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  • So it's the 12th round of the Oscar De La Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather boxing match, and I'm totally for Oscar, he's awsome, I've been enjoying the match with my dad and two of my brothers, the fight is fucking CRAZY, and as far as I'm concerned Oscar has won most of the rounds.
  • Holly shit, so the fight is over now, and I'm sooooooooooooo anxious to hear that Oscar won... WOOOOOO! I love boxing.... I'll wait and see the results.
  • FUCK!!! This is so not fair!!!! They gave the fight to Mayweather!!!!!!!!!!! He did NOT win this fight man, damn it. Oscar deserved this match hands down... well I'm officially PO'd.
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 5 2007, 09:29 PM)
    FUCK!!! This is so not fair!!!! They gave the fight to Mayweather!!!!!!!!!!! He did NOT win this fight man, damn it. Oscar deserved this match hands down... well I'm officially PO'd.

    Pearl, you stick it to da man! I'll give you a chocolate filled Oscar that looks like Oscar de Lahoya if it makes you feel better. Breath, my child
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ May 5 2007, 08:25 PM)
    ^^^ hahah...totally...that mustache is not cool
    paul's looking sexy tho...but when isn't he?!?!?!? right??? am i right??? im right.

    ooo...good luck on the test...i took the ap world history test last year, and the essays aren't that bad, just study and its all good. i'm worried about everything...idk anything!!!!! ugh!!!!
    omg!!! ambie, that was really good... no errors and u did conjugate it right...
    "odio" means to hate, haha...u were close enough!

    claro que to puedo encantaria!! pero, no se mucho...lo puedo hablar un poco, pero no se nada de la gramatica. que bueno que este ano ya se va a terminar...solo queda cinco semanas!! al fin!!!! biggrin.gif

    paul es muy guapo smile.gif
    gracias senorita!!! me pusiste (not sure if poner is correct for like you make me) muy feliz! gracias por tu ayuda - me gusta gramatica, pero no puedo recordar mucho vocabulario. solamente cinco semanas hasta el fin - que bueno!!! hoy es cinco de mayo! mi amiga va a tomar (whats the verb for drink? bebir?) muchas cervasas y ella me pregunto (third person singular -ar verb past tense.. for those is it an o with an accent? ) si lo quiero, pero le dije no. yo quiero ver spiderman tres. veiste?
    me gusta hablar en espanol, pero necesito practicar mucho!
  • What comes before part B?

    (just say it. It makes sense I promise)
  • ^ hahahaha awesome! cool.gif
  • A very weird thing happened to me. Today, I was at a party. Twice a wrong number called my cell phone asking to talk to Kevin. I do not know any Kevins. I told him this. Still he called. Finally, the third time, a boy at the party said to give him the phone. He pretended to be "Kevin" and went on to have a whole conversation with the wrong number dude. laugh.gif
  • I think I would like that chocolate now hee, for serious though, Oscar should have been given the title. Oh well, I'll get over it soon lol.

    By the way whomever needs help with Spanish, I'm fluent in it (I grew up speaking it), so ask away... and btw amberdino, you made some errors lol, the verb for drink is beber, and you misspelled cervezas... there are a few other errors in this one and your post before, where you talk about hating school lol.... I suck at knowing where the accents ((acentos), which I've always thought were unnecessary) go though, but other than that, I'd be able to help you with it.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ May 6 2007, 04:30 AM)
    mmmm, AP US history test.
    I'm worried about my DBQ/essays, not so much the multiple choice part.
    my teacher gave us every single essay packet from 1990 to 2006.... it's kinda scary. But going through them helps.
    We also have the whole multiple choice part of 1984, 1988, and 1996.
    I'm really glad this is the only one I'm taking this year.... next year's gonna be scary, I'm taking four.

    I could have fucking jumped for joy when I saw the DBQ on the test my senior year, because it was basically asking you to write about how the Seven Years' War/French and Indian War (depending on what side of the Atlantic you're on...) directly lead to the American Revolution, and if there's ANYTHING I know about history, it's about the American Revolution.

    Also, one of the other essays was on a topic we'd just covered in class two days before. Talk about luck.

    My AP Bio teachers my junior year pulled an AWFUL trick on us all year long. The unit tests they gave us were SUPER DUPER hard- I was probably averaging about a C on them (luckily, we did a lot lot lot of in-class work and homework, so that pulled up my grade), and remember that four people out of the 120 that were in AP Bio that year got above a B-. But when they started giving us practice exams released from the actual AP test, they were super easy. Every test we'd taken before that point had been way harder, and because I'd habituated (or at least tried to) myself to that, the actual exam wasn't that bad. I wasn't sure about how I'd done, but in the end, I pulled off a 5.

    Anyway, don't stress too much about it, because honestly, it doesn't help. I know it's one thing to say that and another to do that, but it's true. Just concentrate on practicing and reviewing. I took one AP my junior year and three my senior, and I survived, haha. You know what I always say- don't buy into "This single test is going to determine the rest of your life!" shtick...wink.gif
  • I agree with Katy. A lot of colleges don't even take AP credit and, really, teachers will try and scare you because it will make the actual exam seem that much easier. I know it's stressful (I took 4 APs my senior year), but you're smart, and you'll be fine. Just study, make sure you're eating right and sleeping enough (it's funny how those little things can really help), and (as hard as it is) relax. You'll be great.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ May 6 2007, 06:05 AM)
    What comes before part B?

