did. First he asked me what silver was in Spanish. I said, “Plata. Though I had to ask a friend of mine because I didn’t know the actual word.” He looked kinda confused so I spelled it out P-L-A-T-A. Then I repeated the whole thing with much better diction and pronunciation. The first time I was very nervous spitting it out.
Then we got into a discussion on the correct use of pants.
Andy said, “Is it pantalone or pantalones? And if it’s pantalones, shouldn’t it be estan not esta and is it el or los?” This was a highly interesting conversation. Especially since the last time I really had any discussion about the language was in high school. It was interesting and fun.
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡AY MAMITA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Becky!!!! I loved your report!!!!!! Actually, the part I just quoted was the bestest best thing I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you went into such detail, you didn't miss ANYTHING!!!!! btw, OMfreakin'G... Andy KNOWS Spanish grammar!?!?!?! He totally caught the mistake in the sentence! Since "pantalones" is a plural, the correct question would have been, "¿Dónde están los pantalones de color plata?".
AND: MISSION COMPLETE! YOU GET LIKE AN A+++ I was secretly hoping he'd be shorter but nope, he still is Mr. Perfect in my book. ....aaaaghhh! how am I ever going to get over my silly crush? DAAAMMMNNNNN!!!
I'm so sorry Rocketship Park isn't going to win this one, I've been doing my part with the voting. oh well...
OMG! I wonder WHAT the DNLBATW contest will be! and howcome he said he didn't know how well it will go with us? ANYTHING will go with me A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G unless of course if he only opens the contest to people living within continental USA... in which case Yukie and I will be sending him hate mail for the rest of the year LOL...okay, I'm totally kidding, actually I would understand if he's biased towards his folk... I just want the contest to be over, the uncertainty is killing me! okay, okay, I'm taking a deep breath now... you see what you did to me Becky? Now you have me all excited!!!! ...but I digress, there has to be more than just seven people wanting that CD...edit: I just reread and counted the number of people expressing their desire for a DNLBATW copy at the SDR page...it IS exactly SEVEN ...hey, this totally means Andy reads EVERY comment people make at his page! ...oh my god, this is so embarrassing, there are a few posts which I totally wish I hadn't posted
Thanks again. Rosa
P:S: OH I ALMOST FORGOT! Thank you girls for the wonderful pics and videos too! It's just Becky's report got me all blushed and distracted
Saturday afternoon I picked Katie, Angie, and Becky up at the airport, and we went back to my parents' house for a little while. We all got dolled up, piled in the car, and went down to DC. We got to the club about 6:30 (doors were at 8). Amy was already there, holding a spot in line for us behind about 6 other people or so. It was cold, but not *so* bad. Amy and Adam took a walk over to U street though, so that they could get tea for Amy and honey mustard for Adam's chicken from McDonald's (they forgot to give it to him, and that's a funny story in and of itself). So Becky, Angie, Katie and I stood around and waited. Mike Kent came out of the club on his cell phone and we waved, but we didn't pester him. Bonerama pulled up in their van while we waited too, but I didn't know them so I didn't bother them. My friend Casey came down from Philly and waited with us as well.
A few minutes before Doors, someone came up to the line and announced that anyone with VIP tickets had to wait in a separate line, so Becky and I went to that other line. We got inside and were sent upstairs right away to check in and get our VIP pass (a sticker that said OK Go VIP on it). Then we ran back down to get as close to the stage as possible. We couldn't get right up against it, but we were front and center with only one person in front of us there. Becky, though, decided to run over to Amy who was standing in Andyland right up against the stage with Adam. So Angie, Katie, Casey and I stayed in Damian's Domain (hee hee). There were these horrid girls who kept pushing into us, but we stood our ground.
Bonerama came out and completely rocked out. They were insane. I ESPECIALLY love their cover of The Ocean (Led Zeppelin song) - Mark Mullins does Robert Plant's melody on Trombone through a distortion box so it sounds like a guitar and it's unbelievable. Craig Klein (he's the one in the Tiger suit in the pictures) and Mark Mullins switch off on actual vocals sometimes, and Craig got us to respond whenever he said "What time is it?" with "It's Carnival Time!" And then they covered Black Sabbath's "War Pigs". There are NO words. It was awesome. Adam said that he saw Damian totally Rocking Out on the balcony by the dressing room during this song. I missed it, sadly.
