Kikky did it. She's a computer genious! She must tell us how she did it! NOW!!!! (Dang, of course she's not on right now. How convenient...)
haha, aww, I feel loved! Let's see..I used Paint to edit the roach(he had been sitting in a hand, and I just erased the hand, pixel by pixel), then I turned him in different directions and pasted two of them on Sir Damian.
To get the "Sweaty Damian" look, I just attended a show and snapped about 300 pictures. It also helps if he slings sweat and 1/4 the contents of a water bottle on your face, some of which gets in your mouth accidentally. Then it's like drinking pure heroin, except the heroin is actually talented sweat from Damian Kulash. hehe.
I also have Studio MX 2004, which includes Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash, among other things, which helped me become the Computer SuperNerd 5000. I recommend it highly, but it's realllllly expensive(about $800) so I suggest you search for a program crack after downloading the trial versions. Hacking and making video games kind of helps too, hehe.
It also helps if he slings sweat and 1/4 the contents of a water bottle on your face, some of which gets in your mouth accidentally. Then it's like drinking pure heroin, except the heroin is actually talented sweat from Damian Kulash. hehe.
I also have Studio MX 2004, which includes Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash, among other things, which helped me become the Computer SuperNerd 5000.
gahahaha! LOL! This made me laugh so much. Thanks for new vocabulary words Kikky! I will now incorporate "talented sweat" and "Computer SuperNerd 5000" into my trusty Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis for I, also am a Computer SuperNerd 2000. I must upgrade.
Btw, the picture looks fabulous, I really thought that someone had given Damian the Roachie Broach and then I read the postings and was amazed.
gahahaha! LOL! This made me laugh so much. Thanks for new vocabulary words Kikky! I will now incorporate "talented sweat" and "Computer SuperNerd 5000" into my trusty Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis for I, also am a Computer SuperNerd 2000. I must upgrade.
Btw, the picture looks fabulous, I really thought that someone had given Damian the Roachie Broach and then I read the postings and was amazed.
You mean you're working on such an old edition of Computer SuperNerd?!! Gah, I concur, you MUST upgrade! hehehe. You should publish the Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis, for many of us wish to read it.
aww, Thank you! If you want to see really fantastic images, just wait till I upload my OK Go site, Damian seamlessly blends with the background, it's soooo cool looking. It's like...background...background..GAHDamian Kulash?!!? Where did you come from?! hehehe.
aww, Thank you! If you want to see really fantastic images, just wait till I upload my OK Go site, Damian seamlessly blends with the background, it's soooo cool looking. It's like...background...background..GAHDamian Kulash?!!? Where did you come from?! hehehe.
I wanna help transcribe those interviews! You and jedi_grrlie have yet to contact me on that.
QUOTE (RoRo @ Jun 6 2006, 05:18 AM)
*clears throat*
i would like to be an offical member Krose....*stares at the ground very shy* *kicks up some dirt* *gets it in eye* (((CRAPPP)))!
so ya can i be in :wub:
Of course, RoRo! There's so much Ro here, it's amazing Roach Broach. Oh no, don't get dirt in your eyes! You need your eyes to help us decorate roachie.
Therefore, RoRo, I hereby make you an official member of the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society *slams down the gabble*
I wanna help transcribe those interviews! You and jedi_grrlie have yet to contact me on that.
I'm going to punch Katy... haha. She keeps saying "Yeah...I still need to contact Rose...hmm. I'll get around to it.." The lazy bones! Alright. I'll assign you something! Can you start work on the Podcasts? Those and the Fan Correspondants need to be done(I figure I'll do my own FC, since I remember what ARoss said and the sound isn't the best at times).
I'll help make a Roach Brooch website in return for all your help! (Although I don't think I can host it, with the limited bandwidth I've got, I probably will have trouble with the OK Go Database as it is *cry* )
I wanna help transcribe those interviews! You and jedi_grrlie have yet to contact me on that. Of course, RoRo! There's so much Ro here, it's amazing Roach Broach. Oh no, don't get dirt in your eyes! You need your eyes to help us decorate roachie.
Therefore, RoRo, I hereby make you an official member of the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society *slams down the gabble*
HAHAHA YA *dances*
omg there are 2 ro's in roach broach - thus - roro? FATE? I THINK SO !
Time to bring this lovely thread back up top just for the heck of it. Today, my mom found a cricket in the garage. It was eating some mouse poison. Then it started to hobble away drunkenly, forgot how to hop correctly, and was acting rather irratic and nutso. I think my mom may have discovered LSD for insects!
You know, I could really post this under the Random area of the discussion board, but since it is bug related, I wanna put it here.
