I forgot to mention - I had decided not to yell "Run's House" during Oh Lately, especially after reading interview after interview where Damian talked about how sick he was of his own music. But Angie, Katie, and I just said Run's House to each other for our own amusement, and Damian TOTALLY smiled at us. I was amazed that he even heard us. Becky even noticed that he was smiling at us.
I should state for the record that I do not do well with High Heels, and masochistic moron that I am, decided that THIS should be the night to make myself wear them. They were these gorgeous ankle boots though, and I felt hella sexay. Also, I did not eat much nor drink before the concert because I did not want to have to "hold it" in order to keep my spot up front. But I danced my behind off(partially because it's easier to deal with the damn heels when you're moving and not standing still), and got very hot and tired. By the end of the show, I was FEELING IT. I was dehydrated, exhausted, and just plain not doing well. Which we all know is even MORE hella sexay. So I had gotten to this point where I decided that I would wait it out through the LED Jackets so that I could see them up close for the first time, and then go to VIP and drink/eat. But then those jerks came out and played Bye Bye Baby, and I couldn't very well miss that, now could I? So I stood through that, and then I figured ah well, it's only DWYW now and I may as well stick it out, esp. since that one is an absolute favorite of mine. But then I was a mess getting up the stairs to VIP. Not one of my smarter moments, just so you ladies all know. Becky, goddess in blue jeans, got me up the stairs, got us both some water, and helped me get my "look" back together. We munched on the veggie tray and hummus a bit, and then the guys came out to see us.
The balcony is kind of tiered, and we were on a lower level from the guys so they had to come down the steps to see us. Dan spotted me right away from the top of those steps, gave me a huge 1,000,000 watt smile and said "Hey! Did you have a good time?" I told him oh yes I had, and then Damian came over to me and said "Hello, nice to see you again. How are you?" He clearly remembered me. The details are a little blurry, to be honest. But he said they'd been writing some great new stuff and I told him we couldn't wait to hear it. He said "Neither can we" and then this Heinous Woman (who I'd been nice to earlier when she was looking for the VIP line) came over and interrupted our conversation, taking him away.
But then Tim came over and it was okay. I asked Tim what his Hebrew name was, and he said he didn't have one. His brother and sister have one but not him. I asked if he was the youngest, and he said yeah. So then I started to try to come up with a good Hebrew name for him, but every single bit of knowledge had completely gone from my mind, so all I could come up with was "Well, my hebrew name is Chaya, you could be Chaim" (which I now realize is totally lame-o and maybe a little creepy on my part). But he laughed. It was sometime around this point that I gave Tim the scroll from Angie and Katie. He was very impressed, and I had to help him unroll it so he could read it. Then he nudged Andy to show him, and he too was impressed. I think I told them that the three girls had flown in for the show and were all staying with me at my Mom's in Baltimore.
Andy and I did discuss Serious Business Records for a bit. We talked about The Two Man Gentlemen Band and Rocketship Park, mainly (which is fine because they're my two favorites). And like Becky said in her write up, he said he's got a few SDR songs recorded, and he said they would be smash hits. I agreed, they most definitely would be (I mean, if they're half as good as DNLBATW, they'll be smash hits).
Dan came over and gave me a hug, and I gave him the Donkey Pez from Becky, and he laughed and said "How did you know?" We (ie, Becky, Dan, Andy and I) got started talking about the NYC show Monday night and I commented how much I would love to go, seeing as Stella and Nina Persson would be there too. Dandy (I don't remember which, sorry) asked me why I couldn't, and I explained that I had Choir practice. Dan said "Choir Practice? Come On. Listen - La La La LAAAAH La La La (Arpeggiated Major Chord, in case you're wondering what notes). Now you know everything. Come to the concert." I will never forget that (although the memory of that moment made actually attending rehearsal last night very difficult). So I explained that I was already going to miss too much rehearsal to go to London next month. Andy asked what I was going to London for, so I told him about Liz and how I'd stayed with her to see them in London last year (on this very weekend, in fact, which they remembered). But then Andy said "yeah, but are you going to any shows?" so I said yes, I'm going to see The Hoosiers, the Lightyears, and Cass Lowe. He hadn't heard of any of them (understandably). So my eyes got really wide and I told him that he absolutely NEEDED to check out The Hoosiers and Cass Lowe - especially Cass because I just know Andy would like him. It was at this point that Mike Kent came over and told the guys they had to go over to the other side of the balcony. I apologized for hogging them, and they said "Oh it's no problem. Come on over to the other side with us." Mike Kent agreed and so we went over to the other side.