So we waited, and waited, and then finally OK Go came out on stage, opening with "You're So Damn Hot". It was fantastic, and so high energy! I kept snapping pictures, but I'm sorry to say that most of them didn't come out all that great. You've already seen Becky's setlist, so you know what was played. But I'd like to iterate how awesome it was seeing Damian perform with Bonerama. Oh Man. A Million Ways was just unbelievable, and the smile that was on his face is practically etched in my memory. And he was just so smooth with the way he danced around during that song especially. I am so looking forward to getting the EP. I am going to play it until it can't be played anymore!
YAY!!! How did the rest of the pics with guys come out? I'm sure the one with Tim is as cute if not cuter than mine. That boy cannot take a bad picture.
That is sooo true! Im so jealous that you guys got to talk to them all. Speacially Tim. He has a brother? Is he as fine and sexy as Tim is?
youtube seriously hates my life... maybe i'll get the fix is in up someday... but probably not today there is lots of goodness of ALL of them in it mostly andy. you can hear his guitar best
YAY!!! How did the rest of the pics with guys come out? I'm sure the one with Tim is as cute if not cuter than mine. That boy cannot take a bad picture.
Is it just me, or does he sing "schizo and scared" the second time around? dskfhalshdgajdlfgdgjfdghj I love that version so much better than "selfish and scared" mostly cause I heard it first, I think, but I also really think it's a better line. Even if it's less politically correct and all. but either way, that's amazing. I'm soo incredibly jealous that you got to see Bye Bye Baby live, and The Fix Is In too oh, and take your time uploading to youtube, even if it doesn't work at all, don't worry- the clips I've seen so far are more than enough
okay, Ok Go + sexy horns = WIN
I can't wait for this EP
(But I can't help but thinking they should have done What To Do with the horn part, because that version more or less makes my life.)
and Bonerama seems really cool/awesome.
anddddd: ahhhh Becky and Rachel!! your pictures are seriously adorable! all of them! and your conversations with the boys
Third and final installment? This should have been the first installment, but I wanted to gush about Andy first and foremost. So here we go:
I woke up on Friday morning about 6am CST. I had to take a shower, finish last minute packing and then hit the road to my mom’s house so she could drive me to Midway. Got to the airport about 9:30 and waited for my plane. Was crossing my fingers the entire ride in that the weather would cooperate and let me leave on time. Of course that wasn’t to be. The weather was nice, but there was a mix-up with the planes. We had to switch gates and then the new plane that was arriving was late. We finally got to board around 10:45. Flight was “supposed” to depart at 10:35. Then we had to wait on the runway to let the wings get de-iced.
I was semi-nervous as I hadn’t been on a plane in about 7 years. Many things have changed since I was on a plane, so it was a little odd to adjust to. But I had a stupid grin on my face once we started gaining speed. I got a nice window seat so I could see everything. Lift-off is so much fun. However, some of the turbulence we hit wasn’t the most fun. It took about an hour to get to Baltimore, even though the itinerary said it’d take 2. Still, we managed to make it there a little before the estimated arrival time even though we left late.
Once I left the gate I got a little nervous. But then I passed the security check-point and saw the three lovely ladies, Rachel, Angie and Katie. So great to see familiar faces in an unfamiliar place. We hugged and then got a move on. We talked and talked and talked. We even sang a little bit, to Rent. We decompressed for a bit by watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Then it was high time to get ready for the show. I felt a little underdressed as the girls wore very pretty tops and high heels. I wore my red robot shirt and very comfy shoes. Hair and make-up got did and we were on our way. This time with Adam at shotgun.
Did I mention that the sun was shining? See, here in Chicago we haven’t seen the sun since I think December. It’s just a tad depressing, not to mention freakin’ cold and snowy. So, when I saw the sun, my spirits lifted even higher.