*Bump* Because I miss this thread, and I know you all do too On behalf on ABC tv, Roachie would like to thank the Smart Shopper Lady for giving him such a nice poofy hair-do for him to play with
Lol!!! Ah, how did you come up with that so quickly?
how'd you cut them out sooo good? it looks so real!
haha, aww, I feel loved!
Let's see..I used Paint to edit the roach(he had been sitting in a hand, and I just erased the hand, pixel by pixel), then I turned him in different directions and pasted two of them on Sir Damian.
To get the "Sweaty Damian" look, I just attended a show and snapped about 300 pictures. It also helps if he slings sweat and 1/4 the contents of a water bottle on your face, some of which gets in your mouth accidentally. Then it's like drinking pure heroin, except the heroin is actually talented sweat from Damian Kulash. hehe.
I also have Studio MX 2004, which includes Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash, among other things, which helped me become the Computer SuperNerd 5000. I recommend it highly, but it's realllllly expensive(about $800) so I suggest you search for a program crack after downloading the trial versions. Hacking and making video games kind of helps too, hehe.
I also have Studio MX 2004, which includes Macromedia Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash, among other things, which helped me become the Computer SuperNerd 5000.
gahahaha! LOL! This made me laugh so much. Thanks for new vocabulary words Kikky!
I will now incorporate "talented sweat" and "Computer SuperNerd 5000" into my trusty Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis for I, also am a Computer SuperNerd 2000. I must upgrade.
Btw, the picture looks fabulous, I really thought that someone had given Damian the Roachie Broach and then I read the postings and was amazed.
i would like to be an offical member Krose....*stares at the ground very shy*
*kicks up some dirt*
*gets it in eye*
so ya can i be in
I will now incorporate "talented sweat" and "Computer SuperNerd 5000" into my trusty Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis for I, also am a Computer SuperNerd 2000. I must upgrade.
Btw, the picture looks fabulous, I really thought that someone had given Damian the Roachie Broach and then I read the postings and was amazed.
You mean you're working on such an old edition of Computer SuperNerd?!! Gah, I concur, you MUST upgrade! hehehe.
You should publish the Dictionary of Superwords To Use on a Daily Basis, for many of us wish to read it.
aww, Thank you! If you want to see really fantastic images, just wait till I upload my OK Go site, Damian seamlessly blends with the background, it's soooo cool looking. It's like...background...background..GAHDamian Kulash?!!? Where did you come from?! hehehe.
I wanna help transcribe those interviews! You and jedi_grrlie have yet to contact me on that.
i would like to be an offical member Krose....*stares at the ground very shy*
*kicks up some dirt*
*gets it in eye*
so ya can i be in
Of course, RoRo! There's so much Ro here, it's amazing Roach Broach. Oh no, don't get dirt in your eyes! You need your eyes to help us decorate roachie.
Therefore, RoRo, I hereby make you an official member of the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society *slams down the gabble*
I'm going to punch Katy... haha. She keeps saying "Yeah...I still need to contact Rose...hmm. I'll get around to it.." The lazy bones!
Alright. I'll assign you something! Can you start work on the Podcasts? Those and the Fan Correspondants need to be done(I figure I'll do my own FC, since I remember what ARoss said and the sound isn't the best at times).
I'll help make a Roach Brooch website in return for all your help!
Of course, RoRo! There's so much Ro here, it's amazing Roach Broach. Oh no, don't get dirt in your eyes! You need your eyes to help us decorate roachie.
Therefore, RoRo, I hereby make you an official member of the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society *slams down the gabble*
HAHAHA YA *dances*
omg there are 2 ro's in roach broach - thus - roro? FATE? I THINK SO !
omg there are 2 ro's in roach broach - thus - roro? FATE? I THINK SO !
Hurray for fate and hurray for roro! Welcome to the society!
^^ is this a good caption? If you guys like it, it's going up on the myspace.
(Special thanks to Kikky for taking the fabulous pic, for doctoring the fabulous pic, and for giving me tips on how to add a caption to it
^^ is this a good caption? If you guys like it, it's going up on the myspace.
(Special thanks to Kikky for taking the fabulous pic, for doctoring the fabulous pic, and for giving me tips on how to add a caption to it
You got it to work, hurrah!!
The Official OkGo Roach Broach Society...Using our powers for good.
The Official OkGo Roach Broach Society...Using our powers for good.
HAHAH That's great.
You know, I could really post this under the Random area of the discussion board, but since it is bug related, I wanna put it here.
Drugs ARN'T cool, Dont be a FOOL!
On behalf on ABC tv, Roachie would like to thank the Smart Shopper Lady for giving him such a nice poofy hair-do for him to play with