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  • QUOTE (God @ Sep 8 2007, 05:32 PM)

    laugh.gif wub.gif

    oh i can't pick just one!
    Doctor Whooo!

    from cnnnn
    that's the one we were talking about before, who to bomb next.
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Sep 8 2007, 09:22 PM)
    Never play the game of the film Ratatouille. Too short.

    I kick ass at High School Musical the DVD Board Game.

    I also kick ass at Monopoly and my sister is the worlds sorest loser. She'll land on my Hotel, owe me all her money, I'll give her a deal like, "Just give me $500 and two of your railroads" and she throws a tanty saying I ruin the game and I'm horrible to play with. It's like WTF, THIS IS THE AIM OF THE GAME.

    /end Monopoly rant
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Sep 8 2007, 10:20 PM)
    laugh.gif wub.gif

    oh i can't pick just one!
    Doctor Whooo!

    from cnnnn
    that's the one we were talking about before, who to bomb next.

    Boo, I can't watch those 'cause I feel guilty about stealing someone elses bandwidth. They could be on 500MB for all I know. I'm totally bookmarking them for when I get my own connection set up though lol.
  • QUOTE (God @ Sep 8 2007, 06:41 AM)
    Seirously I know. What I find hilarious is that she did an interview in People about a week or two ago about what a good girl she is and how she wants to be this fantastic role model for young girls 'cause there's a serious lack of good role models for girls these days. I believe People opened the article by saying she's not one of those celebs who would "Flash their privates for the paps" or something.

    Now it's like, Oh no, she doesn't just flash her lips SHE SHOWS YOU IT ALL, BABY.
    But yes, phone sex is great but phone TEXTS are not, as an Australian cricketer learned the hard way.

    Hahahah priceless. I know I should feel bad in terms of people invading their privacy and the fact that most everyone has seen her nekkid now, but seriously.

    Ooooh phone texts would be troublesome. I think the basic rule is that there should be no hard copy.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Sep 8 2007, 11:53 PM)
    Hahahah priceless. I know I should feel bad in terms of people invading their privacy and the fact that most everyone has seen her nekkid now, but seriously.

    Ooooh phone texts would be troublesome. I think the basic rule is that there should be no hard copy.

    I can't feel sorry for them. If you didn't learn from Paris Hiltons mistakes you deserve the embarrassment of the world seeing your boobies. I mean, really. Who was she taking them for anyway. We all know Zac Efron's gay, surely she does too. I'd hate to think she doesn't realise she's a total beard.
  • There's a chance she's one of those sad fruit flies who still thinks she can turn them straight. Sorry, BBV, Efron's probably even less interested now.
  • Srsly. I'm slightly cranky with Disney for not dropping her. They turned their back on Anne Hathaway for showing her boobies and she did it for her *ART*, Vanessa did it 'cause she's a mindless trashy hoe. Which just goes to show when it comes to bucket loads of money, even Disney will turn a blind eye.

    And yes I enjoy being judgemental. What can I say, I've always loved the Tisdale.
  • When did Hathaway show her boobies? I hope it was in "Becoming Jane" because, you know, Jane Austen did have great boobies.


    (Now Jane Austen is going to haunt me for talking about her ta-tas, but that's alright)
  • Nah, way before that. I think the first one was called Havoc, and she did it again in Brokeback Mountain.
  • Wow! Anne Hathaway likes to show off!

    (Did you know that Anne Hathaway was the name of Shakespeare's wife? Though apparently he had a butt-load of mistresses and, in his will, only left Anne his "second best bed." No one knows why. My guess: she didn't show her boobs enough)
  • Actually, the only person with that name I've ever heard of was Shakespeare's wife...I had to google to see who were you talking about...

    changing the subject a bit... I have to get something off my chest.

    I have a problem. It all started last week when I moved into a new dorm (the one I'm going to be in at least this whole semester). Now, I was led to believe by the landlady that this was a co-ed dorm only to find out that it IS boys and girls alright; the only problem is the ratio boys to girls is aproximately 6:1! That means that besides myself and two other girls who are a couple (yes, I saw & heard them the first morning at the showers; they are together period), there are a dozen and a half guys with whom I'm expected to live with (thankfully all of us have our own private rooms)...

    My main issue are the said showers. The showers are all located in one giant facility (right next to my bedroom as luck will have it) with little to no privacy. If it were the other way around and I was the only guy in an all-girls dorm it would be like a dream come true right? Well, that's definitely NOT the case... everyone here is bigger and stronger than myself and I'm half expecting to be raped sooner or later. Don't get me wrong, up until now everybody has behaved like a gentleman, Andrés and Christian helped me carry my stuff into my room the first day; Giovanni practically built my bed from scratch; Daniel taught me all I had to know about how the heater, lights, water pipes etc. work; Jonathan has been a one-man welcoming comittee for an entire week (he's really funny btw); Vicente sometimes cooks for me (he's studying to become a chef) and Omar hands me his keys to the house, as I manage to keep loosing my copy practically every day... I'm feeling overwhelmed... I'm not used to being the center of attention and I don't want to start in this particular manner.

