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Random Stuff



  • lmao she looks like she's playing on your computer... like mother like daughter wink.gif
    p.s everyone, she's so cute, but she's SOOOO crazy when you first meet her.

    Jeter played it cool. Sort of. Hahahhaha

    p.s Kay, I'm writing a letter today. Did you hand write or type yours?
  • today the results for one of my exams should be announced on this internet site and I keep refreshing and nothing...argh, driving me nuts to sit and wait!!
    Oh, haha, had my economy exam today (which means i'm through!!!) and actually knew things... dunno if it is enough though :S

    I love that dog!!! looks so cute wub.gif
  • QUOTE (mayonaise @ Feb 13 2008, 12:35 PM)
    Oh, haha, had my economy exam today (which means i'm through!!!) and actually knew things... dunno if it is enough though :S

    I'm sure it was wink.gif you're brilliant, Mayo!! And now... you have a break from school!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Feb 13 2008, 06:52 PM)
    I'm sure it was wink.gif you're brilliant, Mayo!! And now... you have a break from school!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

    yes!! well, for a month at least, then there are the make up tests for those who failed (probably me, let's face it), but hey hey, a month! biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Feb 13 2008, 11:31 AM)
    your doggie is so gosh darn cute.

    Yeah, and she knows it. Brat. wink.gif

    QUOTE (katieyellow @ Feb 13 2008, 12:22 PM)
    lmao she looks like she's playing on your computer... like mother like daughter wink.gif
    p.s everyone, she's so cute, but she's SOOOO crazy when you first meet her.

    Jeter played it cool. Sort of. Hahahhaha

    You think that's cute? Here's the one I took right beforehand.


    When you first walk in she flips out because she has to make sure you're not trying to take over her territory. She's protective. Too bad she only weighs 7 and a half pounds. Jeter only looked like he was playing it cool in comparison - trust me, he's the Instigator. I'm gonna have the two of them while my parents are in Florida later this month for two weeks and it is going to be a NIGHTMARE everytime someone walks past our apartment door.

    Thanks Mayo! biggrin.gif

    (Edited to fix my terrible sentence structure)
  • hahahaha shes a board lurker ain't she?

    i wish i could have a puppy!
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Feb 13 2008, 12:22 PM)
    p.s Kay, I'm writing a letter today. Did you hand write or type yours?

    Yay! It's hand-written. And very sappy.
  • Okay-I figured handwritten would be more convincing because I took the time to WRITE it out... wink.gif

    Rach, you're hilarious. And I love how mesmerized Ginny looks by the computer. I seriously LOL'd in class!
  • That doggie gives me angina from cuteness attacks!

    I love being in the Jewish Dental Fraternity. It's like some sort of secret society. I don't go around going "Oh I'm Jewish" or anything like that. In fact, I'm pretty quiet about it unless someone asks me. But recently on an interview for a school, they had the nerve to ask me "Being Jewish, would you have a hard time working on a Muslim patient?" I thought nothing of the question. But now looking back on it, that's a very unfair unethical thing to ask. How dare they judge my professionalism based on my religion. Um, maybe that should've all gone in the complaint thread? Nevermind, I shall go eat lunch now. Haha! How's all that for random?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 13 2008, 09:16 PM)
    I love being in the Jewish Dental Fraternity. It's like some sort of secret society.

    When I went on these medical courses last year, there were a group of us who called ourselves the Jew Crew. Oh we were cool. But you're right - as if you'd be so unprofessional as to let someone's beliefs get in the way of your dental work!!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Feb 13 2008, 03:03 PM)
    When I went on these medical courses last year, there were a group of us who called ourselves the Jew Crew.

    Lol, Jew Crew, makes me think of J.Crew. You Brits are genious.

    Amy Winehouse is my age?! WTF?! She's looked so hagard I'd never think it!

    Also, tonetoile, Kia is doing their forgotten presidents commercial again. Are you going to have another forgotten president celebration?

  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Feb 12 2008, 08:27 PM)
    so i just read polaroid was planning on closing it's factories by the end of the year, so all you kids with your polaroid cameras might want to stock up on film before they stop making it...

    I knoooow! They said that they're willing to sell their technology to an outside company in order to continue production. I mean, it's not definite, but it doesn't mean they're closing down for good.

    I totally freaked out too.

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 14 2008, 01:59 AM)
    Also, tonetoile, Kia is doing their forgotten presidents commercial again. Are you going to have another forgotten president celebration?

    Stupid Kia. I am sticking with Van Buren since I never really carried it through last year. Maybe I'll have a forgotton presidents party where everyone has to dress up like a forgotten present? I just want a herd of Chester A. Arthurs (though I don't think he's forgotten, I want some Arthur representation simply because he has BAD ASS mutton chops)
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Feb 13 2008, 10:06 PM)

    i can pull that off... just give me 2 weeks.
  • Good! Chester A. Arthur representation: complete.

  • hey what if at the party i shave my 'chops into that 'stache form... then i could be both!

    and oh ya... i find myslef listening to this... its friggin crumbelivable...
  • Ooooh it's my anniversary! I joined the boards one year ago today smile.gif
    How exciting. I need some chocolate cake to celebrate, I think.
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Feb 15 2008, 02:02 PM)
    Ooooh it's my anniversary! I joined the boards one year ago today smile.gif
    How exciting. I need some chocolate cake to celebrate, I think.

    (singing) happy anniversary! happy anniversary, happy anniversary...HAAAA PPY anniversary!


  • oooh, happy anniversary Alice!!

    my random note, I think I'm addicted to banana juice. and cheese... but I like banana juice better than cheese... for now. I just thought, how perfect if one combined, but then ...ew.

    Rosa, omg, that cake.... want.....
  • QUOTE (mayonaise @ Feb 15 2008, 02:14 PM)
    oooh, happy anniversary Alice!!

    my random note, I think I'm addicted to banana juice. and cheese... but I like banana juice better than cheese... for now. I just thought, how perfect if one combined, but then ...ew.

    banana juice? huh.gif I've never had a banana as is that prepared? or it comes in a bottle? I've had banana smoothie but I don't think that's what you're talking about unsure.gif

    Rosa, omg, that cake.... want.....

    yeah, I know, me too..although this pharyngitis (which since this morning includes a runny nose) won't let me eat a decent bite of anything. dry.gif

  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Feb 13 2008, 10:20 PM)

    Oh William.
    Howard Taft.
    Had a great big smile,
    and a great big laugh.
    Great big belly,
    great big thighs,
    SLAPPED together when he walked by

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