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  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 28 2006, 03:43 AM)
    O.M.G! That is amazing. Where is that? I love that everything is cardboard. wow, I'm aw struck.

    It was ridiculous. I just stood there and tried realy hard not to touch everything. It's in our little art museum. However, I would imagine he's touring with it, so if you look him up, maybe he'll be coming closer to you? I love art museums. I honestly could spend hours just wandering.
  • My feet hurt.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ May 27 2006, 11:26 PM)
    It was ridiculous. I just stood there and tried realy hard not to touch everything. It's in our little art museum. However, I would imagine he's touring with it, so if you look him up, maybe he'll be coming closer to you? I love art museums. I honestly could spend hours just wandering.

    I'm definitely checking if he's coming anywhere near here. Museums do the same to me, I feel at peace, if you can believe that, I love art.
  • Um, I'm pissed off right now. Two reasons:

    1) I am totally completely unfuckingmotivated to do ANYTHING other than sit here on the computer and listen to music. And I mean ANYTHING. I haven't even unpacked my suitcase from Hawai'i, LET ALONE all the stuff in the garage from school, NOR have I gone out to find a job. I'm really mad, because I should be doing these things, but I just can't bring myself to do ANY of it, and it's making me upset.

    2) I brought this up today at dinner, and about how all I want to do is go to concerts and go on the computer, and my dad got all mad, saying that "concerts are going to ruin your life" or some shit, and that I should have been concentrating more on school than on going to concerts this semester. Which may be true, BUT I managed to pull off three B+ and one A- this semester, which I don't consider to be bad AT ALL, especially when I was expecting to get a C in one of those classes. And the A- was in my Costume Design class, which was REALLY FUCKING HARD and I put A LOT of effort into it, and I'm really proud of that grade.

    Anyway, so later, I'm watching Franz on SNL (rerun, yay!) with my mom and he comes into the room, stomps around a bit, and then goes to leave, and turns to me and says, like, "You're getting obsessed, kid!" and storms out.

    Oh, gee, thanks, Dad. 'Cause I wasn't already upset with my life and where I am and where I'm going about how I'm COMPLETELY UNFUCKINGSURE (I like how I keep adding fucking in the middle of words for emphasis) ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT I WANT TO GO ABROAD NEXT YEAR, let alone whether or not I want to go to school next year AT ALL, when this is SUPPOSED to be what I've wanted for FOUR YEARS. You felt you just had to go and rub in the fact that the ONLY thing I seem to care about right now is supposedly ruining my life.

    mad.gif Sorry. Had to get that out there. I really don't know what to do with myself right now.

  • Jedi_grrlie, if I could I'd give you a hug right now. I get the same thing from my mom. Parents get certain expectations in their heads and they forget what it's like to be our age. Then they don't get why we don't do things in their exact cookie cutter way. It's just so dumb, because if you've been a good kid all these years, you're not suddenly going to go bad. It's not like your hanging around the wrong type of people or experimenting with drugs. Concerts are meant to be enjoyed. Now on the other hand, maybe he was just in a bad mood today and took it out on you. But still, parents can be so damn frustrating to deal with, so I totally get where you're coming from.
  • Yeah, like, I'm not going to concerts because of drugs or sex or whatever strange reasons, it's because I love and enjoy going to shows, and music in general (and rock specifically) has suddenly become something really important to me in my life.

    And I'm TIRED of being the good kid. I'm tired of getting the great grades, I'm tired of being responsible all the time. When I was in high school, I NEVER went to concerts or stayed out late with friends or smoked or drank or did anything bad at all. Not that I didn't have a good time in high school not doing all of that. But my life has changed a LOT since high school, and a LOT in the past year, and now that I'm 20, I'm kind of ready to live a little bit more.

    Also, thanks for the "virtual hug." smile.gif
  • If you like to laugh at cheap horror films, rent Zodiac Killer.

    It won't fail you, I promise.

    I watched it with my boyfriend tonight. We planned a cheap horror film night and that film took the cake.

    There are references to the Mikado in it. And the killer doesn't change his clothes. Ever. And to top that, he only wheres this outfit that looks like it's from the SplinterCell game.
  • Don't let your dads words upset you, you are the one that chooses what to do and where to go in your life, you're still young, and if you need to explore your options more, then do so. Even if it's just sitting infront of the computer and listening to songs, as long as you are thinking about what you want to do, it's gonna be ok. Parents tend to take words to the extreme, they think we're being stupid with our lives, but they don't know the things we are going through. Be Zen with yourself, and don't be upset with yourself, there are so many things I wish I was doing right now, but I know they will come when the time is right, and they will for you too. You don't have to unpack your suitcase, if it's clean clothes, why not have them ready for your next trip or something, and as for jobs, when you have the time, make applications at places you want to work at, and if they call you they call you, but if you want to insist on a certain job, then I know you'll have the stamina to go and ask for an interview wink.gif So don't fret, be cool, and just relax, you're supposed to be enjoying yourself, and your vacation. Be free, clear your head.
  • ^^Words to live by. Listen to the Pearl. She is just sparkling w/ wisdom. And, I'd gladly give you a virtual hug whenever you need one.
  • *virtual hugs for Pearl and Tempe*

    I don't know what I'd do without you guys.
  • Aww Tempe, you're too sweet love.

    But yeah you're the one you have to listen to, always follow your gut feeling, and if it says, these are gonna be the days when you will grow into a butterfly, then sweetheart, let the cocoon do it's work, don't try to get out of it when it's not the time wink.gif So go on, enjoy your summer, because, whilst you are at the shows, or meeting new people and striking some convos, you'll find out where you stand, and where you'll go. Make your own path, I know you'll make the right decisions, because they'll be what you want.

    QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 28 2006, 02:01 AM)
    *virtual hugs for Pearl and Tempe*

    I don't know what I'd do without you guys.

    Oh sweets *virtual bear hug* things are gonna be ok smile.gif
  • Feel better Jedi_grrlie. From what I know, you're unique and amazing. As trite as it sounds, this feeling will pass and you'll find your niche, though it seems completely unattainable right now. I wish I could say something completely deep and reassuring rather than using cliched thoughts, but I mean it. You're amazing and young. Like Pearl said, you can explore.

    Beh, I'm just babbling, but long story short: feel better. <3
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 28 2006, 01:09 AM)
    Um, I'm pissed off right now. Two reasons:

    1) I am totally completely unfuckingmotivated to do ANYTHING other than sit here on the computer and listen to music. And I mean ANYTHING. I haven't even unpacked my suitcase from Hawai'i, LET ALONE all the stuff in the garage from school, NOR have I gone out to find a job. I'm really mad, because I should be doing these things, but I just can't bring myself to do ANY of it, and it's making me upset.

    2) I brought this up today at dinner, and about how all I want to do is go to concerts and go on the computer, and my dad got all mad, saying that "concerts are going to ruin your life" or some shit, and that I should have been concentrating more on school than on going to concerts this semester. Which may be true, BUT I managed to pull off three B+ and one A- this semester, which I don't consider to be bad AT ALL, especially when I was expecting to get a C in one of those classes. And the A- was in my Costume Design class, which was REALLY FUCKING HARD and I put A LOT of effort into it, and I'm really proud of that grade.

    Anyway, so later, I'm watching Franz on SNL (rerun, yay!) with my mom and he comes into the room, stomps around a bit, and then goes to leave, and turns to me and says, like, "You're getting obsessed, kid!" and storms out.
    Oh, gee, thanks, Dad. 'Cause I wasn't already upset with my life and where I am and where I'm going about how I'm COMPLETELY UNFUCKINGSURE (I like how I keep adding fucking in the middle of words for emphasis) ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT I WANT TO GO ABROAD NEXT YEAR, let alone whether or not I want to go to school next year AT ALL, when this is SUPPOSED to be what I've wanted for FOUR YEARS. You felt you just had to go and rub in the fact that the ONLY thing I seem to care about right now is supposedly ruining my life.
    mad.gif Sorry. Had to get that out there. I really don't know what to do with myself right now.


    Awww, sweetheart, my parents' are the same way. They think I'm nuts for liking OK Go so much and spending every extra second on the computer. But don't make them question you goin abroad!!!!!
  • I heart all of you. You are all amazing.

    QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 28 2006, 11:03 AM)
    But don't make them question you goin abroad!!!!!

    They're not the ones making me question, I'm questioning myself and whether or not I really want to be in school next year (which is scary for me, because I NEVER thought I'd get to the point where I'd question that), and if I don't really want to be in school next year, then I feel like going abroad isn't going to help at all.

    But this is basically now or never. If I take a leave of absence, I 1) don't know what I'd do for the year (or even a semester), and 2) I don't know if I'd get reaccepted into the study abroad program again for my junior year when I return. And if that happened, that would mean I couldn't go abroad (at least not to France, which is where I want to go), period, 'cause I'd have to be back on campus for my junior year, and I really can't go my senior year.

    Also, I really do want to graduate on time and with all of my close friends. So it's kind of like, I know I'm going to be in school again come September, even as much as I'm sitting here and asking whether or not I want to be.
  • I'm feeling the same way about everything right now, Katy. Plus my best friend and I "broke up" in March and she dropped out of school a little after that and now I don't have anybody who listens to the same music I do, loves the same movies, has the same sense of humour, anyone to go to shows with, blegh. Wow, I feel like we're all in one of those coming-of-age '80s movies..
  • Hey, that'd be a great indie project...document all of our lives in an 80's coming-of-age-drama style and how we're all connected by one band. biggrin.gif

    Or maybe I'm just dumb.
  • me too katy, i feel like i dont want to go to school next year, but that'd be really stupid cos i'd be missing out my degree by like 9 months..... i also feel like i don't know what the hell is going on with me and ryan. you know, i wanna be with him forever and stuff, i just dont think he feels the same. he just doesnt seem to care when i'm not around and so i just feel like i can't be bothered with anything at all anymore *sigh* life sucks sometimes

    and I mean god how do you say at 20 that you wanna be with someone for the rest of your life. how scary is that. i just don't know anything anymore.
  • QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ May 28 2006, 08:02 PM)
    and I mean god how do you say at 20 that you wanna be with someone for the rest of your life. how scary is that. i just don't know anything anymore.

    I mean, you don't know. You just don't. My mom was married at 21, and I still wonder at how she did it. I can't fathom being married a year from now, to anyone.

    I hope things work out between the two of you. *hugs*
  • its ok, theres nothing wrong, i just want to be able to tell him honestly how much he means to me without being scared of how he would react. I love him so much that i would gladly give up everything I have just to be with him.

    (my parents got married at 18 and 21, and theyre still together, so i mean i know it works. i'm just so scared i would lose him if i were ever to say anything. no better way to scare a guy than talk about commitment eh!?)
  • Well, if you guys REALLY don't want to go to school next year, you don't have to. You never know what could happen, you could go get a job and meet your husband, or whatever. If you guys did that, all of us could go to Lancaster Uni. and live together, but you probably wouldn't be into that. Or, Katy, you could take off a year and get a job working for OK Go! Remember, it's your decision, but going abroad is pretty much a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you might regret not going. And Jen, if you take time off now, you may never go back. Just think about it before you make any serious decisions.
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