Anyway, we drove to the 9:30 Club chit-chatting about this and that. Then we heard from Amy who was waiting for us in line. Thank goodness she was there! She was in a great spot in line which got us great spots for the show. We were there about an hour and a half before showtime, so again, we killed time talkin’. We even got to see Bonerama walk into the club and hear some of the soundcheck-i-ness happening in the club. Then the separated us into the GA and the VIP lines. Rachel and I were a little confused as to where our special seating was. It was in the balcony, which of course was of no good if you wanna get close to the stage. We got our little VIP stickers and hustled back downstairs. Angie and Katie were in the second “row” in between Damian’s Domain and Andy-Land. Amy and Adam were in Andy-Land which is where I ended up. Amy and I ended up being front “row”. I didn’t realize it immediately, but the foot pedals and keyboard right in front of me were Andy’s. While waiting for the show to start Amy, Adam and I talked about OK Go of course and other music we liked and other awesome concerts. It was really nice to get to know the both of them. Then the lights went down and it was time for Bonerama.
Since I don’t really know their music and I couldn’t see a set list, I have no bloody clue what songs they played. I know the two covers they did, but that’s about it. Either way, they fucking rule!! Each and every one of their songs rocked. I loved, loved, loved it when they played the Zeppelin cover, The Ocean. Everyone was rockin’ to it. Every now and again Damian, Tim, Dan and Andy would go out onto this little balcony to watch the show from above. Damian thoroughly enjoyed their set. I think Tim was out there the most, but I was a little too enthralled with Bonerama to really keep track of who was up there. Though it was nice when Adam told me Andy was up there. They also did a cover of Black Sabbath’s War Pigs. So awesome. Though it was funny that a good portion of the audience didn’t get it. [Later when Rachel and I got to meet the guy from Bonerama, we talked about the covers. He said that he didn’t think some of kids would get Black Sabbath, but they went with it anyway. I told him they did an excellent job on both of them and that it’s worth it for the three people who are so into it while the rest of the audience goes ‘huh’. He said that it was because the ‘huh’ people see the people who get it and then it spreads and then everyone’s into it.]
After their set it was time for OK Go. They didn’t really have to move much stuff to set up, but Dan was on stage fixing the drum kit to his specifications. This is the best time to take pics of him because his face isn’t always hidden behind the kit. One of the roadies moved Andy’s keyboard and foot pedals just slightly. They were still in my reach, but I abstained this time. Oh, the mic he uses with the keyboard has this label on it that says Do Not Disassemble. I immediately took a pic of it because it reminded me of Johnny 5 from Short Circuit, “No disassemble number five!”. Then Amy, Adam and I talked some more.
Lights down. Boys attack stage. Girls scream. Music!
I was so excited they opened with YSDH and encored with Bye Bye Baby, two songs I had never heard live. They rocked the house.
And when it was Damian and Bonerama, be still my heart. It was so good. I mean, you could feel it in your bones it was so awesome. And since it was just Damian on stage for the first 3 or 4 songs of that set, Dan was waiting in the wings watching the drummer from Bonerama kick major ass and Andy and Tim went back to the balcony, at least for parts. I really didn’t know the Bowie song, but I was totally singing along with It’s a Disaster, A Million Ways and A Good Idea at the Time. I know that I wasn’t the only singing one zero zero zero zero zero zero cruel. The horns sounded so great as background “vocals”. I think I lost it for most of Disaster and Good Idea. Then both Bonerama and OK Go were onstage for the last song. Oh my goodness this was the best. The smile on Damian’s face was priceless. All of the guys from both bands were just grinning from ear to ear. You could tell that they were having the most fun. And it infected the entire audience.
Then it was just OK Go again with one of my fav songs, Invincible. Rock, rock, rock. Being in Andy-Land was really sweet as I always got to watch Andy sing about 5 feet from me. Not to mention be his multi-talented self playing tambourine, keyboard, guitar and vocals at almost the same time. There is one question I would have liked to ask him, but didn’t, I wonder if he gets bruises from the tambourine. I have, they’re not pretty. Heh, tangent. Then they of course played HIGA. I think I was one of the few people who didn’t start jumping and screaming. I just really dislike it when an audience is all loud and boisterous over one song. Yes, it’s the one that kinda really got them out there, but come on, they have so many other brilliant songs. Pick up a CD and take a listen.