We met Mark Mullins of Bonerama there, and I told him that I am now a fan of Bonerama, which he was glad of. Becky covered this pretty well, honestly. We talked about Stacey0821 being here on the OK Go boards, and how we're excited for the EP and the Letterman appearance.
The rest of the time on this side of the balcony was pretty much taken up by waiting to get back to each of the guys so that they could sign Becky's purse and take pictures with us. My continued conversation with Damian happened thusly:
Becky (taking a picture with Damian): Don't Slouch! Stand up straight. Damian: Oh okay. (Stands up straight). Rachel: Can I have a picture too? Damian: Sure. Rachel (moving into picture position): You can slouch for me. Damian: Well it's really not slouching so much as crouching down (he did his thing where he spreads his feet far apart to make him shorter, and well, you can see the picture).
And then it basically degraded into me getting wide-eyed and ridiculous over Barack Obama speaking near my apartment the next day, and Michelle Obama speaking at the Opera House two doors down on Thursday. Hee hee, then Damian asked me where I live. He then said I should go and enjoy, and vote. He's definitely an Obama supporter (he also said so during the concert, I should add, however obliquely). That only makes me adore him more, honestly. I'm so glad that my favorite musicians are supporting the movement to make this country a better place (Dar Williams, my favorite singer-songwriter, is also doing a fund-raiser for Obama).
If you ever meet Becky, ask her to do her impression of what I look like talking to Damian, because it's pretty dead on. Gah. Someday I must manage to pull myself together. I'm completely fine with Andy, Dan, and Tim, but I just can't get it together where he is concerned. But I got a hug out of the deal (I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've actually gotten a hug from Damian), so I'm not complaining.
This is probably a good place to stop for a minute.
Oh wow, thank you so much for Part 2 of that night... Sounds amazing and I don't know why you always say you cannot talk around the guys (this goes to loads of boardies here) when I read reports and then compre them to my staring and nodding and smiling it's whoa....
Dan's choir practise sounds hilarious!!!! (and now I understand your post on Love List thread)
I forgot to mention - I had decided not to yell "Run's House" during Oh Lately, especially after reading interview after interview where Damian talked about how sick he was of his own music. But Angie, Katie, and I just said Run's House to each other for our own amusement, and Damian TOTALLY smiled at us. I was amazed that he even heard us. Becky even noticed that he was smiling at us.
He was looking right at you guys with the biggest smile!
Dan came over and gave me a hug, and I gave him the Donkey Pez from Becky, and he laughed and said "How did you know?"
I totally didn't hear that part. I'm so glad I got them the donkeys!!
We (ie, Becky, Dan, Andy and I) got started talking about the NYC show Monday night and I commented how much I would love to go, seeing as Stella and Nina Persson would be there too. Dandy (I don't remember which, sorry) asked me why I couldn't, and I explained that I had Choir practice. Dan said "Choir Practice? Come On. Listen - La La La LAAAAH La La La (Arpeggiated Major Chord, in case you're wondering what notes). Now you know everything. Come to the concert." I will never forget that (although the memory of that moment made actually attending rehearsal last night very difficult).
That was the most amazing thing evar!! I Dan!
The rest of the time on this side of the balcony was pretty much taken up by waiting to get back to each of the guys so that they could sign Becky's purse and take pictures with us. My continued conversation with Damian happened thusly:
Becky (taking a picture with Damian): Don't Slouch! Stand up straight. Damian: Oh okay. (Stands up straight). Rachel: Can I have a picture too? Damian: Sure. Rachel (moving into picture position): You can slouch for me. Damian: Well it's really not slouching so much as crouching down (he did his thing where he spreads his feet far apart to make him shorter, and well, you can see the picture).
