Arlington, as in Arlington, VA? If so, I can tick another state off my map. Sure, we were only there for a while, but we were THERE.
We got home around 2:30? Wow, that was a long night. And I was trying so hard to stay awake on the ride home to keep you company. Alas, all the energy expended that night and getting up oh so early that morning weren't conducive to me being awake.
Great write-up!!
Ha, yes, Arlington, VA. Everything on the other side of the Potomac is VA (that part of town was originally supposed to be DC, but that VA renegged on the deal during the creation of the District). And yes, 2:30. You all were very cute trying to stay awake, too. It was a long day for all of us. When "Let it Rain" came up on the iPod and I was blasting it (to stay awake) one of you girls said "YAY!" in this half-asleep, groggy kind of way. We're all so obsessed that we even cheer for OK Go in our sleep.
Stacey we did have an amazing time, and I agree - those boys need to collaborate and tour together some more!
And Katie, I think the word you're looking for is repartee. I don't see how your story would be painful though. :hugs:
Ha, yes, Arlington, VA. Everything on the other side of the Potomac is VA (that part of town was originally supposed to be DC, but that VA renegged on the deal during the creation of the District). And yes, 2:30. You all were very cute trying to stay awake, too. It was a long day for all of us. When "Let it Rain" came up on the iPod and I was blasting it (to stay awake) one of you girls said "YAY!" in this half-asleep, groggy kind of way. We're all so obsessed that we even cheer for OK Go in our sleep.
The last song with Bonerama was Here Come the Girls, I think(?). Here are some lyrics that I found that I think is the song they sang. Do any of Camp DJRose remember it?
Also, Katie, what's yer lj? Want to add. I'm beckysioux, kinda unoriginal, I know.
The last song with Bonerama was Here Come the Girls, I think(?). Here are some lyrics that I found that I think is the song they sang. Do any of Camp DJRose remember it?
That is correct - that's the song they sang. I'd LOVE for them to record that!
of course i'm grimacing in the picture... one guess as to why?! look at the hideous girl between me and angie... this HAS to be during MY song which SHE ruined. stupid bitch.
Okay I just FINALLY got to watch the videos and oh holy moly!! Those are fantastic!! Everyone was having so much fun!! Craig in his silly tiger outfit. He wore that on Mardi Gras day as well. I was at that gig Damian talked about, the first time he played with Bonerama back last May. That was an amazing amazing night. I didn't realize however that until all of this came together that they had never played together, even for a rehearsal. I mean I know the Bone boys came directly from the airport...but I would have thought maybe sometime before. I should know better....
I am soooo glad that Damian and the rest of the guys are doing this for NOLA. It means so so SO much! I am so happy to see that people do really care about us here!! So THANK YOU to all of you for buying the EP. I have a few friends that take part in the Sweet Home organization, it is helping them get back on their feet, so again THANK YOU!!!
alright guys... i just realized i took FOUR videos of the show, and i have only uploaded three... so, shortly i will have my video of "It's A Disaster" up... it's only a minute long b/c the drunk bitch was behind me for this one too, bumping into me. but it's still cool
We got home around 2:30? Wow, that was a long night. And I was trying so hard to stay awake on the ride home to keep you company. Alas, all the energy expended that night and getting up oh so early that morning weren't conducive to me being awake.
Great write-up!!
Ha, yes, Arlington, VA. Everything on the other side of the Potomac is VA (that part of town was originally supposed to be DC, but that VA renegged on the deal during the creation of the District). And yes, 2:30. You all were very cute trying to stay awake, too. It was a long day for all of us. When "Let it Rain" came up on the iPod and I was blasting it (to stay awake) one of you girls said "YAY!" in this half-asleep, groggy kind of way. We're all so obsessed that we even cheer for OK Go in our sleep.
Stacey we did have an amazing time, and I agree - those boys need to collaborate and tour together some more!
And Katie, I think the word you're looking for is repartee. I don't see how your story would be painful though. :hugs:
I *think* that was me.
Yep. I'm retarded.
Also, Katie, what's yer lj? Want to add. I'm beckysioux, kinda unoriginal, I know.
That is correct - that's the song they sang. I'd LOVE for them to record that!
and on lj, I'm mayercoltonfan
I haven't written it yet, but after my exam I will
edit: I'm working on putting all my shots up from Sat. on my webshots,, I'll link you all when I'm done!
So far, that's it. I'll put up some from older shows, too
Hahaha. You are too awesome Rachel.
Dan is such a sweetheart! He's definitely one of the nicest guys I know.
I know. I was shaking when I took it... heeeeeeeee
K, I'm sorry I didn't call you, but as you know, the lack of acoustic was not really in our favor since my phone sounds like crap if it's not quieter
I can't help it, guys, I see a camera I look into it.
We're actually in LOADS of them, Angie, especially you and I. Look through the stream.
I can't help it, guys, I see a camera I look into it.
Of course I'd be staring right at bliss.
These pictures are freaking amazing. I wish my camera could do what this person's can.
Becky when Rachel showed me these pictures, you were the first one I noticed because of the huge grin as you gazed at Bliss himself.
*blushes a deeper shade of red* I swear, my face just gives everything away.
I am soooo glad that Damian and the rest of the guys are doing this for NOLA. It means so so SO much! I am so happy to see that people do really care about us here!!
Yep, I had to get one for myself.