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Random Stuff



  • It's kind of awkward having one of thos emoments around people who don't even know who OK Go is laugh.gif
  • The funniest thing ever was that during the show last Saturday, every now and then Damian would sing a line and my friend would get SO excited and this expression of realisation on her face when she recognised a lyric. She'd turn to me and be like, "OH HEY I KNOW THAT LINE IT WAS YOUR MSN NAME!"

    It was almost as funny as when they got the crowd to sing along to the "1,000,000 cruel" bit and since she didn't know the song, when everyone else stopped she went "One zero ze- ... oh my god".

    Now she understands all my OK Go references and I feel better for it.
  • so today i went to a friends house and it started rainging at the end, so my dad had to drive home in the rain, and it was so bad that we hydroplaned and the water spalshed up and covored the windsheild 3 times.
    you couldnt see shit. he had to stop driving when it happend.
    and our power was out for a couple hours which was actually kind of nice because i got to light all my candles and open the windows and straigten my room a bit ^^
    o and since the power was out we had to life up the garage door..... mih.

    so what do you guys do when the power is out???
  • I sulk and play with fire. You? lol
  • If it's a long time, we hook up the generator for the kitchen area pretty much (so the food in the fridge doesn't spoil). I love the candlelight. We have a bunch of oil lamps (my dad kind of collects them) so we usually use those. I like to read while the power is out...I'm not much of a reader, but I love the atmosphere of candles and reading smile.gif

    Ooh, and I have trouble sleeping while the power is out...I have to sleep with a night light because I am terribly scared of the dark...sometimes my mom lets me keep this lantern like flashlight on all night, or sometimes an oil lamp is left on in the hallway (usually not because of the risk of a fire).

    I also like to be around people, because of my fear of the dark, and I usually am just in my room.
    Oh, and I always carry a flashlight around during it.

    ...Sorry this is so long
  • Oh precious, you're scared of the dark? That's kind of endearing, IDK why.
  • I should probably take that back, there's nothing endearing about being terrified of something and I know that. Ignore me. Phobia's are awful.
  • adfgkjjhadfgjkafkjghadkjghadk;jgh.

    A friend of mine gets to do a phone interview with the guys next week and I'm bitter and jealous about it.
  • oo i wanted to read but i dont want to start one of the books i already have cause im waitin for one in the mail.
    and yea im afraid of the dark aswell but its a conditional thing.
    im not afraid of it outside and i think its because im only afraid of picth black like you cant see your hand infront of your face type thing.
    yet i cant sleep unless its like that... i duno
    i really wanted to read tho

    and i was watching vids on youtube and i came across this. link
    i posted it in some forum in the okgo section but i duno if everyone goes there often anyway. go look
    its only a tad borin
  • My phone's on viibraaate for yoooouuuuu, Electroclash is karaoke toooooo ♪ ♫
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 12 2007, 02:36 AM)
    so what do you guys do when the power is out???

    I mostly laugh and make lame jokes trying to scare my sisters
  • Ahh lazy morning.
    I'm too damn lazy to go make coffee
    Now THAT'S lazy!
  • *sigh* but I really want coffee.
    Oh man life is hard. smile.gif
  • I don't like coffee. I did when I was little, but I don't anymore.
  • Weird. I think most people are just the opposite.
    I started drinking it in high school. But nothing got me addicted like college.
    Now I have a coffee pot on my desk at work.

    PS. I finally made some. biggrin.gif
  • Haha aww smile.gif

    Yea I use to love it when I was little, but my mom didn't want to give me a whole mug of it, so she would fill up a medicine cup a few times for me laugh.gif

    I wish I liked coffee or tea, because of like the whole "do you want coffee or tea" thing...but I suppose I could just bring my own packets of hot chocolate laugh.gif
    There may be hope for me yet, I may decide I like it one day smile.gif
  • Yeah, tastes change a lot as you get older. I used to despise onions, now I can't get enough of them. What's up with that?

    I love tea too. Again college. I wanted coffee in the morning, but it was a 20 minute walk to class, by the time I got there with my travel mug it was cold. So I put a coffee cup and tea bags in my backpack and made tea in the microwave before class.

    That was probably a lot better for me.
  • I'm a tea fiend.
  • Hey guys, how do I contact the mods? I started a thread in the music forum that belongs here (how embarassing!!). I need to get it moved!

  • Just send J0rge a private message. He's the only mod.
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