And then it basically degraded into me getting wide-eyed and ridiculous over Barack Obama speaking near my apartment the next day, and Michelle Obama speaking at the Opera House two doors down on Thursday. Hee hee, then Damian asked me where I live. He then said I should go and enjoy, and vote. He's definitely an Obama supporter (he also said so during the concert, I should add, however obliquely). That only makes me adore him more, honestly. I'm so glad that my favorite musicians are supporting the movement to make this country a better place (Dar Williams, my favorite singer-songwriter, is also doing a fund-raiser for Obama).
If you ever meet Becky, ask her to do her impression of what I look like talking to Damian, because it's pretty dead on. Gah. Someday I must manage to pull myself together. I'm completely fine with Andy, Dan, and Tim, but I just can't get it together where he is concerned. But I got a hug out of the deal (I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've actually gotten a hug from Damian), so I'm not complaining.
This is probably a good place to stop for a minute.
Aw man, I was that assertive?! Seriously. I'm so glad you got a hug from Damian!!! And your wide-eyed innocence in talking with Damian is the cutest thing ever.
Great write-up Rachel. There were a few things I either didn't know about or completely forgot about. Like they say, two heads really are better than one!
Then we waited to speak with Dan. Rachel took a pic with him and then we started talking. I asked him whereabouts he was from in IL. He’s from Elmhurst, which is about 25 minutes west of Chicago, though it takes longer in bad weather. Dan is such an awesome guy to talk to. And I was really surprised he let me punch him.
That is awesome Becky! Sounds like you had a great conversation with Dan. I grew up with him in Elmhurst and it's nice to hear that he's the same ol' great Dan. Lucky you Tell him Elmhurst is proud of him and we all say hi if you are lucky enough to see them in concert again!
Oh man. I just noticed that there are Question Marks around Oh No.
Now, Damian, I understand getting sick of songs, but please please please do not take Oh Lately It's So Quiet off the setlist. At least play it if I'm there. And if you're sick of me yelling Run's House, that's OK I'll stop, just keep playing the song! Pretty Pretty Please?!
Dan said "Choir Practice? Come On. Listen - La La La LAAAAH La La La (Arpeggiated Major Chord, in case you're wondering what notes). Now you know everything. Come to the concert."
I love Dan! I totally understood when I saw you post it in the love list thread.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Feb 5 2008, 02:19 PM)
Oh man. I just noticed that there are Question Marks around Oh No.
There should never be question marks by Oh No! Maybe they were considering playing it with Bonerama?
It was funny. When they were all up on the balcony, I saw Damian and Andy standing next to each other and I was like 'ha. twins' and tim and dan didn't really abide by those standards... dan was wearing a pretty powder blue shirt, and tim was pretty fecking stylish. as usual.
Darn, wrong quote showed up, I was responding to the comment of only white shirts, sorry.
I know a lot of us are disappointed in the return to basic clothing, but I guess I can relate. They've worn those clothes for the last two years they've been touring, they were probably ready to burn some of those outfits. I know that's how I felt about my maternity clothes and I only had to wear them for 6-7 months.
they are definitely looking very Beatlesque lately...at least that's what the white shirts, dark suits, and haircuts remind me of, not a bad thing really.
Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures, they are wonderful. I'm so glad you had fun. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you;)
What great pics!!! What great recaps!! I haven't watched the videos yet. But I will!!! It sounds like an amazing amazing time. I know that the guys of Bonerama had the BEST time. Mark said that the crowd was so much fun. So yeah, ya'll must have rocked it. I hope that there is a chance that the two will do something together again because the shows are some of the best shows!!!
We waited another minute or two to talk with Dan and get his picture. He was so incredibly sweet. We talked about Chicago (like Becky said) and he showed us his iPhone (also like Becky said). He kept telling me I needed to get one. I asked him if I could tell Adam that he said I should have one, and he said Sure! Dan was in a particularly good mood that night, I think. In response to his iPhone, I pulled out my iPod and showed him a picture of him and I (the one in the sig) and a picture of my dog sleeping in my guitar case, which he thought was pretty cute. Hugs were given all around, and we said goodnight and went downstairs.