Then it was encore time, meaning light up jackets. I will never get tired of those. Probably because it sounds just like I’m at a casino and the boys are there with me. Hmmm, winning money and brilliant music, good combo. They jumped into Bye Bye Baby and rocked it. I loved loved loved it when Damian sang schizo and scared instead of selfish and scared. Now if only they’d sing It’s Tough to Have a Crush When the Boy Doesn’t Feel the Same Way You Do, then I’d be in heaven. And they ended the night with DWYW. I may have hurt my neck in the process of my bopping around, but it was worth it.
And then bam, light’s up and Rachel and I are on our way to the balcony to wait for the meet & greet.
Both Bonerama and OK Go put on a fucking brilliant show. Everything I went through to get to this show was worth it. Not to mention it was so nice being with people who love the band as much as I do.
Edit: I totally forgot this. At the end of the show Andy threw his pic to me. And I caught it. With one hand. It now resides with my other lucky tokens.
AAHH! This has me up and dancing, myself. Damn! He does like to dance, I knew it! Thanks, Angie! Damian looks more 1960s than ever, with the narrow-cut suit and short(ish) hair. Maybe he really does want to be Sam Cooke.
I'm glad they were so happy. They've found a way to like their own songs again.
The show sounded soooo amazing! I wish I could have gone! I want to see Bonerama. I want to see Damian dancing. I want to see the LED jackets. I want Dan hugs. I want to see Mike Kent again. I miss them all so much! /complaining
Sorry, I just had to let that all out. Anyway, your pictures are beautiful Becky! I love how you and Andy talked about Spanish grammar. He's such a nerd. Katie and Angie, thanks so much for taking fantastic videos! It's almost like I was there.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Feb 4 2008, 05:08 AM)
I think Becky actually asked Andy about it at the Meet and Greet and he said that they were all wearing white shirts now.
I think we need to start a petition against this.
QUOTE (beckysioux @ Feb 4 2008, 08:11 AM)
Rachel asked about Rocketship Park. I think Andy said they were like a million points behind the front-runner.
Becky!!!! I loved your report!!!!!! Actually, the part I just quoted was the bestest best thing I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you went into such detail, you didn't miss ANYTHING!!!!! btw, OMfreakin'G... Andy KNOWS Spanish grammar!?!?!?! He totally caught the mistake in the sentence! Since "pantalones" is a plural, the correct question would have been, "¿Dónde están los pantalones de color plata?".
I knew it was supposed to be están, but I was just so nervous, it came out wrong. Ah well, it made for a more interesting conversation.
AND: MISSION COMPLETE! YOU GET LIKE AN A+++ I was secretly hoping he'd be shorter but nope, he still is Mr. Perfect in my book. ....aaaaghhh! how am I ever going to get over my silly crush? DAAAMMMNNNNN!!!
Yes, I did it! And that was a great little back and forth convo there, too.
OMG! I wonder WHAT the DNLBATW contest will be! and howcome he said he didn't know how well it will go with us? ANYTHING will go with me A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G unless of course if he only opens the contest to people living within continental USA... in which case Yukie and I will be sending him hate mail for the rest of the year LOL...okay, I'm totally kidding, actually I would understand if he's biased towards his folk... I just want the contest to be over, the uncertainty is killing me! okay, okay, I'm taking a deep breath now... you see what you did to me Becky? Now you have me all excited!!!! ...but I digress, there has to be more than just seven people wanting that CD...edit: I just reread and counted the number of people expressing their desire for a DNLBATW copy at the SDR page...it IS exactly SEVEN ...hey, this totally means Andy reads EVERY comment people make at his page! ...oh my god, this is so embarrassing, there are a few posts which I totally wish I hadn't posted
*jaw drops* He reads the comments? Had I known that, I would have told him that I was the Cubs fan that posted. Ah well. But still, he reads the comments. I must remember that so I don't sound too dorky the next time I make a comment. *squee*
QUOTE ( @ Feb 5 2008, 01:53 AM)
Anyway, your pictures are beautiful Becky! I love how you and Andy talked about Spanish grammar. He's such a nerd.
Thank you! I wish my pics with the guys were better, stupid dirty lens.
