My roommate, a stylist who awesomely enough gets to do a lot of photo shoots and runway shows (no Project Runway, unfortunately), refers to Daniel as "the guy with the great hair."
One of the things I really like about Project Runway is that, Wendy/Santino-created drama aside, everyone seems to get along and want to help each other. Because the show really is based on talent, back-stabbing isn't necessary.
Yeah, I agree. I mean, yeah, you're going to have your tense moments, but that happens naturally when you have that many people living and working together in such a small space.
And I know it's how the world works, and that they have to kee up ratings, but I feel that it's a shame that it was probably the producers who decided to keep Santino. That's probably the reason that they kept Wendy all of last season. Without those two, Nick and Austin probably would have wound up in the top three.
Okay, can I just say, after tonight's episode- OMG NICK AND DANIEL SO WANT TO MAKE BABIES OMG!!!
Er. If that were biologically possible, that is.
You know what I mean.
Because: 1) When Tim Gunn was like, "Should we get Nick?" when Daniel was talking about what he wanted to wear to Fashion Week, Daniel got all shy and awkward and totally looked at the floor!
2) Daniel picked Nick to be his helper.
3) In his commentary, Daniel was all like, "When Nick came back, it was this total bundle of crazy emotions!"
And I can't hate Santino anymore. JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT!!!
ha, that's what my friends said.
They really kind of "humanised" him during last night's episode. And I was like, wow...maybe he's not that much of an ass after all...
I thought it was nice how he was like, "If Daniel's stuff is coming apart and he doesn't see that, then I'm worried for him," because it was like he was really concerned, instead of him saying something like, "Daniel! Your stuff sucks!"
My roomie thinks that they're setting him up to win, that they have to make us like him now or we'll all be pissed.
I just hope they're leading us off the track by making us think Santino's gonna' win, but that Danny will instead. But I've seen Santino's collection, and it looks pretty good....
you think maybe they made that episode super santino-friendly because they want us all to like him when [if] he wins?
i hope chloe wins
she reminds me so much of my mommy
and danny v. is basically my brother in white form. except my brother wants to work for the UN. hahahaha so i can never find him cute. because that would be weird as all hell
you think maybe they made that episode super santino-friendly because they want us all to like him when [if] he wins?
That's my roomie's theory. She says they did the same thing with Jay last time. And I mean, it's entirely possible.
Buuuuut, they could also be throwing us off, telling us how great Santino's collection is while being like, OMGDANIELWHAT? so that it's a surprise if he wins.
Or Chloe could, you know, just win out over both of them. As far as I'm concerned, it's up in the air. They probably are playing mind tricks with all of us, but what exactly they're doing, I don't know yet.
Haha. I think use this phrase at least once every episode.
Anyway, I definitely think that Santino seems to be getting the winner's edit here. As much as I am totally in love with Daniel and Chloe and would like one of them to win, I have to say that I was surprised by what was shown of Santino's collection in this past episode. I actually liked what I saw a lot, possibly even more than what I saw of the other two collections. I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see because, really, it could go any way at this point.
I LOVE project runway!!! and even tho i love nick and andrae and daniel and chloe, santino has been my favorite since i saw his tim gunn impression, and totally want him to win since i saw the last episode
That's my roomie's theory. She says they did the same thing with Jay last time. And I mean, it's entirely possible.
They definitely did it with Jay last time, although it was a much easier job then- everyone already hated Wendy, so all they had to do was vilify Kara Saun. And since she basically decided to cheat, it wasn't that hard to make her seem less appealing.
So I finally caught this week's episode, and I am super-annoyed at the extra drama of this 13th look thing. Is this a serious collection or not? And bringing in all the designers just to have the top three choose assistants seemed unnecessary and cruel. I'm not digging these new twists.
And I know they're making it look worse than it is, but did anyone feel like there wasn't much of a collection going on with any of them? I think I'm going to be underwhelmed by the runway shows, particularly compared to last year.
So I finally caught this week's episode, and I am super-annoyed at the extra drama of this 13th look thing. Is this a serious collection or not? And bringing in all the designers just to have the top three choose assistants seemed unnecessary and cruel. I'm not digging these new twists.
OMG YES. That was just a horrible, horrible, cruel twist. They don't need that kind of stress. And what is it going to prove to the audience or the judges? They've already seen them work on strict deadlines- let the poor guys (and gal) do their thing!
