In this Discussion

Happy List



  • i agree with courtney-babycakes tongue.gif
  • - Mr. Kenagy, my calculus teacher

    He is AMAZING
    Everything he does amuses me. Really. Everything. I sometimes/usually zone out and think about what I'm going to do tonight even if I think the lesson is interesting but never ever ever will I zone out in his class. He is brilliant. He does freaking back flips when someone from outside interrupts and he's getting to the point. He also is very very impressed by his new chalk brush... so impressed that he presented it to us today and highlighted its best features...

  • ^ like the candy? where they have the countdown thing to see how long you can handle it?
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Sep 8 2007, 03:17 PM)
    ^ like the candy? where they have the countdown thing to see how long you can handle it?

    lol I am unaware of a countdown, but if you're talking about those lollies that have that really sour shit on the outside then yes. That would be warheads.

    I had a girlie night with a friend last night and as we were searching for shit to eat I found this container of warheads. I haven't had them in yeearrsss. I totally forgot how awful it is for those first thirty odd seconds while it tastes insanely nasty.

    There's a warning on the back of the pack about not eating too many at once incase it damages your tongue/mouth. I laughed.
  • haha o man, I love Warheads! Now I really want one!

    Well I remember they're being not really a countdown, but this thing that would say something like "5 Sec...Wimp." and then at like 60 sec. it would say like "You made it." or something like that.
  • I fucking got a callback. Granted it's a college production but still, I got a fucking callback. That's all I wanted, some sort of recognition to myself that somewhere between Connecticut and Montreal all my acting ability, whatever there was to it, was lost, lost somewhere around Saratoga Springs. But fuck yes. I almost don't even care about getting a part, just the OPPORTUNITY to be near the stage, to stand in the blinding light and feel so goddamn free and unbounded by any sort of physical or mental limits. Suddenly, under the lights, every movement feels special, specific, for a reason; the way I hold my arm, my breath, the tilt or non-tilt of my head. Some don't believe me, but the first time I went onstage, the VERY first time as I waited in the wings (stage left), I could actually FEEL my blood pumping through my chest, pounding through my arms and making its way back.

    I've been watching excerpts from Beckett plays alll evening (rather than reading about climate change). I watched a version of "Play" (I highly recommend it. Just search for "Play Beckett" in Youtube and it's the one with Alan Rickman). I love Samuel Beckett. "Endgame" may be one of the best plays ever written. I would play Nell in a heartbeat. Why do I have such a crush on absurdist theatre? I think it's because my school was so partial to it. No one ever understood our plays, but we did it anyway. It was more fun that way.

    I missed the stage. Even if it's for an audition, as long as I can step out there and just BE there, it makes me so happy, so absolutely happy in a way I can't even begin to describe to you.
  • - FINALLY finding someone in the building who is too stupid to put a security lock on their wireless and has a strong enough signal that i can pick it up in my bedroom. Yeeahhhhhh baby.
  • -watching an old VMA video and thinking that just over a year ago I was there and got to see OK Go actually perform on treadmills, live! And remembering how fun it was! biggrin.gif
  • Congrats on the callback, tonetoile!

    - Lists... of all sorts
    - The Cat Empire
    - "Apples to Apples" parties
    - Making t-shirts
    - Michael's
    - Popcorn
  • - 2 new lotions from Victoria Secrets, they smell WONDERFUL, Strawberry Fizz and Slice of Heaven
  • -going to your friends sweet 16 (she's a year younger) and having a lot of people say they liked your dress and dancing like crazy. Like I mean, non-stop dancing, and having people comment me on it! biggrin.gif Not to brag or anything, but I have been told I am quite the dancer. I just get so into it. I was actually the first one dancing and then everyone else followed. Oh, it was fun!
  • - Finally bought the movie Blades of Glory.
    - Came with the movie Superstar for free.
    - Mom is doing my laundry for the first time.
  • -David Bowie
    -Karl Pilkington
  • I have the internet and it is mine and everyone else can go fuck themselves. w00t.
  • Spank you. I am very pleased about it.
  • QUOTE (God @ Sep 10 2007, 09:40 PM)
    I have the internet and it is mine and everyone else can go fuck themselves. w00t.

    haha, finally! that is a cause for celebration is the fact i am now immunised against 7 out of the 10 causes of cervical cancer!
    pretty cool, right?
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Sep 11 2007, 09:43 AM) is the fact i am now immunised against 7 out of the 10 causes of cervical cancer!
    pretty cool, right?

  • I got red highlights!!!
    They are pretty wicked...
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