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  • Costume designing at 3 am is the shit. Seriously. I'm so exhausted, but I love the two designs I've cranked out so far.

    Still so far to go, though...
  • If it's all right, I would like to see the costumes when they are finished. smile.gif It sounds very interesting.

    And yeah, I think they still give out insane advice on the WAS site, Tempe.
  • chicken



  • I like three of those four.

    Maybe I can like leif too. is he in your signature?

    *stares at Julian*
  • yes leif is the one on the right. black and white. hes sexy. u'll learn to love him.
  • I'm not really attracted to blondes . . . but I like him. He has Winnie the Pooh gloves, anyhow.

    OH! Another blonde I thought was attractive today was the lead singer of Mew, Jonas Bjerre. I saw the video for their song Special on IMF and all I thought was "oooo . . . pretty". Not to mention the music was good, too. smile.gif
  • hmmm... I saw Mew when at CD USA when ok go came out. The guy looked hott there, but not really in that video. and now that song is stuck in my head.

    aaaaaaaaaaanyways... LEIF LEIF LEIF LEIF LEIF LEIF (i dont think its health that im so obsessed w/ him)
  • Bedbug! Crazy bedbug!
  • So, I found out what type of dorm I'm getting. I only have one roommate instead of three, so that makes me very happy. and the building has an indoor heated pool that I probably won't use! YEAH!

    so I move in a week. well now 6 days. and I don't know what to think. To quote Ron Bergundy, "I'm a glass case of emotion." I seriously am. Lots of things to deal with this week. sad.gif smile.gif

    It's quite confusing.

    and tomorrow I have to update my immunizations, so my right or left arm is going to be severely bruised tomorrow. sad.gif

    Then I get to drink a lot of chai tea. smile.gif

  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Jan 12 2007, 05:48 AM)
    So, I found out what type of dorm I'm getting. I only have one roommate instead of three, so that makes me very happy. and the building has an indoor heated pool that I probably won't use! YEAH!

    so I move in a week. well now 6 days. and I don't know what to think. To quote Ron Bergundy, "I'm a glass case of emotion." I seriously am. Lots of things to deal with this week. sad.gif smile.gif

    It's quite confusing.

    and tomorrow I have to update my immunizations, so my right or left arm is going to be severely bruised tomorrow. sad.gif

    Then I get to drink a lot of chai tea. smile.gif


    you will have internet right?

    cause i dont want to live without jade =p
  • i assume a college dorm...

    i always think u guys r way younger than u actually r.


  • QUOTE (rollo puzz @ Jan 6 2007, 05:14 PM)
    okay, okay, this is the coolest thing ever.
    I made Damian Kulash into a 1/2 human 1/2 CHIMP.
    I found this cool site where you can make people into chimps, drunks, manga cartoons, old people, adults, babies, children, and more.
    Go here to make one yourself.

    That chimp picture is uber creepy, but yet amazing. blink.gif Wait, what if chimp Damian eats Roachie!? sad.gif Lol where do you find these crazy websites? Awesome.
    BTW, I wanna make Ratboy into a chimp, but the link you posted doesn't work, rollo my dear.
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Jan 11 2007, 10:48 PM)
    So, I found out what type of dorm I'm getting. I only have one roommate instead of three, so that makes me very happy. and the building has an indoor heated pool that I probably won't use! YEAH!

    so I move in a week. well now 6 days. and I don't know what to think. To quote Ron Bergundy, "I'm a glass case of emotion." I seriously am. Lots of things to deal with this week. sad.gif smile.gif

    It's quite confusing.

    and tomorrow I have to update my immunizations, so my right or left arm is going to be severely bruised tomorrow. sad.gif

    Then I get to drink a lot of chai tea. smile.gif


    Aww, baby Jaded better have an internet connection. We need you and your vast knowledge of interesting items. You'll have such a good time in Chicago once you get settled in. You get to experience what Kulash calls: "that weird, sort of surreal excitement that you get when you move to a new city and don’t really know anything about it." And so many boardies will be nearby. What will you be studying?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 13 2007, 01:27 AM)
    BTW, I wanna make Ratboy into a chimp, but the link you posted doesn't work, rollo my dear.

  • I think that chimp thing is the fucking scariest thing I've ever seen.
  • ^^^ I made myself an "older adult" on that Kulash/chimp website and really really scared myself and the male version of me, yikes blink.gif
  • has anyone heard the song Kiss Me Son Of God?

    i found it as a live performance of OK Go on limewire. it was dated 10/21/01
  • hmmm...
    but im a new fan so i wouldn't know about that

    i like mew. they seems nice.
  • I've heard it. I don't particularily like it, though.
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