My friend's theory is that they had to create drama because there's no Wendy Pepper this time.
On a good note, my friends and I are having a Project Runway Potluck Party for the finale, and my roomie and I are going to make a cake that says "Go Danny V.!"
NOOOOO GODDDDDDDD. Why Chloe? I'm pissed. I admit, I was rooting for Satino. WHY CHLOE?! She did NOT deserve to win. She already HAS A BUSINESS! Her collection was not strong. It was not good enough to win. I HATE her poofy ass sleeves. She used too much of the same fabric, and at the same time too! God. I AM SO PISSED.
WHY CHLOE?! She did NOT deserve to win. She already HAS A BUSINESS! Her collection was not strong. It was not good enough to win.
None of the collections were really strong- Jay or Kara Saun would've kicked these kids' asses. But I can't really feel angry about Chloe winning. She's just so nice, and she makes pretty dresses and all. I'm just surprised & disappointed that Daniel V. didn't win. His collection was about as mediocre as the others', but in my mind his orchid piece should have been enough to take the season.
NOOOOO GODDDDDDDD. Why Chloe? I'm pissed. I admit, I was rooting for Satino. WHY CHLOE?! She did NOT deserve to win. She already HAS A BUSINESS! Her collection was not strong. It was not good enough to win. I HATE her poofy ass sleeves. She used too much of the same fabric, and at the same time too! God. I AM SO PISSED.
Actually, I'm happy Chloe won. I'm totally okay with that. Do NOT sit there and say she didn't deserve to win simply because she has her own business already. If anything, I think it may have been that slight edge that pushed her past Daniel.
So here are my thoughts on the collections:
Daniel- I did like Danny's collection. It was very elegant but very, very wearable. This was not high, crazy couture- you could throw his stuff on and go out on the street. I liked it. Unfortunately, there were some really strong pieces mixed in with some very underwhelming pieces, and I was a little bit disappointed, and honestly really scared for him until he got to the judging. I do have to agree with the judges- he showed a really great range and variety. My favourite look was probably that first jacket, or the white skirt/denim vest/purple shirt combo, which was very cute and very wearable.
Chloe- Her collection was AMAZING. Amazing. The silhouettes were great, and the structure and design was so phenomenal. You could see that the pieces were about the design, not the fabric. It was all evening wear, so not as big of a range, and Nina criticised it, saying it was a one-note collection- but damn, was it a good note. My favourite piece was the babydoll 13th dress. It was so cute and fun. I'd so wear that (if I could pull it off, that is...) Also, can I say that Chloe and Grace next to each other are the cutest thing? It's like a dwarf next to an Amazon...
Santino- Wow. So underwhelmed. A lot of his pieces were very safe. I think he wanted to show the "sophisticated" side of Santino, but it didn't work. He did what he thought other people would see as beautiful, not necesssarily what he saw as beautiful. He didn't stick to his guns like he's done all season, and in the end, that hurt him. It didn't help that a lot of his pieces were totally washed-out on the models. Had he used more bold colours and/or prints, they might have worked much better. I really thought his collection was going to be far, far better than it was. My favourite piece was probably the last dress, which was very fun.
And as much of a Danny V. fan as I am, I am totally happy with Chloe winning. Her collection was the best on that runway. It was cohesive, it was sleek, it was well-structured, it was interesting, the silhouettes were daring, and it was beautiful. True, there wasn't a lot of variety. It would have been nice to see a range. But even if it was a one note collection, damn, was it a good note.
And Chloe has the advantage of being a marketer and a designer. That's why you can't say she shouldn't have won because she has a business already. She's been out there, working for years already, and she knows how to create a line, and, more importantly in the cutthroat fashion industry, sell it.
Danny needs experience. He needs what Micheal Kors offered him- a job with a big name for a few years, and then he'll be ready to start the House of Vosovic.
And don't be upset over Santino not winning- that's definitely not the last we've seen of him. I have a feeling all three will go far.
Now, I really just want to know if Nick and Danny made out...
I wanted Daniel to WIN!!! I still can't get over the fact that he's gay.
Well, there's still that whole 80/20 if you happen to be particularly gorgeous, you might have a chance.
Dobug, you're right, that dress is hideous. Why did she lead with it?
