I wish I was someplace else. Anywhere, as long as it wasn't in almost 100 degree heat and humid as its ever been.
Boston without a/c is no fun.
I know!!!!! I've taken seven freezing showers today. The weather guy just said it hasn't been like this since 1955 and that it's cooler in Florida than it is here.
Seriously. I opened the door to let my cat out yesterday, and it was just a fucking wall of heat and humidity. I didn't even step outside, that's how opressive it was.
It's cuz theyre on MTV alot....and god forbid those little posers watching anything else...... wait...did my last sentence make sense?....Well you know what i mean... Wannabe-kewl Kids ♥ MTV Music = Popular Vote...darn them Thats life...
I maintain that the only reason they're popular is because they all look like they're 15, so all the 12 year olds are like, "OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCUUUUUTE!"
They're catchy and have a few good tunes....but that's about it....definitely not worthy of the hype....
I maintain that the only reason they're popular is because they all look like they're 15, so all the 12 year olds are like, "OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCUUUUUTE!"
that may because they're all 18 / 19... haha... i like panic!
Yeah.....lol...I <3 gaia.....but I get mad...because alot of people are turning gaia into a big huge mass of spam.....oh well.... and if i couldnt get enough kiwis.....my gaia account is Didi_Kiwi....lol
I was talking about the Boards to my friend on the phone yesterday, and I must have mentioned your screenname, 'cause he was like, "Is DidKiwi small and furry and brown like a kiwi??" I was like, "you're silly."
Yep yep. Thaaaaaaanks!!!! I was talking about the Boards to my friend on the phone yesterday, and I must have mentioned your screenname, 'cause he was like, "Is DidKiwi small and furry and brown like a kiwi??" I was like, "you're silly."
im sry but i just dont like panic at the disco. they have absolutely nothing to do with disco which bothers me... and they dont seem very origional to me. no offence to anyone who might like them... ew..
will do
I wish I was someplace else. Anywhere, as long as it wasn't in almost 100 degree heat and humid as its ever been.
Boston without a/c is no fun.
I wish I was someplace else. Anywhere, as long as it wasn't in almost 100 degree heat and humid as its ever been.
Boston without a/c is no fun.
I know!!!!! I've taken seven freezing showers today. The weather guy just said it hasn't been like this since 1955 and that it's cooler in Florida than it is here.
Damn you, global warming.
I was not disappointed.
Panda Delilah.
Damn! That's what I want to name MY child! I guess I'll just have to go with Princess Umbrella.
I wish I was someplace else. Anywhere, as long as it wasn't in almost 100 degree heat and humid as its ever been.
Boston without a/c is no fun.
Ah. That someplace would be what some of us like to call, "The Southern Hemisphere".
It be's nice and cold in Australia right now. <3<3<3 I love the cold.
It's cuz theyre on MTV alot....and god forbid those little posers watching anything else......
wait...did my last sentence make sense?....Well you know what i mean...
Wannabe-kewl Kids ♥ MTV Music = Popular Vote...darn them
Thats life...
They're catchy and have a few good tunes....but that's about it....definitely not worthy of the hype....
that may because they're all 18 / 19... haha...
i like panic!
Oh...you needed a .gif animator?......umm..I guess I could help somehow...i dont know what you wanna do though.....
i like panic!
Haha, I knew they were all really young, so....yeah....
They're not terrible. I'm just not terribly fond of them, and I feel like there's too much hype around them. But to each his/her own, I guess.
I need to animate a banner thinger. Like, I have the individual "pages" of the banner, they just need to be stuck together in order.
Um. That made little or no sense.
....We made M&M's pizza today. It was freaking awesome.
Capitan Jack Sparrow colored M&M's.
You have a gaia account?
You have a gaia account?
Yeah.....lol...I <3 gaia.....but I get mad...because alot of people are turning gaia into a big huge mass of spam.....oh well....
and if i couldnt get enough kiwis.....my gaia account is Didi_Kiwi....lol
oh and jedi...did you get the pm?
Yep yep.
I was talking about the Boards to my friend on the phone yesterday, and I must have mentioned your screenname, 'cause he was like, "Is DidKiwi small and furry and brown like a kiwi??" I was like, "you're silly."
Um. That's my mildly interesting story.
I was talking about the Boards to my friend on the phone yesterday, and I must have mentioned your screenname, 'cause he was like, "Is DidKiwi small and furry and brown like a kiwi??" I was like, "you're silly."
Um. That's my mildly interesting story.
they have absolutely nothing to do with disco which bothers me...
and they dont seem very origional to me.
no offence to anyone who might like them...