hmmm, make a bouncy ball out of garbage bags, read magazines, read old magazines, read a book on vintage pointed sticks, make a pointed stick, learn origami, teach yourself german, grow a mustache, the possibilities are endless, and mostly involve reading... which is kinda lame
umm its dark in there and we cant bring anything in... we just get to stand at a spot at watch for cameras... but we can be sneaky i suppose... just wish i had something sneaky to do in there.
dear joe,
why do people still think whyd the chicken cross the road jokes funny?
in medieval times the chicken and monkey were symbols of opression, youre laughter is a way of 'taking it back' and 'reclaiming it as your own' simple!
dear joe, are you anti-primate? or possibley anti-simian? or possibley anti-poultry? or possibley anti-Hannah Montanna? what should I make of all this?
were you too scared to milk kangaroos?
whats the best way to eat an oreo ?
i would like cookies. please send cookies.
If you had to watch "We will rock you" the musical based on Queens Greatest hits every night, what would you do to pass the time?
dear joe,
why do people still think whyd the chicken cross the road jokes funny?
because its kitschy. damned if i know.
dear joe,
you dont know everything?!
- mels
Can I make any statement a question by putting a question mark on the end?
i heard you on the radio today... and by "you" i mean jimmy eat world sweetness... have you heard yourself on the radio lately?!?
i havent listened to the radio in ages, so no. cant say i have. thank you for your concern though.
dear joe,
are you anti-primate? or possibley anti-simian? or possibley anti-poultry? or possibley anti-Hannah Montanna?
what should I make of all this?
but lets just say me and bugs dont see eye to eye. on a couple of levels.
ew. mars spiders sound terrifying.
do you fear spiders? also do you watch "Lost" and if so, is Ben evil?
Spider Ben Fearer, dmd
why are midgets feared? and why are they always used to portray the grotesque side of human nature?
angry munchkin