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Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 22 2006, 09:52 PM)
    Ok, there are expections. When stuffed into a subway and you're stuck to the frightening old man who hasn't washed in 3 days and is staring at you for the entire ride... closeness isn't good.

    hahahaha! how can you not think your funny ms.toile!

    I've met that man plenty of times....

    Random question...

    How awesome is his hair?! I love hugeamongous rockstar hair. I mean MASSIVE.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 23 2006, 01:55 AM)
    Dude, subways freak me out because I'm like the key person thieves try to pick pocket: I used to have blonde hair and I have one of those faces that just screams, I'm naive. Dude, subways = no fun for karleigh.

    Aw, I'm sorry. I'm the same way, except I've learned to pretend to know exactly where I'm going andf to wear sunglasses and appear totally nonchalant to the whole subway epidemic when I'm really screaming on the inside because I took the wrong train.

    However, with friends, I don't care. Last time, we tried to do that trick where you jump when the subway stops so you go flying for a second. There we were, 8 girls around the age of 18, preparing to jump at each stop and giggling like maniacs as we fell all over one another.

    edit for agent#1: he does, indeed, have awesome hair. ALMOST as awesome as that one guy from the 88 (google image him. You really can't miss the hair). My favorite creepyoldguy subway experience was the ex-hippie (though he still could have been a hippie... one a hippie, always a hippie?) who was completely burnt out. Example: we pull into a station. The door open. People go out, people come in. The door closes (during this whole epidemic, note: the hippie DOES NOT MOVE). The subway starts again... and mid-trip, he gets up, walks to the door (while the train is blatantly MOVING) and says, quite suprised and loudly, "DAMN, I MISSED MY STOP." And goes to sit back down again.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 22 2006, 09:58 PM)
    Aw, I'm sorry. I'm the same way, except I've learned to pretend to know exactly where I'm going andf to wear sunglasses and appear totally nonchalant to the whole subway epidemic when I'm really screaming on the inside because I took the wrong train.

    However, with friends, I don't care. Last time, we tried to do that trick where you jump when the subway stops so you go flying for a second. There we were, 8 girls around the age of 18, preparing to jump at each stop and giggling like maniacs as we fell all over one another.

    It's sad because I'm actually really good with travel and stuff, I just doesn't look like it. Seriously, I'd love to be just dropped in some European city just so I could find my way around.

    How awesome is his hair?! I love hugeamongous rockstar hair. I mean MASSIVE.

    Well, it is massive and it's quite good at being massive, but I'm not into big hair.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 23 2006, 02:02 AM)
    It's sad because I'm actually really good with travel and stuff, I just doesn't look like it. Seriously, I'd love to be just dropped in some European city just so I could find my way around.

    I love wandering... I just never know where I'm going. I figure I'll find something interesting eventually. It's fun to do in Montreal where I can ask for directions in fractured French. Today, I had a conversation at Atwater market with some woman about maple syrup.
  • I once got a pin that said "I'm a person first__________ 2nd LABEL LIBERATION."

    from what I thought was a totall hippie... but i went to the site and he had such a sad story... I try not to judge people on the subway anymore... but some dudes make it hard...

    I take the subway 1 and 1/2 hrs to school and back everyday... I've gotten used to it...

    and when I need to go home at night alone I don't usually feel threatened... I think I put out the "pissed off aura" when I'm tired... Nothing horrible has ever happened to me *knocks on wood*

  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 22 2006, 10:04 PM)
    I love wandering... I just never know where I'm going. I figure I'll find something interesting eventually. It's fun to do in Montreal where I can ask for directions in fractured French. Today, I had a conversation at Atwater market with some woman about maple syrup.