Now, I thought that Angie, Katie, and Amy would all be outside waiting for the boys, or back at the car, and I also thought they'd have my coat since I'd given it to them to keep under the stage in front of Amy. I was in an amazingly good mood myself at this point, and I was no longer feeling my sore feet or the cold outside (even though I was wearing a sleeveless top). So I bounded out of the 9:30 Club like a child dizzy on lemonade smiling and jumping around. A group of girls who had been in line to get in before us were still waiting for the guys to come out of the club, and they noticed my VIP sticker and said "VIP! Are the guys still in there? Did you meet them?" And so Becky and I told them how nice the guys were and how Andy had his SDR project - which they didn't know about, so I told them to check the UFC where they'd find all the links they needed. I am fairly certain that I was still talking a mile a minute, so who knows if they understood me. Remember, I'm standing in 30-someodd degree weather in a tank top, no coat.
We headed back over to the car to find Adam resting in it, but no girls, and no coat. I pulled out my cell phone and discovered a txt from Katie saying that they were in the bar downstairs, so I called them. My plan was that I'd change back into my flats and then meet them in the bar, but the girls came back to the car before I could get there, still without my coat. So we went back to the club. I told the bouncer that I'd left my coat with my friends and thought they had it, but they didn't so I needed to come in and get my coat. They had already pulled it and put it in their ticket office, but while they retrieved it, Amy and I came inside for the moment. Dan was standing in the lobby chatting with Bonerama's Sousaphone player, when he noticed Amy and recognized her. He asked her if she'd had a good time and why she hadn't been upstairs. She told him that she didn't get to upgrade her ticket before the VIPs sold out. And then we pointed out Angie and Katie standing outside the club and asked him if he'd be willing to come say hi to them too. He did (because he's a great big sweetheart), and then was shortly thereafter mobbed by the girls who'd stopped me without my coat earlier.
We headed back to the car and met up with Bonerama's drummer on the way. He was so sweet as well, and we talked to him about some upcoming show dates they were doing, and how the website is Bonerama.NET not .com, because, well, for obvious reasons.
Then we all piled back into my car, this time with Amy in the backseat as well, for a brief sightseeing tour of DC before we drove Amy back to her place in Arlington. There was one really spectactular view that we got from 395 heading back into DC where you could see the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, and the (I think) Capitol Building all at once. Beautiful. All lit up. I'll have to take a picture of it next time I visit Amy, provided of course that I'm not the one driving, ! The girls and Adam all conked out on the ride home, and we got back to my mom's place around 2:30.
We waited another minute or two to talk with Dan and get his picture. He was so incredibly sweet. We talked about Chicago (like Becky said) and he showed us his iPhone (also like Becky said). He kept telling me I needed to get one. I asked him if I could tell Adam that he said I should have one, and he said Sure! Dan was in a particularly good mood that night, I think. In response to his iPhone, I pulled out my iPod and showed him a picture of him and I (the one in the sig) and a picture of my dog sleeping in my guitar case, which he thought was pretty cute. Hugs were given all around, and we said goodnight and went downstairs.
I ♥ Dan!
QUOTE (DJRose @ Feb 6 2008, 10:10 AM)
Then we all piled back into my car, this time with Amy in the backseat as well, for a brief sightseeing tour of DC before we drove Amy back to her place in Arlington. There was one really spectactular view that we got from 395 heading back into DC where you could see the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, and the (I think) Capitol Building all at once. Beautiful. All lit up. I'll have to take a picture of it next time I visit Amy, provided of course that I'm not the one driving, ! The girls and Adam all conked out on the ride home, and we got back to my mom's place around 2:30.
Arlington, as in Arlington, VA? If so, I can tick another state off my map. Sure, we were only there for a while, but we were THERE.
We got home around 2:30? Wow, that was a long night. And I was trying so hard to stay awake on the ride home to keep you company. Alas, all the energy expended that night and getting up oh so early that morning weren't conducive to me being awake.
I'll also be writing my own version of the show, but I will save you all the pain and agony and only post it on my LJ... so if you love my witty repitoire (sp??!) you can friend me and read it, haha.
Stacey, if I'm not mistaken, you're the big Bonerama fan? Well, I'm completely amazed and can't wait to make my collection of great music bigger w/ all their stuff. I was completely blown away. Make sure you watch the vids!!!
p.s yes. that IS andy's guitar that you can only hear
So good!