And I will probably say this over and over again: I can't believe I had a conversation with Andy. Like, we were conversing with each other. With words. That made sense. And he was interested in talking with me. And we like made eye contact and everything.
QUOTE (ezorvera)
I think we need to start a petition against this.
Actually, Damian looked pretty damn good in his white shirt. So did Andy. Then again, when hasn't Andy looked scrumptious?
First the haircut, now this. I may cry.
Becky, you wrote the greatest write-up!!! It felt like I was actually there with you, sooooo good
I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
Adam knows that he's my number one, and that I love him more than anyone else. He does, however, occasionally roll his eyes at me. Which is absolutely deserved, although I'll roll my eyes back. But Katie, you guys saw us in the car when we were bonding over an inside joke. You know he's cool.
I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
You're welcome dear sister. The only thing that could've made that night better would have been your presence.
Oh, I know this too. It's very obvious
Ang, I'm so glad I captured it too...
The dancing almost redeems him. Almost.
Thank you Miss Katie. Steal away.
I'm glad you liked them!
I wish they were fogging up. My stupid lens was smudged
Dan is the Man!
Thank you Miss Angie. The one of you and Dan is utterly cute.
And you look sooo happy!!! I love your smile! And your eyes are so bright!
And yes, you and Tim do look like a happy couple!
And your conversation with Andy- AAAAAA!!!! That is so wicked cool that you discussed Spanish grammar!!! And pants to boot!
I can't wait to hear the rest! Thx for sharing!
Thank you! It was the most fun talking with Andy. I still really can't believe we talked about correct Spanish grammar and pants. I was so close to calling him bliss in silver pants, but I didn't.
I think Eric just tunes me out when I begin a sentence with OK or Andy. I'm really glad he's okay with my little crush on bliss.
I'm utterly jealous of you all, especially as it sounds like the most amazing event (thanks for the text, though, Rachel!). I'm so glad you had such a fantastic time.
Thank you!
And Angie and Katie, I can't wait to get home so I can see the videos. I'm almost sorry I didn't take any, but then I wouldn't have taken as many pictures nor had as much fun dancing and bopping around. An OK Go concert is a workout!
Just seen the videos and the pictures of yesterday night, it looks like you all had a fun night?
I wish I could have been there, hopefully the guys return soon, to Amsterdam, to grab some .. yea you know what
I really looking forward to hear the EP w/ Bonerama, those guys are pretty impressive.
Roll on the release!
Then we got into a discussion on the correct use of pants.
Andy said, “Is it pantalone or pantalones? And if it’s pantalones, shouldn’t it be estan not esta and is it el or los?” This was a highly interesting conversation. Especially since the last time I really had any discussion about the language was in high school. It was interesting and fun.
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡AY MAMITA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Becky!!!! I loved your report!!!!!! Actually, the part I just quoted was the bestest best thing I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you went into such detail, you didn't miss ANYTHING!!!!!
btw, OMfreakin'G... Andy KNOWS Spanish grammar!?!?!?! He totally caught the mistake in the sentence!
AND: MISSION COMPLETE! YOU GET LIKE AN A+++ I was secretly hoping he'd be shorter but nope, he still is Mr. Perfect in my book.
I'm so sorry Rocketship Park isn't going to win this one, I've been doing my part with the voting. oh well...
OMG! I wonder WHAT the DNLBATW contest will be! and howcome he said he didn't know how well it will go with us? ANYTHING will go with me A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G unless of course if he only opens the contest to people living within continental USA... in which case Yukie and I will be sending him hate mail for the rest of the year LOL...okay, I'm totally kidding, actually I would understand if he's biased towards his folk... I just want the contest to be over, the uncertainty is killing me! okay, okay, I'm taking a deep breath now... you see what you did to me Becky? Now you have me all excited!!!!
Thanks again.
