You know, if Milosh found it that amusing, I wonder if he fowarded it onto Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, and then to the guys. That'd be great.
I actually sent it to ARoss moments ago, with a super long message attached. I wonder if he'll reply to it....
QUOTE (Kaylee @ Apr 17 2006, 09:36 PM)
Wow, those eggs are awesome! Anyway, OK Go as... palm trees!
(as seen in my sig.)
HAHA, this is so cool! VERY original thinking, Kaylee!
Alright, I've been working on some airbrushed tshirts for one of the concert's I'll be attending with Karleigh in Texas. I finally got done with my first one, learning along the way how NOT to use an airbrush to paint. I thought I'd share it, since (even though it's a work of crap) I'm proud that I finished it.
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard: (Yes, I know I look funny, shut up) I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion. Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
Alright, I've been working on some airbrushed tshirts for one of the concert's I'll be attending with Karleigh in Texas. I finally got done with my first one, learning along the way how NOT to use an airbrush to paint. I thought I'd share it, since (even though it's a work of crap) I'm proud that I finished it.
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard: (Yes, I know I look funny, shut up) I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion. Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
Ahem. I love the artwork. Also, when you make Damian's eyes, make sure they're GREEN. Which is what they are. (*coughKarleighcough*)
Ahem. I love the artwork. Also, when you make Damian's eyes, make sure they're GREEN. Which is what they are. (*coughKarleighcough*)
I was planning on surprising you with one, but you ruined it. good job.
Haha, if I did eyes with color, everyone's would be green, except Tim, since his are brown. I was almost thinking little beady black dots would look better, but honestly I'm at wit's end on having to make such finite decisions.
Of course, after drawing little black beady eyes, I've changed my mind, (i.e. because I've decided I suck at drawing eyes. Maybe I can pretend there was a freak accident and that they don't have eyes IRL...hehe. Ohh, I don't know anymore. ahhhh!
Haha, if I did eyes with color, everyone's would be green, except Tim, since his are brown. I was almost thinking little beady black dots would look better, but honestly I'm at wit's end on having to make such finite decisions.
Of course, after drawing little black beady eyes, I've changed my mind, (i.e. because I've decided I suck at drawing eyes. Maybe I can pretend there was a freak accident and that they don't have eyes IRL...hehe. Ohh, I don't know anymore. ahhhh!
If they didn't have eyes IRL, they'd suck at doing the dance. They'd probably get as far as the conga line and start running into each other.
My first time ever with screen printing. It looks faded and very vintige like. I love it with a passion and regret putting it on a scrap piece of cloth and not a real shirt. I am currently working with that and the OK Go rock logo.
QUOTE (Kikky @ May 2 2006, 04:43 PM)
Alright, I've been working on some airbrushed tshirts for one of the concert's I'll be attending with Karleigh in Texas. I finally got done with my first one, learning along the way how NOT to use an airbrush to paint. I thought I'd share it, since (even though it's a work of crap) I'm proud that I finished it.
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard: (Yes, I know I look funny, shut up) I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion. Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
lol, no. I just can't stay away! I am truly hopelessly devoted to this board. (Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, should use that as a quote to advertise with)
My first time ever with screen printing. It looks faded and very vintige like. I love it with a passion and regret putting it on a scrap piece of cloth and not a real shirt. I am currently working with that and the OK Go rock logo.
Dude...that's awesome! Do you have a screen printer?
Ugh, I'm going to have to make my "Free Damian!" shirt sometime soon....once school is over...
I actually sent it to ARoss moments ago, with a super long message attached. I wonder if he'll reply to it....
Anyway, OK Go as... palm trees!
(as seen in my sig.)
HAHA, this is so cool!
VERY original thinking, Kaylee!
Back of Kikky's shirt.
Back of Kikky's shirt.
That is beautiful. I can't wait to wear it and let Damian sign all over my chest. hahaha.
We really need to make an "I Was Molested By Damian Kulash" group or something. Haha.
HAHA. Can you imagine if we wore those to a concert? That'd be hilarious. Or really awkward. One of those two.
Well, for all the OK Go fans out there, it'd be funny and they'd be like, "Me too!" But for Damian, it'd sure be awkward.
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard:
(Yes, I know I look funny, shut up)
I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion.
Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard:
(Yes, I know I look funny, shut up)
I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion.
Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
Ahem. I love the artwork.
Ahem. I love the artwork.
I was planning on surprising you with one, but you ruined it. good job.
Haha, if I did eyes with color, everyone's would be green, except Tim, since his are brown. I was almost thinking little beady black dots would look better, but honestly I'm at wit's end on having to make such finite decisions.
Of course, after drawing little black beady eyes, I've changed my mind, (i.e. because I've decided I suck at drawing eyes. Maybe I can pretend there was a freak accident and that they don't have eyes IRL...hehe. Ohh, I don't know anymore. ahhhh!
Of course, after drawing little black beady eyes, I've changed my mind, (i.e. because I've decided I suck at drawing eyes. Maybe I can pretend there was a freak accident and that they don't have eyes IRL...hehe. Ohh, I don't know anymore. ahhhh!
If they didn't have eyes IRL, they'd suck at doing the dance. They'd probably get as far as the conga line and start running into each other.
That would be a sight to see though...I can see the headline now, "The only band without eyes!"
Like something straight out of a circus, haha.
Like something straight out of a circus, haha.
As long as there are no clowns. Clowns are evil.
My first time ever with screen printing. It looks faded and very vintige like. I love it with a passion and regret putting it on a scrap piece of cloth and not a real shirt. I am currently working with that and the OK Go rock logo.
I have to move the images up about 2 inches, because after I put it on, it looked a little low and kind of awkard:
(Yes, I know I look funny, shut up)
I'm probably not going to have "Juggling Club" on the final shirts either, since (1) Karleigh wants hers to say something about the Trinity, and (2) It looks kind of awkward with that much lettering, in my opinion.
Anyway, they need eyes/mouths/noses, I know, but if you guys could give me a critique and suggest some ideas of how it could be improved, I'd appreciate it!
Oooo, Lightamatch4me, that Ok Go Kulash shirt is the bomb-diggity! I want one too!!! (Ah, I am feeling so greedy all of the sudden)
My first time ever with screen printing. It looks faded and very vintige like. I love it with a passion and regret putting it on a scrap piece of cloth and not a real shirt. I am currently working with that and the OK Go rock logo.
Dude...that's awesome! Do you have a screen printer?
Ugh, I'm going to have to make my "Free Damian!" shirt sometime soon....once school is over...
Thanks! Yours looks amazing as well, I can't wait to see the finished product!!