I knew the one of you and Tim would come out super-cute. And aww, the one with Damian, just aww.
And the very end...Damian...GOOD GOD.
dittooooooooooooooo, thanks for posting the vid Katie
I wish I were a yellow guitar
Is it just me or OK Go is beginning to look like the Beatles of old... specially Damian's haircut looks a lot like this:
I wish I were a yellow guitar
Is it just me or OK Go is beginning to look like the Beatles of old... specially Damian's haircut looks a lot like this:
You read my mind.
I think this is the shot I showed Rachel and said that they reminded me of the Fab Four.
I forgot to mention - I had decided not to yell "Run's House" during Oh Lately, especially after reading interview after interview where Damian talked about how sick he was of his own music. But Angie, Katie, and I just said Run's House to each other for our own amusement, and Damian TOTALLY smiled at us. I was amazed that he even heard us. Becky even noticed that he was smiling at us.
I should state for the record that I do not do well with High Heels, and masochistic moron that I am, decided that THIS should be the night to make myself wear them. They were these gorgeous ankle boots though, and I felt hella sexay. Also, I did not eat much nor drink before the concert because I did not want to have to "hold it" in order to keep my spot up front. But I danced my behind off(partially because it's easier to deal with the damn heels when you're moving and not standing still), and got very hot and tired. By the end of the show, I was FEELING IT. I was dehydrated, exhausted, and just plain not doing well. Which we all know is even MORE hella sexay.
The balcony is kind of tiered, and we were on a lower level from the guys so they had to come down the steps to see us. Dan spotted me right away from the top of those steps, gave me a huge 1,000,000 watt smile and said "Hey! Did you have a good time?" I told him oh yes I had, and then Damian came over to me and said "Hello, nice to see you again. How are you?" He clearly remembered me. The details are a little blurry, to be honest. But he said they'd been writing some great new stuff and I told him we couldn't wait to hear it. He said "Neither can we" and then this Heinous Woman (who I'd been nice to earlier when she was looking for the VIP line) came over and interrupted our conversation, taking him away.
But then Tim came over and it was okay. I asked Tim what his Hebrew name was, and he said he didn't have one. His brother and sister have one but not him. I asked if he was the youngest, and he said yeah. So then I started to try to come up with a good Hebrew name for him, but every single bit of knowledge had completely gone from my mind, so all I could come up with was "Well, my hebrew name is Chaya, you could be Chaim" (which I now realize is totally lame-o and maybe a little creepy on my part). But he laughed. It was sometime around this point that I gave Tim the scroll from Angie and Katie. He was very impressed, and I had to help him unroll it so he could read it. Then he nudged Andy to show him, and he too was impressed. I think I told them that the three girls had flown in for the show and were all staying with me at my Mom's in Baltimore.
Andy and I did discuss Serious Business Records for a bit. We talked about The Two Man Gentlemen Band and Rocketship Park, mainly (which is fine because they're my two favorites). And like Becky said in her write up, he said he's got a few SDR songs recorded, and he said they would be smash hits. I agreed, they most definitely would be (I mean, if they're half as good as DNLBATW, they'll be smash hits).
Dan came over and gave me a hug, and I gave him the Donkey Pez from Becky, and he laughed and said "How did you know?" We (ie, Becky, Dan, Andy and I) got started talking about the NYC show Monday night and I commented how much I would love to go, seeing as Stella and Nina Persson would be there too. Dandy (I don't remember which, sorry) asked me why I couldn't, and I explained that I had Choir practice. Dan said "Choir Practice? Come On. Listen - La La La LAAAAH La La La (Arpeggiated Major Chord, in case you're wondering what notes). Now you know everything. Come to the concert."
We met Mark Mullins of Bonerama there, and I told him that I am now a fan of Bonerama, which he was glad of. Becky covered this pretty well, honestly. We talked about Stacey0821 being here on the OK Go boards, and how we're excited for the EP and the Letterman appearance.
The rest of the time on this side of the balcony was pretty much taken up by waiting to get back to each of the guys so that they could sign Becky's purse and take pictures with us. My continued conversation with Damian happened thusly:
Becky (taking a picture with Damian): Don't Slouch! Stand up straight.
Damian: Oh okay. (Stands up straight).