P:S: OH I ALMOST FORGOT! Thank you girls for the wonderful pics and videos too! It's just Becky's report got me all blushed and distracted
Saturday afternoon I picked Katie, Angie, and Becky up at the airport, and we went back to my parents' house for a little while. We all got dolled up, piled in the car, and went down to DC. We got to the club about 6:30 (doors were at 8). Amy was already there, holding a spot in line for us behind about 6 other people or so. It was cold, but not *so* bad. Amy and Adam took a walk over to U street though, so that they could get tea for Amy and honey mustard for Adam's chicken from McDonald's (they forgot to give it to him, and that's a funny story in and of itself). So Becky, Angie, Katie and I stood around and waited. Mike Kent came out of the club on his cell phone and we waved, but we didn't pester him. Bonerama pulled up in their van while we waited too, but I didn't know them so I didn't bother them. My friend Casey came down from Philly and waited with us as well.
A few minutes before Doors, someone came up to the line and announced that anyone with VIP tickets had to wait in a separate line, so Becky and I went to that other line. We got inside and were sent upstairs right away to check in and get our VIP pass (a sticker that said OK Go VIP on it). Then we ran back down to get as close to the stage as possible. We couldn't get right up against it, but we were front and center with only one person in front of us there. Becky, though, decided to run over to Amy who was standing in Andyland right up against the stage with Adam. So Angie, Katie, Casey and I stayed in Damian's Domain (hee hee). There were these horrid girls who kept pushing into us, but we stood our ground.
Bonerama came out and completely rocked out. They were insane. I ESPECIALLY love their cover of The Ocean (Led Zeppelin song) - Mark Mullins does Robert Plant's melody on Trombone through a distortion box so it sounds like a guitar and it's unbelievable. Craig Klein (he's the one in the Tiger suit in the pictures) and Mark Mullins switch off on actual vocals sometimes, and Craig got us to respond whenever he said "What time is it?" with "It's Carnival Time!" And then they covered Black Sabbath's "War Pigs". There are NO words. It was awesome. Adam said that he saw Damian totally Rocking Out on the balcony by the dressing room during this song. I missed it, sadly.
So we waited, and waited, and then finally OK Go came out on stage, opening with "You're So Damn Hot". It was fantastic, and so high energy! I kept snapping pictures, but I'm sorry to say that most of them didn't come out all that great. You've already seen Becky's setlist, so you know what was played. But I'd like to iterate how awesome it was seeing Damian perform with Bonerama. Oh Man. A Million Ways was just unbelievable, and the smile that was on his face is practically etched in my memory. And he was just so smooth with the way he danced around during that song especially. I am so looking forward to getting the EP. I am going to play it until it can't be played anymore!
That is sooo true! Im so jealous that you guys got to talk to them all. Speacially Tim. He has a brother? Is he as fine and sexy as Tim is?
bye bye babaaaaayyyyyyyyy
Is it just me, or does he sing "schizo and scared" the second time around?
dskfhalshdgajdlfgdgjfdghj I love that version so much better than "selfish and scared"
mostly cause I heard it first, I think, but I also really think it's a better line. Even if it's less politically correct and all.
but either way, that's amazing. I'm soo incredibly jealous that you got to see Bye Bye Baby live, and The Fix Is In too
oh, and take your time uploading to youtube, even if it doesn't work at all, don't worry- the clips I've seen so far are more than enough
okay, Ok Go + sexy horns = WIN
I can't wait for this EP
(But I can't help but thinking they should have done What To Do with the horn part, because that version more or less makes my life.)
and Bonerama seems really cool/awesome.
ahhhh Becky and Rachel!! your pictures are seriously adorable! all of them!
and your conversations with the boys
sjhasghdf ahkgsfashdgfajdfgajldgf jealousyjealousyjealousy
I can't wait to hear more!!
I woke up on Friday morning about 6am CST. I had to take a shower, finish last minute packing and then hit the road to my mom’s house so she could drive me to Midway. Got to the airport about 9:30 and waited for my plane. Was crossing my fingers the entire ride in that the weather would cooperate and let me leave on time. Of course that wasn’t to be. The weather was nice, but there was a mix-up with the planes. We had to switch gates and then the new plane that was arriving was late. We finally got to board around 10:45. Flight was “supposed” to depart at 10:35. Then we had to wait on the runway to let the wings get de-iced.
