YESSSSS!! I hate how now people are like "MYSPACE MAKES KIDS SLUTS". No it is more like they are rich bitches and their parents pay nooo attention to what the hell they do so they go and take slutty pictures of themselves and post it on the iinternet so they can act like they have a TON of friends when really they just have 40 year old guys looking at half naked pic of themselves. (Sorry this is long and also sorry I have not been posting. I finally got a job so that takes up a TON of my day!)
Sorry I'm a bit late on this topic, but I completely agree. Parents act like there was no sex or drugs or promescuity in teenagers before Myspace. ZOMGZ TEH INTERNETS RUIN KIDS!!!1!!1111one!1
That rules. I actually remembered a few weeks ago when some guy in my class was singing it that my friend's mom took me to some children's music festival when I was wee and Raffi was playing. So that means I saw Bananaphone LIVE.
Damn strawberry people! Why do they always have to hide the bad berries at the bottom of the carton? And then when you drag the carton out of the fridge, you drip strawberry juice all over! It's all Diane Sawyer's fault! Damn Diane Sawyer.
ive gotton moldy strawberries. im pretty sure its like that apple theory. one apple spoils the rest. yea i just eat around it. strawberries are my favourite. ^^
according to my shower gel/cream, I now smell like a californian almond.
I got your PM and I promise I'm not ignoring you, I'll write you back as soon as I get home because my mom's friend just called and they found a lost puppy and I wanna go seeeee.
(Sorry this is long and also sorry I have not been posting. I finally got a job so that takes up a TON of my day!)
Sorry I'm a bit late on this topic, but I completely agree. Parents act like there was no sex or drugs or promescuity in teenagers before Myspace. ZOMGZ TEH INTERNETS RUIN KIDS!!!1!!1111one!1
Nelly Furtado on SNL tonight...
Boy, it's late in Canada. It's only 8:25 pm here
happy early 8:30!
I think I'm going to go make a sundae with bananas and strawberries right now!
im pretty sure its like that apple theory.
one apple spoils the rest.
i just eat around it.
strawberries are my favourite. ^^
I got your PM and I promise I'm not ignoring you, I'll write you back as soon as I get home because my mom's friend just called and they found a lost puppy and I wanna go seeeee.