    (just say it. It makes sense I promise)

    someones been watching scrubs =p
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ May 6 2007, 04:47 AM)
    paul es muy guapo smile.gif
    gracias senorita!!! me pusiste (not sure if poner is correct for like you make me) muy feliz! gracias por tu ayuda - me gusta gramatica, pero no puedo recordar mucho vocabulario. solamente cinco semanas hasta el fin - que bueno!!! hoy es cinco de mayo! mi amiga va a tomar (whats the verb for drink? bebir?) muchas cervasas y ella me pregunto (third person singular -ar verb past tense.. for those is it an o with an accent? ) si lo quiero, pero le dije no. yo quiero ver spiderman tres. veiste?
    me gusta hablar en espanol, pero necesito practicar mucho!

    claro que paul es guapo wink.gif cuando ya tenga 18 anos me voy a casar con el!!!!! jajajaj...que pena. No, no a visto spiderman, yo creo que hoy voy a ir. ya estoy canzada del cinco de mayo! siempre me pregunta la gente que si lo celebro y yo no soy mexicana. yo se que es dificil saber quien es de guatemala o nicaragua o honduras, pero me molesta. hasta mi maestra de aleman, despues que le dije mas de 100 veses(sp?), me pregunta como es mexico. fue bueno que no tomaste cervezas. yo las odio!

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 6 2007, 05:36 AM)
    A very weird thing happened to me. Today, I was at a party. Twice a wrong number called my cell phone asking to talk to Kevin. I do not know any Kevins. I told him this. Still he called. Finally, the third time, a boy at the party said to give him the phone. He pretended to be "Kevin" and went on to have a whole conversation with the wrong number dude. laugh.gif

    laugh.gif laugh.gif
    theres always these guys that call my phone...i never answer it cuz i never know where my phone is, but they leave these lengthy messages...its scary.
  • ARGH.
    i have just wasted an entire day.

    i spent the whole afternoon watching football, promising myself i'd revise once it was over.
    then my team lost, and i dont feel like working anymore biggrin.gif

    i'm so unmotivated. whats wrong with me?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 6 2007, 05:36 AM)
    A very weird thing happened to me. Today, I was at a party. Twice a wrong number called my cell phone asking to talk to Kevin. I do not know any Kevins. I told him this. Still he called. Finally, the third time, a boy at the party said to give him the phone. He pretended to be "Kevin" and went on to have a whole conversation with the wrong number dude. laugh.gif

    Ahh, random drunk people. They're so entertaining. Here's the scene I'm imagining:

    Random Drunk Guy (RDG) dials phone. Gets wrong number.

    RDG stares at the phone, figures it must have dialed wrong, and hits redial. Gets wrong number again "WTF?' says RDG.

    RDG hits redial a third time. This time gets "Kevin" and is appeased. Darn phone, it needs to stop drinking.

    So the phone stops drinking, but RDG parties on. And good grief if he was sober, I really mourn for his future wife and their poor, socially inept, paint chip eating children. (Did I just say that?)
  • QUOTE (sprocket @ May 6 2007, 12:32 PM)
    Ahh, random drunk people. They're so entertaining. Here's the scene I'm imagining:

    Random Drunk Guy (RDG) dials phone. Gets wrong number.

    RDG stares at the phone, figures it must have dialed wrong, and hits redial. Gets wrong number again "WTF?' says RDG.

    RDG hits redial a third time. This time gets "Kevin" and is appeased. Darn phone, it needs to stop drinking.

    So the phone stops drinking, but RDG parties on. And good grief if he was sober, I really mourn for his future wife and their poor, socially inept, paint chip eating children. (Did I just say that?)

    ^lololololol ah, that's too good! Great interpretation, sprocket. From now on the name Kevin is going to make me giggle.
  • Dwight Schrute, will you marry me? I just started reading the Dwight bolgs on the Office/NBC website. This is a piece of one of the blogs:

    July 18, 12:30 PM


    "Could these people actually be Cylons?" Starbuck would be thinking
    to herself. Then she would think, "That one who calls himself Sawyer
    is pretty hot. I wonder what he would look like swimming in just his

    Starbuck would take Sawyer on a reconnoiter of the island and they
    would visit the swimming hole and start necking. And then Kate and
    Apollo would stumble upon them and they would all be getting it on
    when a huge crashing would come through the jungle and one of those
    huge unseen monsters would tower above them (the monsters that
    disappeared after episode 8 of season 1) and they would be


    Cut to commercial.

    Starbuck would shoot the unseen monster and Sawyer would say
    something witty and sexy, like "Nice shot, blondie. Where'd you
    learn to shoot a laser like that? From watching princess Leia?"

    She would say, "Put a sock in it Sawyer" but the attraction would be
    too much for them and they would have to start making out again.
  • ah wrong numbers, some lady keeps calling and asking for betty, twice i've answered and told her she has the wrong number, hasn't stopped her from leaving various voicemails saying 'betty call me back' i'm beginning to see why betty gave her the wrong number...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ May 6 2007, 08:56 PM)
    ah wrong numbers, some lady keeps calling and asking for betty, twice i've answered and told her she has the wrong number, hasn't stopped her from leaving various voicemails saying 'betty call me back' i'm beginning to see why betty gave her the wrong number...

    i also have these issues

    but its always a angry scotish man

    and whenever i phone a wrong number its him not going to scotland ever..
  • One time I called my dad's cell for a ride and I dialed the wrong number. When the person picked up on the other side, he was like "Hello?" and I was like "...Hello?" "Hello?" etc

    And then finally the random guy was like, "What can I do for you?"
    "How are you?"
    "I'm fantastic, thanks. How are you?"
    "I'm good."

    And then I just hung up because I didn't know what to do unsure.gif I felt so bad. Should've said "Sorry, wrong number" or something but that didn't occur to me at the time...
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