I was semi-nervous as I hadn’t been on a plane in about 7 years. Many things have changed since I was on a plane, so it was a little odd to adjust to. But I had a stupid grin on my face once we started gaining speed. I got a nice window seat so I could see everything. Lift-off is so much fun. However, some of the turbulence we hit wasn’t the most fun. It took about an hour to get to Baltimore, even though the itinerary said it’d take 2. Still, we managed to make it there a little before the estimated arrival time even though we left late.
Once I left the gate I got a little nervous. But then I passed the security check-point and saw the three lovely ladies, Rachel, Angie and Katie. So great to see familiar faces in an unfamiliar place. We hugged and then got a move on. We talked and talked and talked. We even sang a little bit, to Rent. We decompressed for a bit by watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Then it was high time to get ready for the show. I felt a little underdressed as the girls wore very pretty tops and high heels. I wore my red robot shirt and very comfy shoes. Hair and make-up got did and we were on our way. This time with Adam at shotgun.
Did I mention that the sun was shining? See, here in Chicago we haven’t seen the sun since I think December. It’s just a tad depressing, not to mention freakin’ cold and snowy. So, when I saw the sun, my spirits lifted even higher.
Anyway, we drove to the 9:30 Club chit-chatting about this and that. Then we heard from Amy who was waiting for us in line. Thank goodness she was there! She was in a great spot in line which got us great spots for the show. We were there about an hour and a half before showtime, so again, we killed time talkin’. We even got to see Bonerama walk into the club and hear some of the soundcheck-i-ness happening in the club. Then the separated us into the GA and the VIP lines. Rachel and I were a little confused as to where our special seating was. It was in the balcony, which of course was of no good if you wanna get close to the stage. We got our little VIP stickers and hustled back downstairs. Angie and Katie were in the second “row” in between Damian’s Domain and Andy-Land. Amy and Adam were in Andy-Land which is where I ended up. Amy and I ended up being front “row”. I didn’t realize it immediately, but the foot pedals and keyboard right in front of me were Andy’s. While waiting for the show to start Amy, Adam and I talked about OK Go of course and other music we liked and other awesome concerts. It was really nice to get to know the both of them. Then the lights went down and it was time for Bonerama.
Since I don’t really know their music and I couldn’t see a set list, I have no bloody clue what songs they played. I know the two covers they did, but that’s about it. Either way, they fucking rule!! Each and every one of their songs rocked. I loved, loved, loved it when they played the Zeppelin cover, The Ocean. Everyone was rockin’ to it. Every now and again Damian, Tim, Dan and Andy would go out onto this little balcony to watch the show from above. Damian thoroughly enjoyed their set. I think Tim was out there the most, but I was a little too enthralled with Bonerama to really keep track of who was up there. Though it was nice when Adam told me Andy was up there. They also did a cover of Black Sabbath’s War Pigs. So awesome. Though it was funny that a good portion of the audience didn’t get it. [Later when Rachel and I got to meet the guy from Bonerama, we talked about the covers. He said that he didn’t think some of kids would get Black Sabbath, but they went with it anyway. I told him they did an excellent job on both of them and that it’s worth it for the three people who are so into it while the rest of the audience goes ‘huh’. He said that it was because the ‘huh’ people see the people who get it and then it spreads and then everyone’s into it.]
After their set it was time for OK Go. They didn’t really have to move much stuff to set up, but Dan was on stage fixing the drum kit to his specifications. This is the best time to take pics of him because his face isn’t always hidden behind the kit. One of the roadies moved Andy’s keyboard and foot pedals just slightly. They were still in my reach, but I abstained this time. Oh, the mic he uses with the keyboard has this label on it that says Do Not Disassemble. I immediately took a pic of it because it reminded me of Johnny 5 from Short Circuit, “No disassemble number five!”.
Then Amy, Adam and I talked some more.
Lights down. Boys attack stage. Girls scream. Music!
I was so excited they opened with YSDH and encored with Bye Bye Baby, two songs I had never heard live. They rocked the house.