Rachel: Can I have a picture too?
Damian: Sure.
Rachel (moving into picture position): You can slouch for me.
Damian: Well it's really not slouching so much as crouching down (he did his thing where he spreads his feet far apart to make him shorter, and well, you can see the picture).
And then it basically degraded into me getting wide-eyed and ridiculous over Barack Obama speaking near my apartment the next day, and Michelle Obama speaking at the Opera House two doors down on Thursday. Hee hee, then Damian asked me where I live. He then said I should go and enjoy, and vote. He's definitely an Obama supporter (he also said so during the concert, I should add, however obliquely). That only makes me adore him more, honestly. I'm so glad that my favorite musicians are supporting the movement to make this country a better place (Dar Williams, my favorite singer-songwriter, is also doing a fund-raiser for Obama).
If you ever meet Becky, ask her to do her impression of what I look like talking to Damian, because it's pretty dead on. Gah. Someday I must manage to pull myself together. I'm completely fine with Andy, Dan, and Tim, but I just can't get it together where he is concerned. But I got a hug out of the deal (I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've actually gotten a hug from Damian), so I'm not complaining.
This is probably a good place to stop for a minute.
Dan's choir practise sounds hilarious!!!! (and now I understand your post on Love List thread)
I forgot to mention - I had decided not to yell "Run's House" during Oh Lately, especially after reading interview after interview where Damian talked about how sick he was of his own music. But Angie, Katie, and I just said Run's House to each other for our own amusement, and Damian TOTALLY smiled at us. I was amazed that he even heard us. Becky even noticed that he was smiling at us.
He was looking right at you guys with the biggest smile!
I totally didn't hear that part. I'm so glad I got them the donkeys!!
That was the most amazing thing evar!! I
Becky (taking a picture with Damian): Don't Slouch! Stand up straight.
Damian: Oh okay. (Stands up straight).
Rachel: Can I have a picture too?
Damian: Sure.
Rachel (moving into picture position): You can slouch for me.
Damian: Well it's really not slouching so much as crouching down (he did his thing where he spreads his feet far apart to make him shorter, and well, you can see the picture).
And then it basically degraded into me getting wide-eyed and ridiculous over Barack Obama speaking near my apartment the next day, and Michelle Obama speaking at the Opera House two doors down on Thursday. Hee hee, then Damian asked me where I live. He then said I should go and enjoy, and vote. He's definitely an Obama supporter (he also said so during the concert, I should add, however obliquely). That only makes me adore him more, honestly. I'm so glad that my favorite musicians are supporting the movement to make this country a better place (Dar Williams, my favorite singer-songwriter, is also doing a fund-raiser for Obama).
If you ever meet Becky, ask her to do her impression of what I look like talking to Damian, because it's pretty dead on. Gah. Someday I must manage to pull myself together. I'm completely fine with Andy, Dan, and Tim, but I just can't get it together where he is concerned. But I got a hug out of the deal (I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've actually gotten a hug from Damian), so I'm not complaining.
This is probably a good place to stop for a minute.
Aw man, I was that assertive?! Seriously. I'm so glad you got a hug from Damian!!! And your wide-eyed innocence in talking with Damian is the cutest thing ever.
Great write-up Rachel. There were a few things I either didn't know about or completely forgot about. Like they say, two heads really are better than one!
and Katie, that video of The Fix Is In... *dies*
Then we waited to speak with Dan. Rachel took a pic with him and then we started talking. I asked him whereabouts he was from in IL. He’s from Elmhurst, which is about 25 minutes west of Chicago, though it takes longer in bad weather.
Dan is such an awesome guy to talk to. And I was really surprised he let me punch him.
That is awesome Becky! Sounds like you had a great conversation with Dan. I grew up with him in Elmhurst and it's nice to hear that he's the same ol' great Dan. Lucky you
Oh man. I just noticed that there are Question Marks around Oh No.
Now, Damian, I understand getting sick of songs, but please please please do not take Oh Lately It's So Quiet off the setlist. At least play it if I'm there. And if you're sick of me yelling Run's House, that's OK I'll stop, just keep playing the song! Pretty Pretty Please?!
I love Dan! I totally understood when I saw you post it in the love list thread.
