- Today, you proved to me that you are indeed as awesome as I think you are. When I came back from being sick, you made me feel so missed and welcome back. And today, you made me feel as if I've finally learned to be my real self around people at school. And I hope you enjoyed my string cheese.
- did you ever think that smiling is better than trying to look so cool? sometimes you try to hard to look cool, and it makes me sick.
- you guys're only going to be gone for five days, and of that only three school days, but- I'm going to miss you all SO MUCH. I really regret not coming on this trip now, even if it means five days w/ our awful Orchestra/Chorale teacher. Seriously, though, I can't wait for you guys to come back and brighten my school day a bit.
- sometimes you're supernice and act like we're best friends, and then sometimes you act all weird like you're not sure if we're friends at all. It confuses me- but I WANT to be friends. SO badly. Please?
-you're a great teacher, but seeing you actually get really angry is something I NEVER want to experience again. That was freaking scary today.
Ahh I know, isn't it awful?? I ended up running to the train station where he'd just said he was 'going to jump' only to find him talking to some girl from college. I'd been so scared for him... wanker. Sorry you had to deal with that crap too *hugs*
Aww *hugs back* This guy sent me messages supposedly from his mum telling me how he'd done himself in. And then I saw him at school the next day. Some people are complete morons
- You're so mean! It is completely unfair to put us all on levels because YOU didn't secure the door properly. Pshh! We want our bloody common room back and we want you to stay out of our affairs. Heaven forbid, the cleaner didn't want to clean! Not. my. problem.
uuhhhh first date! aren't you as excited as I am?! I have such a good feeling about us!
Aww! Yay! Make sure he has a pair of silver pants in his closet...
Hi, yeah. Okay. We've known each other since Freshman year, and you've always had a girlfriend. now you don't. And whenever you come around my area at work, I get a little excited. Especially when you sit down to talk to me for awhile. So, how about you just ask me out? K. Thanks.
-i wish you'd notice me like you used to, like when we would make eye contact in the hallway for what seemed like a long time as you were standing there.
-im so glad you came today!! it made my day 209% better
- I'm so, so sorry I had to leave before I could say goodbye to you all! (there were no parking spaces so my mom was flipping out, haha) But I already miss you and I can't wait until next time
- Why did you say you changed it when now I see you haven't done a bit? I kept coming to you, showing you what I did, that I did everything right and now I'm left in my uni- free time worrying about my grade just because you forgot or just did not care enough to pay attention, god, that's stupid and mean and I hate the fact I gotta be nice when I tell you about your mistake that I did tell you about TWICE before...
- I hate how you get all the attention at school, I am just as good at art as you are. Two years ago when you came they just left me in the dirt and only pay attention to your artwork. I hate how your painting took the place of mine up in the hallway, when there are tons of other places in the hall to hang yours. I wish everyone would stop being biased toward asians at school, and pay attention to the other hard workers. I worked extremely hard on that painting and it hurt my feelings very much to see my painting put in an off to the side spot where no one will see it. I know your not trying to do all of this, its just what other people are doing. I wish I could tell you this in real life.
- you guys're only going to be gone for five days, and of that only three school days, but- I'm going to miss you all SO MUCH. I really regret not coming on this trip now, even if it means five days w/ our awful Orchestra/Chorale teacher. Seriously, though, I can't wait for you guys to come back and brighten my school day a bit.
- sometimes you're supernice and act like we're best friends, and then sometimes you act all weird like you're not sure if we're friends at all. It confuses me- but I WANT to be friends. SO badly. Please?
-you're a great teacher, but seeing you actually get really angry is something I NEVER want to experience again. That was freaking scary today.
Aww *hugs back* This guy sent me messages supposedly from his mum telling me how he'd done himself in. And then I saw him at school the next day.
Some people are complete morons
- You're so mean! It is completely unfair to put us all on levels because YOU didn't secure the door properly. Pshh! We want our bloody common room back and we want you to stay out of our affairs. Heaven forbid, the cleaner didn't want to clean! Not. my. problem.
Aww! Yay! Make sure he has a pair of silver pants in his closet...
Hi, yeah. Okay. We've known each other since Freshman year, and you've always had a girlfriend. now you don't. And whenever you come around my area at work, I get a little excited. Especially when you sit down to talk to me for awhile. So, how about you just ask me out? K. Thanks.
All I have to do is think about you to brighten my day.
-im so glad you came today!! it made my day 209% better
-dark and mysterious much?
-please stop following me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-your dedication scares me
-Im not as inspired as you
- why won't you do what i want!!! (<-- that ones directed at my hair
-maybe next week it will be even better
- Why did you say you changed it when now I see you haven't done a bit? I kept coming to you, showing you what I did, that I did everything right and now I'm left in my uni- free time worrying about my grade just because you forgot or just did not care enough to pay attention, god, that's stupid and mean and I hate the fact I gotta be nice when I tell you about your mistake that I did tell you about TWICE before...
- Stop being a player.
- Go suck your big toe.
- Thanks for trying to make me feel better.