    Hahaha, maple syrup? Random. I loved going to Europe this past summer and trying to survive without knowing the languages at all. Switzerland was my favorite because I walked into a little convenience store and this old woman behind the counter smiled at me. Then when I was done, I asked about something, and she just looked at me, and I was like, whoa, first non-English speaker I've met in Switzerland. Then I said, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Swiss German!" in German (my mom taught me before I left). Then she laughed.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 22 2006, 09:58 PM)
    edit for agent#1: he does, indeed, have awesome hair. ALMOST as awesome as that one guy from the 88 (google image him. You really can't miss the hair).

    oh my. I just googled him. His hair is awesome. Kind of freaky and Porcelin dollish. But awesome.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 23 2006, 02:08 AM)
    Hahaha, maple syrup? Random. I loved going to Europe this past summer and trying to survive without knowing the languages at all. Switzerland was my favorite because I walked into a little convenience store and this old woman behind the counter smiled at me. Then when I was done, I asked about something, and she just looked at me, and I was like, whoa, first non-English speaker I've met in Switzerland. Then I said, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Swiss German!" in German (my mom taught me before I left). Then she laughed.

    Haha. My personal favorite was still the little old lady in the metro. Our conversation went (I kid you not) as such:

    Her [walks up to me and begins chattering in French and pointing to the security cameras on the walls]: "You see all these cameras?"
    Me: "yeah?"
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 23 2006, 04:03 PM)
    Haha. My personal favorite was still the little old lady in the metro. Our conversation went (I kid you not) as such:

    Her [walks up to me and begins chattering in French and pointing to the security cameras on the walls]: "You see all these cameras?"
    Me: "yeah?"

    Tonetoile, I swear, you should write a book. Your experiences always make me laugh or smile or both. tongue.gif
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 21 2006, 07:50 PM)


    sorry for the profanity...

  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 23 2006, 11:15 PM)
    Tonetoile, I swear, you should write a book. Your experiences always make me laugh or smile or both. tongue.gif

    Haha thanks. However, I've always found myself rather boring. I just have the occasional tendency to attract, well, interesting people. Not that I mind of course.

    [I hate my english paper. It's due tomorrow. I'm not going to finish. Poop.]
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 23 2006, 04:25 PM)
    Haha thanks. However, I've always found myself rather boring. I just have the occasional tendency to attract, well, interesting people. Not that I mind of course.
    [I hate my english paper. It's due tomorrow. I'm not going to finish. Poop.]

    You tell the me the stories and I will compose them into a book for you. Yes, you will finish your english paper! I am rooting for you. Ra, Ra, Ra! *waves some cheerleader pom poms*
  • Sylvia Plath is evil. Brillant, but evil.

    "Lesbos" confuses me.
  • Who's Sylvia Plath?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 23 2006, 07:50 PM)
    Who's Sylvia Plath?

  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 23 2006, 11:50 PM)
    Who's Sylvia Plath?

    The great feminist poet. She suffered serious depression and ended up killing herself by turning on the stove (though, it was kindly done, in a way. She stuffed cloth under her childrens' doors so they wouldn't die with her. Of course, her not dying would scar them more than a quiet death, but, in a way, it was kind, though, obviously, insane).
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 23 2006, 07:22 PM)

    YES! i wasn't at first but I think its slowly consuming my life... this dude has a blog
    and he has a quest to be invited to the premiere... hes been on CNN and shit. This weeks mission is to get a good Snakes on Plane song into the top spot of this tag world contest. The winners might get featured in the movie.

    They HATE this song called Hollywood.mp3... mostly because it has nothing to do about snakes. vote guys... because the fate of Snakes on a Plane rests in your hands...

    I like:
    Artist:Louden Swain
    Track:Here Come the Snakes
  • I fucking love this.
  • You'd have to be insane not to love it. I mean like 400 original songs... all about fricken snakes... on fricken planes.

    theres one called "snakes on a screamo plane" or somthing like that... Its 20seconds long and the dude just screams the name of the movie. he got one of my 10 votes... just for making me laugh.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 23 2006, 10:02 PM)
    YES! i wasn't at first but I think its slowly consuming my life... this dude has a blog
    and he has a quest to be invited to the premiere... hes been on CNN and shit. This weeks mission is to get a good Snakes on Plane song into the top spot of this tag world contest. The winners might get featured in the movie.

    They HATE this song called Hollywood.mp3... mostly because it has nothing to do about snakes. vote guys... because the fate of Snakes on a Plane rests in your hands...

    I like:
    Artist:Louden Swain
    Track:Here Come the Snakes

    That's hilarious!!!

    I really want to see that movie just for the sheer stupidity of it all.
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