But I agree with Jedi that Chloe's experience probably pushed her past Daniel. I mean, look what happened with Jay- super-talented young designer with no business experience. And what was he able to make out of his opportunity? The show needs one of its winners to actually go somewhere, and Chloe was the better choice from that perspective. And you're right, maybe Daniel will be that much better off for it, as disappointed as I am about the loss. Can you imagine how great he'll be in five years? And the skirt/shirt/vest combo was definitely his best look.
But I have to disagree about the cohesiveness of Chloe's collection. None of them were particularly cohesive, but in particular I felt hers was just one dress after another coming down the runway. I mean, unless her theme is "mature women attending a formal event," I don't really get it. And what was with the shrugs!
I'm probably destined to be disappointed by Project Runway, though, because Jay's collection was just so perfect to me- it actually fits my style completely, so I'm hugely biased. I wish he would come out with some stuff while I can still get student loans to blow on it!
Yeah, I agree. I mean, yeah, you're going to have your tense moments, but that happens naturally when you have that many people living and working together in such a small space.
And I know it's how the world works, and that they have to kee up ratings, but I feel that it's a shame that it was probably the producers who decided to keep Santino. That's probably the reason that they kept Wendy all of last season. Without those two, Nick and Austin probably would have wound up in the top three.
Okay, can I just say, after tonight's episode- OMG NICK AND DANIEL SO WANT TO MAKE BABIES OMG!!!
Er. If that were biologically possible, that is.
You know what I mean.
1) When Tim Gunn was like, "Should we get Nick?" when Daniel was talking about what he wanted to wear to Fashion Week, Daniel got all shy and awkward and totally looked at the floor!
2) Daniel picked Nick to be his helper.
3) In his commentary, Daniel was all like, "When Nick came back, it was this total bundle of crazy emotions!"
They've so made out. You know they've made out.
And I can't hate Santino anymore. JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT!!!
ha, that's what my friends said.
They really kind of "humanised" him during last night's episode. And I was like, wow...maybe he's not that much of an ass after all...
I thought it was nice how he was like, "If Daniel's stuff is coming apart and he doesn't see that, then I'm worried for him," because it was like he was really concerned, instead of him saying something like, "Daniel! Your stuff sucks!"
My roomie thinks that they're setting him up to win, that they have to make us like him now or we'll all be pissed.
I just hope they're leading us off the track by making us think Santino's gonna' win, but that Danny will instead.
i hope chloe wins
she reminds me so much of my mommy
and danny v. is basically my brother in white form. except my brother wants to work for the UN. hahahaha so i can never find him cute. because that would be weird as all hell
That's my roomie's theory. She says they did the same thing with Jay last time. And I mean, it's entirely possible.
Buuuuut, they could also be throwing us off, telling us how great Santino's collection is while being like, OMGDANIELWHAT? so that it's a surprise if he wins.
Or Chloe could, you know, just win out over both of them. As far as I'm concerned, it's up in the air. They probably are playing mind tricks with all of us, but what exactly they're doing, I don't know yet.
Haha. I think use this phrase at least once every episode.
Anyway, I definitely think that Santino seems to be getting the winner's edit here. As much as I am totally in love with Daniel and Chloe and would like one of them to win, I have to say that I was surprised by what was shown of Santino's collection in this past episode. I actually liked what I saw a lot, possibly even more than what I saw of the other two collections. I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see because, really, it could go any way at this point.
HAHAHA. I just found this icon the other day:
They definitely did it with Jay last time, although it was a much easier job then- everyone already hated Wendy, so all they had to do was vilify Kara Saun. And since she basically decided to cheat, it wasn't that hard to make her seem less appealing.
So I finally caught this week's episode, and I am super-annoyed at the extra drama of this 13th look thing. Is this a serious collection or not? And bringing in all the designers just to have the top three choose assistants seemed unnecessary and cruel. I'm not digging these new twists.
And I know they're making it look worse than it is, but did anyone feel like there wasn't much of a collection going on with any of them? I think I'm going to be underwhelmed by the runway shows, particularly compared to last year.
OMG YES. That was just a horrible, horrible, cruel twist. They don't need that kind of stress. And what is it going to prove to the audience or the judges? They've already seen them work on strict deadlines- let the poor guys (and gal) do their thing!
My friend's theory is that they had to create drama because there's no Wendy Pepper this time.
On a good note, my friends and I are having a Project Runway Potluck Party for the finale, and my roomie and I are going to make a cake that says "Go Danny V.!"
WHY CHLOE?! She did NOT deserve to win. She already HAS A BUSINESS! Her collection was not strong. It was not good enough to win. I HATE her poofy ass sleeves. She used too much of the same fabric, and at the same time too!