There should never be question marks by Oh No! Maybe they were considering playing it with Bonerama?
Darn, wrong quote showed up, I was responding to the comment of only white shirts, sorry.
I know a lot of us are disappointed in the return to basic clothing, but I guess I can relate. They've worn those clothes for the last two years they've been touring, they were probably ready to burn some of those outfits. I know that's how I felt about my maternity clothes and I only had to wear them for 6-7 months.
they are definitely looking very Beatlesque lately...at least that's what the white shirts, dark suits, and haircuts remind me of, not a bad thing really.
Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures, they are wonderful. I'm so glad you had fun. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you;)
We waited another minute or two to talk with Dan and get his picture. He was so incredibly sweet. We talked about Chicago (like Becky said) and he showed us his iPhone (also like Becky said). He kept telling me I needed to get one. I asked him if I could tell Adam that he said I should have one, and he said Sure!
Now, I thought that Angie, Katie, and Amy would all be outside waiting for the boys, or back at the car, and I also thought they'd have my coat since I'd given it to them to keep under the stage in front of Amy. I was in an amazingly good mood myself at this point, and I was no longer feeling my sore feet or the cold outside (even though I was wearing a sleeveless top). So I bounded out of the 9:30 Club like a child dizzy on lemonade smiling and jumping around. A group of girls who had been in line to get in before us were still waiting for the guys to come out of the club, and they noticed my VIP sticker and said "VIP! Are the guys still in there? Did you meet them?" And so Becky and I told them how nice the guys were and how Andy had his SDR project - which they didn't know about, so I told them to check the UFC where they'd find all the links they needed. I am fairly certain that I was still talking a mile a minute, so who knows if they understood me. Remember, I'm standing in 30-someodd degree weather in a tank top, no coat.
We headed back over to the car to find Adam resting in it, but no girls, and no coat. I pulled out my cell phone and discovered a txt from Katie saying that they were in the bar downstairs, so I called them. My plan was that I'd change back into my flats and then meet them in the bar, but the girls came back to the car before I could get there, still without my coat. So we went back to the club. I told the bouncer that I'd left my coat with my friends and thought they had it, but they didn't so I needed to come in and get my coat. They had already pulled it and put it in their ticket office, but while they retrieved it, Amy and I came inside for the moment. Dan was standing in the lobby chatting with Bonerama's Sousaphone player, when he noticed Amy and recognized her. He asked her if she'd had a good time and why she hadn't been upstairs. She told him that she didn't get to upgrade her ticket before the VIPs sold out. And then we pointed out Angie and Katie standing outside the club and asked him if he'd be willing to come say hi to them too. He did (because he's a great big sweetheart), and then was shortly thereafter mobbed by the girls who'd stopped me without my coat earlier.
We headed back to the car and met up with Bonerama's drummer on the way. He was so sweet as well, and we talked to him about some upcoming show dates they were doing, and how the website is Bonerama.NET not .com, because, well, for obvious reasons.
Then we all piled back into my car, this time with Amy in the backseat as well, for a brief sightseeing tour of DC before we drove Amy back to her place in Arlington. There was one really spectactular view that we got from 395 heading back into DC where you could see the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, and the (I think) Capitol Building all at once. Beautiful. All lit up. I'll have to take a picture of it next time I visit Amy, provided of course that I'm not the one driving,
And that's all, folks!
We waited another minute or two to talk with Dan and get his picture. He was so incredibly sweet. We talked about Chicago (like Becky said) and he showed us his iPhone (also like Becky said). He kept telling me I needed to get one. I asked him if I could tell Adam that he said I should have one, and he said Sure!
I ♥ Dan!
Arlington, as in Arlington, VA? If so, I can tick another state off my map. Sure, we were only there for a while, but we were THERE.
We got home around 2:30? Wow, that was a long night. And I was trying so hard to stay awake on the ride home to keep you company. Alas, all the energy expended that night and getting up oh so early that morning weren't conducive to me being awake.
Great write-up!!
Stacey, if I'm not mistaken, you're the big Bonerama fan? Well, I'm completely amazed and can't wait to make my collection of great music bigger w/ all their stuff. I was completely blown away. Make sure you watch the vids!!!