    Tonight is the first Saturday night I'm here and I'm sure several of them will get drunk (Friday's a regular work day)... I'm scared... I know I'm too old to say this but I'd really like my dad to be here...

    Rosa sad.gif
  • well im still in highschool so i dont have to deal with this stuff, but i think you should tough it out for a week or two to get the feeling. ya never know. it might just seem bad at the moment.
    the shower thing would scare the hell out of me and i would never live anywhere like that. if your really private about yourself like me then you might have to rent an appartment. even tho ur dad isnt there, the okgo forums are. ^^ <3
  • Wow Rosa that's quite interesting that you have to share showers..
    Well I suppose if they keep acting like gentlemen then you should be alright, and if you're concerned about shower security you could try showering at odd hours when there aren't any guys there.
    And when you feel unsafe just escape to your room?
    Sorry that isn't much help..

    I just watched Chocolat and omg what a fantastic film it was.
  • I was at my friend's Sweet 16 last night and I was dancing in the beginning, so not many people were dancing yet and I looked over at the DJ and he smiled and winked at me. ohmy.gif It was so weird. I mean, he was pretty young, so it wasn't as weird as some creepy old guy, but still. And then we did the Macarena (o ya) and me and my friend were up front and the DJ was standing right in front of us and she told me that when we had our backs to him, she could see that he wasn't dancing. But then when we turned, he quickly starting dancing again. And he was really close to us, so we didn't know what he was doing when we had our backs to him. Weird.
  • ^^
    awww, he was mesmirized by your awesomeness biggrin.gif
    ooo, and sweet 16's/quinceneras are always fun!! except mine dry.gif sad.gif
  • hahaha thanks Vinnie! I was actually going to try and get him to dance with all of us, but decided I probably shouldn't.

    ya they are fun. I love the dancing! It's so much fun! And everyone know's now that I'll be up there dancing, so I make sure they all come too. And then sometimes I end up in the middle of the big group and do some crazy move and then everyone's like "Ya Patty!" hahaha It's not like I'm a good dancer, I'm just not afraid to make a fool of myself! haha laugh.gif
  • ^^
    haha, aww.

    I don't have the courage to do that. I always try to make myself go up there and never works out.

    omg, aww, even though I have no idea what you look like, I can imagine you doing Bret's angry dance or the robot or something, hahaha.
  • hahaha you should just get up there and do it, because once you go you'll have so much fun! Me and my brother are definately the crazy dancing people in my family hahah. We're always the ones everyone is watching on the dance floor. I want to be one of those people on the iPod commercials where they just have the the people dancing. That would be so cool. And haha you imagined me doing the robot, well I did haha! I actually wanted to do Bret's angry dance haha

    O Vinnie, you don't know what I look like? I have still yet to see what you look like.
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Sep 9 2007, 05:30 PM)
    I was at my friend's Sweet 16 last night and I was dancing in the beginning, so not many people were dancing yet and I looked over at the DJ and he smiled and winked at me. ohmy.gif It was so weird. I mean, he was pretty young, so it wasn't as weird as some creepy old guy, but still. And then we did the Macarena (o ya) and me and my friend were up front and the DJ was standing right in front of us and she told me that when we had our backs to him, she could see that he wasn't dancing. But then when we turned, he quickly starting dancing again. And he was really close to us, so we didn't know what he was doing when we had our backs to him. Weird.

    aww i'm always first to start dancing to... i guess i have no shame.
    oooh when we did the nut bush at my cousin's wedding the dj sped up the music to try and put me off (as i was lead nut-busher). He thought his trickery would tire me but he was wrong! muahaha!

    I don't have the courage to do that. I always try to make myself go up there and never works out.

    Don't worry, patty and I will get you dancing in NY biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Sep 9 2007, 12:30 AM)
    I was at my friend's Sweet 16 last night and I was dancing in the beginning, so not many people were dancing yet and I looked over at the DJ and he smiled and winked at me. ohmy.gif It was so weird. I mean, he was pretty young, so it wasn't as weird as some creepy old guy, but still. And then we did the Macarena (o ya) and me and my friend were up front and the DJ was standing right in front of us and she told me that when we had our backs to him, she could see that he wasn't dancing. But then when we turned, he quickly starting dancing again. And he was really close to us, so we didn't know what he was doing when we had our backs to him. Weird.

    Aww, that's kinda flattering. Hey, DJ's are cool (well our Tim Nordwind as a DJ is anyway). Glad you had an interesting, memorable time at your friend's party wink.gif

    The worthless mindnumbing VMA's are tonight? Weren't they a lot earlier last year?

    I'll be heading back to the Rez in another hour. Being that I have limited internet access and can't get the board from work, you guys may not hear from me for another few weeks. *hugs*
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