None of the collections were really strong- Jay or Kara Saun would've kicked these kids' asses. But I can't really feel angry about Chloe winning. She's just so nice, and she makes pretty dresses and all. I'm just surprised & disappointed that Daniel V. didn't win. His collection was about as mediocre as the others', but in my mind his orchid piece should have been enough to take the season.
WHY CHLOE?! She did NOT deserve to win. She already HAS A BUSINESS! Her collection was not strong. It was not good enough to win. I HATE her poofy ass sleeves. She used too much of the same fabric, and at the same time too!
Actually, I'm happy Chloe won. I'm totally okay with that. Do NOT sit there and say she didn't deserve to win simply because she has her own business already. If anything, I think it may have been that slight edge that pushed her past Daniel.
So here are my thoughts on the collections:
Daniel- I did like Danny's collection. It was very elegant but very, very wearable. This was not high, crazy couture- you could throw his stuff on and go out on the street. I liked it. Unfortunately, there were some really strong pieces mixed in with some very underwhelming pieces, and I was a little bit disappointed, and honestly really scared for him until he got to the judging. I do have to agree with the judges- he showed a really great range and variety. My favourite look was probably that first jacket, or the white skirt/denim vest/purple shirt combo, which was very cute and very wearable.
Chloe- Her collection was AMAZING. Amazing. The silhouettes were great, and the structure and design was so phenomenal. You could see that the pieces were about the design, not the fabric. It was all evening wear, so not as big of a range, and Nina criticised it, saying it was a one-note collection- but damn, was it a good note. My favourite piece was the babydoll 13th dress. It was so cute and fun. I'd so wear that (if I could pull it off, that is...) Also, can I say that Chloe and Grace next to each other are the cutest thing? It's like a dwarf next to an Amazon...
Santino- Wow. So underwhelmed. A lot of his pieces were very safe. I think he wanted to show the "sophisticated" side of Santino, but it didn't work. He did what he thought other people would see as beautiful, not necesssarily what he saw as beautiful. He didn't stick to his guns like he's done all season, and in the end, that hurt him. It didn't help that a lot of his pieces were totally washed-out on the models. Had he used more bold colours and/or prints, they might have worked much better. I really thought his collection was going to be far, far better than it was. My favourite piece was probably the last dress, which was very fun.
And as much of a Danny V. fan as I am, I am totally happy with Chloe winning. Her collection was the best on that runway. It was cohesive, it was sleek, it was well-structured, it was interesting, the silhouettes were daring, and it was beautiful. True, there wasn't a lot of variety. It would have been nice to see a range. But even if it was a one note collection, damn, was it a good note.
And Chloe has the advantage of being a marketer and a designer. That's why you can't say she shouldn't have won because she has a business already. She's been out there, working for years already, and she knows how to create a line, and, more importantly in the cutthroat fashion industry, sell it.
Danny needs experience. He needs what Micheal Kors offered him- a job with a big name for a few years, and then he'll be ready to start the House of Vosovic.
And don't be upset over Santino not winning- that's definitely not the last we've seen of him. I have a feeling all three will go far.
Now, I really just want to know if Nick and Danny made out...
Edit: Woot! 700th post! *happy dance*
omg chloez da best disiner eva!!11
Well, there's still that whole 80/20 if you happen to be particularly gorgeous, you might have a chance.
Dobug, you're right, that dress is hideous. Why did she lead with it?
But I agree with Jedi that Chloe's experience probably pushed her past Daniel. I mean, look what happened with Jay- super-talented young designer with no business experience. And what was he able to make out of his opportunity? The show needs one of its winners to actually go somewhere, and Chloe was the better choice from that perspective. And you're right, maybe Daniel will be that much better off for it, as disappointed as I am about the loss. Can you imagine how great he'll be in five years? And the skirt/shirt/vest combo was definitely his best look.
But I have to disagree about the cohesiveness of Chloe's collection. None of them were particularly cohesive, but in particular I felt hers was just one dress after another coming down the runway. I mean, unless her theme is "mature women attending a formal event," I don't really get it. And what was with the shrugs!
I'm probably destined to be disappointed by Project Runway, though, because Jay's collection was just so perfect to me- it actually fits my style completely, so I'm hugely biased. I wish he would come out with some stuff while I can still get student loans to blow on it!