In this Discussion

Happy List



  • Marathoning all 14 eps of Firefly plus Serenity while I'm stuck home sick, only to find out that Nathan Fillion's in a new show on abc that's pretty fantastic. It's called Castle, and he plays this ridiculous murder mystery novelist who teams up with a detective to solve cases. There've only been two episodes so far, but it's hilarious.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Mar 18 2009, 11:11 AM)
    Marathoning all 14 eps of Firefly plus Serenity while I'm stuck home sick, only to find out that Nathan Fillion's in a new show on abc that's pretty fantastic. It's called Castle, and he plays this ridiculous murder mystery novelist who teams up with a detective to solve cases. There've only been two episodes so far, but it's hilarious.

    And they use You're So Damn Hot in the commercials.
  • fantastic, rach smile.gif i loved it
  • -Finally feeling relieved by going to the doctor; having a diagnosis makes me feel so much better. If it turns out that I do have mono (I probably don't. The doctor seems to think it's just a particularly nasty viral infection), I'm taking it as doctor's order to lounge around all day and eat apples and listen to music. Lazy? Hardly! DOCTOR'S ORDERS.

    -The new Decemberists album. I enjoy anything that tells a story, and, though I'm punchy and hazy from being sick, I enjoyed my first listen-through of the album (thanks to the live recording from SXSW on All Songs Considered) IMMENSELY. The woman who sings the part of the Forest Queen is especially fantastic.
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Mar 16 2009, 06:38 AM)
    Seriously, K, please call me for "This Too Shall Pass" if you can. It will make a very happy Rachie.

    Of course, even though I don't know what it sounds like. I'll keep an eye on the set list and maybe I'll watch the first few seconds of one of the videos so I know how the beginning goes.
  • I put some clues for the Chicago girls on that thread. Fireworks on the backdrop, Ooohs from Tim and Andy, Damian sans guitar (I think for the only time all night), and the first words are "You know you can't keep letting it get you down". If the setlist is the same, it'll be right after "It's a Disaster".
  • I just wrote my first application for a possible summer intern... in Berlin. Vienna and Prague will follow, maybe somewhere here in Germany and maybe in England, but I also might be in England for 2 weeks, completely for free, living with a family, and after that time get 250 euro... whooo, summer camps! and through this research I might have finally found out what I wanna do in future, like, job-wise... which is HUGE... aye, now I got myself really excited... biggrin.gif
  • I get to see the boys and some very super-awesome Boardies in a month!!
  • i'm listening to Raspberry Beret... by Prince, and i got totally distracted b/c sometimes, my little Andy avatar is drumming at the same beat as the song and it's hilarious
  • I now know the exact date that I get to see my wifey!! smile.gif Ahhhhh!!!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Mar 23 2009, 06:54 PM)
    I now know the exact date that I get to see my wifey!! smile.gif Ahhhhh!!!

    biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • Rachel! Lovin' the new song!! You're so adorable!

    I wanna be a rockstar, bitch! Rockstar, bitch! La la la!

    Stuck in my head.
  • QUOTE (YoDoofball! @ Mar 24 2009, 12:18 AM)
    Rachel! Lovin' the new song!! You're so adorable!

    I wanna be a rockstar, bitch! Rockstar, bitch! La la la!

    Stuck in my head.

    Ahh, darling, it's "I'm GONNA be a Rockstar, Bitch!" It's so much better in the definitive. ;) But I'm really glad you like the new song. I'm super proud of it.

    And Alice, you know the EXACT date of your visit to Michigan?! What's the EXACT date you'll be rolling through Wilmington?
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Mar 24 2009, 12:15 PM)
    And Alice, you know the EXACT date of your visit to Michigan?! What's the EXACT date you'll be rolling through Wilmington?

    I gotta talk to you about that actually - we could either meet you in Wilmington or meet you with your parents in Baltimore, or possibly, if you're up for it, do something in Philadelphia...? There're a lot of ideas floating around that we'll need to chat to you about! smile.gif
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Mar 24 2009, 12:17 PM)
    I gotta talk to you about that actually - we could either meet you in Wilmington or meet you with your parents in Baltimore, or possibly, if you're up for it, do something in Philadelphia...? There're a lot of ideas floating around that we'll need to chat to you about! smile.gif

    Yes to all of the above. You know that I've driven up to NYC to see you when necessary - so you let me know where you'll be and when and I'll be there.
  • James Franco.
  • My sister's in Las Vegas right now and she went to the Hard Rock Hotel and took a picture of the DWYW suits and sent it to me today biggrin.gif
  • courteous drivers...
  • -Funk

    -thinking about a dance someone at work did...

    - Juicy fruit by Mtune

    - my furry hat

    - it getting warmish... semi
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Mar 25 2009, 09:16 AM)
    - Juicy fruit by Mtune

    No Lie, I love that song. It was on a compilation cassette my parents bought for me in 1983 that I listened to so many times I wore it out. I actually made a copy of it years later to extend the listening life, but it sounds warped.
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