And when it was Damian and Bonerama, be still my heart. It was so good. I mean, you could feel it in your bones it was so awesome. And since it was just Damian on stage for the first 3 or 4 songs of that set, Dan was waiting in the wings watching the drummer from Bonerama kick major ass and Andy and Tim went back to the balcony, at least for parts. I really didn’t know the Bowie song, but I was totally singing along with It’s a Disaster, A Million Ways and A Good Idea at the Time. I know that I wasn’t the only singing one zero zero zero zero zero zero cruel. The horns sounded so great as background “vocals”. I think I lost it for most of Disaster and Good Idea. Then both Bonerama and OK Go were onstage for the last song. Oh my goodness this was the best. The smile on Damian’s face was priceless. All of the guys from both bands were just grinning from ear to ear. You could tell that they were having the most fun. And it infected the entire audience.
Then it was just OK Go again with one of my fav songs, Invincible. Rock, rock, rock. Being in Andy-Land was really sweet as I always got to watch Andy sing about 5 feet from me. Not to mention be his multi-talented self playing tambourine, keyboard, guitar and vocals at almost the same time. There is one question I would have liked to ask him, but didn’t, I wonder if he gets bruises from the tambourine. I have, they’re not pretty. Heh, tangent. Then they of course played HIGA. I think I was one of the few people who didn’t start jumping and screaming. I just really dislike it when an audience is all loud and boisterous over one song. Yes, it’s the one that kinda really got them out there, but come on, they have so many other brilliant songs. Pick up a CD and take a listen.
Then it was encore time, meaning light up jackets. I will never get tired of those. Probably because it sounds just like I’m at a casino and the boys are there with me. Hmmm, winning money and brilliant music, good combo. They jumped into Bye Bye Baby and rocked it. I loved loved loved it when Damian sang schizo and scared instead of selfish and scared. Now if only they’d sing It’s Tough to Have a Crush When the Boy Doesn’t Feel the Same Way You Do, then I’d be in heaven. And they ended the night with DWYW. I may have hurt my neck in the process of my bopping around, but it was worth it.
And then bam, light’s up and Rachel and I are on our way to the balcony to wait for the meet & greet.
Both Bonerama and OK Go put on a fucking brilliant show. Everything I went through to get to this show was worth it. Not to mention it was so nice being with people who love the band as much as I do.
I totally forgot this. At the end of the show Andy threw his pic to me. And I caught it. With one hand. It now resides with my other lucky tokens.
I think they're all smiling in this one.
I got all of them!!! I can never do that. One of the few drawbacks to Andy-Land.
The guy in the tiger get-up had some very nice abs.
AAHH! This has me up and dancing, myself. Damn! He does like to dance, I knew it! Thanks, Angie! Damian looks more 1960s than ever, with the narrow-cut suit and short(ish) hair. Maybe he really does want to be Sam Cooke.
I'm glad they were so happy. They've found a way to like their own songs again.
Sorry, I just had to let that all out. Anyway, your pictures are beautiful Becky! I love how you and Andy talked about Spanish grammar. He's such a nerd. Katie and Angie, thanks so much for taking fantastic videos! It's almost like I was there.
I think we need to start a petition against this.
But I've been voting everyday! They have to win!
p.s yes. that IS andy's guitar that you can only hear
Becky!!!! I loved your report!!!!!! Actually, the part I just quoted was the bestest best thing I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you went into such detail, you didn't miss ANYTHING!!!!!
btw, OMfreakin'G... Andy KNOWS Spanish grammar!?!?!?! He totally caught the mistake in the sentence!
I knew it was supposed to be están, but I was just so nervous, it came out wrong. Ah well, it made for a more interesting conversation.
Yes, I did it! And that was a great little back and forth convo there, too.
*jaw drops* He reads the comments? Had I known that, I would have told him that I was the Cubs fan that posted. Ah well. But still, he reads the comments. I must remember that so I don't sound too dorky the next time I make a comment. *squee*
Thank you! I wish my pics with the guys were better, stupid dirty lens.
And I will probably say this over and over again: I can't believe I had a conversation with Andy. Like, we were conversing with each other. With words. That made sense. And he was interested in talking with me. And we like made eye contact and everything.
Actually, Damian looked pretty damn good in his white shirt. So did Andy. Then again, when hasn't Andy looked scrumptious?
p.s yes. that IS andy's guitar that you can only hear
Everything about Andy in this video is sensational
And the very end...Damian...GOOD GOD.