Wowowow!!! Fantastic job, kikky! That looks so hard to make. How long did it take to do? I'll take the scrap one off of your hands if you want. Lol
Oooo, Lightamatch4me, that Ok Go Kulash shirt is the bomb-diggity! I want one too!!! (Ah, I am feeling so greedy all of the sudden)
haha, Thanks!! It's not as hard as it looks, it's much like using stamps, except you're spraying the paint instead of dipping the stamp into it. As for how long it took to do... Well, I had to draw it out first, which took about a month due to lack to time(stupid school!!), but then basically I just used an exacto knife to cut out stencils(one stencil for each color) and then tape it on the shirt and paint it. Because of my constant anger with the stencils(I used plain paper, which is a bad idea. I got into arguments with that dumb paper: "You don't want to work with me on this? WELL FINE. I'm not touching you for three days. See how you like that!") it took at least a month to do.
I'm cutting out the stencils for the final shirts right now(The problem with using regular paper is that you have to make a new stencil each time, since the paint makes it soggy) and as soon as that's done, I should finish by today or tomorrow. So basically, once you get the hang of it, it doesn't take too long.
I was thinking of either using the shirts as an endorsement to join the Trinity's myspace(or official Juggling Club t-shirts, granted I can convince the powers that be), but I'd have to create a permanent stencil out of some kind of vellum, which I don't know how to do, and then the other problem is that paint is expensive, and I'd have to ask for donations, which is just silly. So that idea might not work out, but if it did, you'd get your name on the back and crazy stuff like that. If all else fails, I can probably give you the scrap, hehe.
Have you tried freezer paper? I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it works really well. You cut out the stencil and then iron it on to the shirt, so it'll stay put and won't get soggy. You have to remake them after two or three uses, though.
Have you tried freezer paper? I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it works really well. You cut out the stencil and then iron it on to the shirt, so it'll stay put and won't get soggy. You have to remake them after two or three uses, though.
To be honest, I've never even heard of freezer paper, haha. I'll have to try that out, granted that Food World sells it.
Have you tried freezer paper? I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it works really well. You cut out the stencil and then iron it on to the shirt, so it'll stay put and won't get soggy. You have to remake them after two or three uses, though.
I've tried freezer paper and it works well, but I think transparencies are better because you can use them over again, and all you need is spray adhesive.
Where did you get it and, if you don't mind me asking, how much was it?
Well my Dad got it at a local art store in Phoenix so that doesnt help you too much but if you call some local craft stores they might have it. It is a Speedball Screen Printing Kit.
It comes with everything you need to start with for about $40. Not a bad deal really. Here is a website you can buy it from also.
OK I have an idea for a tee shirt but I want some opinions from the fellow boardies.
I want to make a shirt in dedication to Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. I want to put a picture of a robot and underneath I want it to say something like
"Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore Whom I Adore."
Now all I need is a good robot picture and maybe give him so cool hair, lol. What should it say? Im kinda leaning towards the second one, "J O R G E, the imaginary robot."
OK I have an idea for a tee shirt but I want some opinions from the fellow boardies.
I want to make a shirt in dedication to Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. I want to put a picture of a robot and underneath I want it to say something like
"Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore Whom I Adore."
"J O R G E, the imaginary robot."
Something like that. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hmmm. RoRo and I have been talking for a while about coming up with a specifically Boardie t-shirt, and I was thinking of some ideas, and I think having "Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore" on the front with our Boardie names on the back would be good. Think about it- nobody but Boardies are going to understand the "Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore" thing, and then you can wear your shirt to concerts so other Boardies will see you and be like, "Oh, you're jedi_grrlie? I'm lightamatch4me! Awesome!" And it's just text, so anyone can make it, whether you stencil, screenprint, or do iron-on letters.
Just an idea though. I must confer with RoRo. Mayhap we should start the official let's decide on a Boardie shirt thread over the summer...
Oooo, Lightamatch4me, that Ok Go Kulash shirt is the bomb-diggity! I want one too!!! (Ah, I am feeling so greedy all of the sudden)
haha, Thanks!! It's not as hard as it looks, it's much like using stamps, except you're spraying the paint instead of dipping the stamp into it. As for how long it took to do... Well, I had to draw it out first, which took about a month due to lack to time(stupid school!!), but then basically I just used an exacto knife to cut out stencils(one stencil for each color) and then tape it on the shirt and paint it. Because of my constant anger with the stencils(I used plain paper, which is a bad idea. I got into arguments with that dumb paper: "You don't want to work with me on this? WELL FINE. I'm not touching you for three days. See how you like that!") it took at least a month to do.
I'm cutting out the stencils for the final shirts right now(The problem with using regular paper is that you have to make a new stencil each time, since the paint makes it soggy) and as soon as that's done, I should finish by today or tomorrow. So basically, once you get the hang of it, it doesn't take too long.
I was thinking of either using the shirts as an endorsement to join the Trinity's myspace(or official Juggling Club t-shirts, granted I can convince the powers that be), but I'd have to create a permanent stencil out of some kind of vellum, which I don't know how to do, and then the other problem is that paint is expensive, and I'd have to ask for donations, which is just silly. So that idea might not work out, but if it did, you'd get your name on the back and crazy stuff like that. If all else fails, I can probably give you the scrap, hehe.
To be honest, I've never even heard of freezer paper, haha. I'll have to try that out, granted that Food World sells it.
haha i really like your design. even without eyes/noses/ looks super cute.
Oooooh! Hee, we're all so crafty in the name of OK Go...
I've tried freezer paper and it works well, but I think transparencies are better because you can use them over again, and all you need is spray adhesive.
Ugh, I'm going to have to make my "Free Damian!" shirt sometime soon....once school is over...
Yes I do. I love it, it is so easy to use and turn out really well (if you do it right)
Where did you get it and, if you don't mind me asking, how much was it?
Well my Dad got it at a local art store in Phoenix so that doesnt help you too much but if you call some local craft stores they might have it. It is a Speedball Screen Printing Kit.
It comes with everything you need to start with for about $40. Not a bad deal really. Here is a website you can buy it from also.
I want to make a shirt in dedication to Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. I want to put a picture of a robot and underneath I want it to say something like
"Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore Whom I Adore."
"J O R G E, the imaginary robot."
Something like that. Does anyone have any ideas?
Now all I need is a good robot picture and maybe give him so cool hair, lol. What should it say? Im kinda leaning towards the second one, "J O R G E, the imaginary robot."
But if you think of anything I will listen.
I want to make a shirt in dedication to Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore. I want to put a picture of a robot and underneath I want it to say something like
"Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore Whom I Adore."
"J O R G E, the imaginary robot."
Something like that. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hmmm. RoRo and I have been talking for a while about coming up with a specifically Boardie t-shirt, and I was thinking of some ideas, and I think having "Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore" on the front with our Boardie names on the back would be good. Think about it- nobody but Boardies are going to understand the "Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore" thing, and then you can wear your shirt to concerts so other Boardies will see you and be like, "Oh, you're jedi_grrlie? I'm lightamatch4me! Awesome!" And it's just text, so anyone can make it, whether you stencil, screenprint, or do iron-on letters.
Just an idea though. I must confer with RoRo. Mayhap we should start the official let's decide on a Boardie shirt thread over the summer...
Well, you can feel extra special then, because everybody will be asking you about your WAY AWESOME shirt.
Same goes here. But think about how stumped the wanna-be OK Go fans will be.
and just you mentioning that makes me want you to make it even more
Lol. You would be able to find me in the mass mess of fangirls. I would be the coolest person there. (Besides you of course)