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  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 2 2006, 04:07 AM)
    Exactly. I always ask people if they're mad at me because I have this need to be approved my everyone. I even want to be approved by people I don't like just so I can be the one in control and not like them.

    I completely understand. I feel the need to be validated by people I will never see again. I'm easily hurt. I'm worried I'll never grow out of it.
  • Truth: I imagine my future husband all the time, and one of his features has to include the freckle under my boob being his favorite part of my body.
  • Truth: I don't think I'm marryable because of how commitment frightens me.

    Also, less serious:
    Fact: I am so proud of how well I can make brownies. SO PROUD.
  • Truth: I'm afraid to use public bathrooms because I think people will judge me. That even goes for dorm bathrooms.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 2 2006, 02:27 PM)
    Truth: I'm afraid to use public bathrooms because I think people will judge me. That even goes for dorm bathrooms.

    Truth: I judge my fat customers. I'm sorry, but I do.
  • Truth: Ever since that time I decided to take my shoes off while driving, I've been unable to drive with shoes on.

    Truth: I have an awful habit of "collecting" boys. I will flirt excessively and then when I know a guy likes me, I'll lose interest completely simply because I knew I could have had him. It's unfair and if the situation was reversed, I'd feel completely hurt. However, it's one of the things that makes me feel powerful. Thankfully, of late, I've found someone I actually care about, so maybe I'll be able to move past it.
  • Truth: I seem to collect boys, having friendly intentions. I think I'm clear, but I wonder if they get their hopes up anyway. I also seem to be in love with one kind of man right now, but I don't think I have a chance yet..and before him--I missed my chance due to unforseen fate.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 2 2006, 12:01 AM)
    Truth: People say that I'm really confident, but the truth is I'm a coward. I'm the only one that really knows me, and I think about the things I do and think, and I am completely repulsed.

    Same here. People think I'm confident but I'm scared out of my mind by everything.

    Truth: I'm not really that big a fan of Oh No...

    Truth: I've never been in a relationship or even kissed someone that I liked.

    Truth: Sometimes I'm an outrageous flirt which is terrible because I know it gives guys the wrong idea. I'm pretty sure I lead guys on without meaning to and I don't really know how to change that.

    oh and I find myself really annoying sometimes so I have to wonder why anyone else bothers to put up with me.
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Aug 2 2006, 04:03 PM)
    Truth: Sometimes I'm an outrageous flirt which is terrible because I know it gives guys the wrong idea. I'm pretty sure I lead guys on without meaning to and I don't really know how to change that.

    oh and I find myself really annoying sometimes so I have to wonder why anyone else bothers to put up with me.

    Agreed and Agreed.

    I've been told I'm a hopeless flirt, which is odd since I don't realize I do it. My friend was once seethig mad at me because she thought I was hitting on her boyfriend. Really, I was just trying to include him in the group since I figured he felt awkward. She's one of my best friends and I would NEVER have any sexual interest in her S.O, especially since I think they're the most wonderful couple. I lead guys on more than I think and I get sick when I realize what I'm doing.

    I'm really nervous around other people since I never know how they feel about me.

    Truth: I hate silences in conversation so much that I will keep talking. I'm learning to appreciate quiet though.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 2 2006, 12:45 PM)
    I'm really nervous around other people since I never know how they feel about me.

    Definitely! I have some people who are in my group of friends but I don't know if I'm really friends with them cause I get the impression that they think I'm crazy or something, and that drives me nuts cause I don't know how to act around them.

    I also hate when someone keeps looking at you and you don't know why, or those days when you feel like everyone is looking at you. ahh. Staring isn't polite, people! haha
  • Truth: I broke up with my very long term boyfriend last week and I was only sad for 2 days. I think that my emotions are broken.

    Oh and OK Go were in my dream last night haha
  • Truth: I cannot write if the paper that I'm writing on is perpendicular to my body. It has to be sideways, or at least at an angle.

    Truth: I live in San Jose, but I have only been to the beach three times in my life.

    Truth: I am extremely naive.

    Truth: I occasionally recite a particular sonnet to people at bus stops to see how they respond.
  • truth: i sometimes wonder if i really am just lazy or if im stupid.

    truth: i also sometimes think maybe i deserved to be cheated on.

    truth: i dont like holidays

    truth: when im frustrated i cry easily
  • Truth: I don't think I can handle a long distance relationship. I don't think I can handle cutting him partially out of my life either.

    Truth: I'm not only learning how to make graphs and read data at my job, I've just learned the proper way to eat an Italian ice from the guy next to me.

    Truth: I've been feeling like I have no control over my life recently... but I think it's just PMS

    Truth: If it wasn't for theatre, I would still be really hesitant to take my clothes off around other people.

    Truth: I think my friends are far more beautiful than I am.

    QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ Aug 2 2006, 06:16 PM)
    Truth: I broke up with my very long term boyfriend last week and I was only sad for 2 days. I think that my emotions are broken.

    I'm sorry darling. If there's anything you want to talk about, you know we're here for you.

    QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Aug 2 2006, 07:08 PM)
    Truth: I cannot write if the paper that I'm writing on is perpendicular to my body. It has to be sideways, or at least at an angle.

    I'm the same way. I can't stand perpendicularly placed paper (alliteration central!)

    QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 2 2006, 07:49 PM)
    truth: i also sometimes think maybe i deserved to be cheated on.

    You NEVER deserved to be cheated on. NEVER NEVER NEVER.
  • truth: i always feel like everyone hates me and/or is extremely annoyed by me. even by my best friends..
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 2 2006, 07:58 PM)
    truth: i always feel like everyone hates me and/or is extremely annoyed by me. even by my best friends..

    I'm starting to think that most people feel this... at least in some way or another. I certainly feel the same way sometimes. You're not alone in this sentiment. You're not alone at all.

    And I, for one, certainly don't hate you.

    Truth: Kimya Dawson is the only musician who has made me actually cry.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 2 2006, 03:01 PM)
    I'm starting to think that most people feel this... at least in some way or another. I certainly feel the same way sometimes. You're not alone in this sentiment. You're not alone at all.

    And I, for one, certainly don't hate you.

    thankyou ^^
    you made me feel better <3

    truth: im crying because i got an ipod and i cant get it to work...

    (truth: im horrible with computers)
  • Truth: I hate getting my nails done. It makes me feel awkard

    Truth: I don't know where my life is going

    Truth: Half-Price night at the local indie theatre and some chocolate covered pretzels helps me feel so much better about the world
  • truth: i am a star trek fiend!
  • truth: I watch Stargate and Dark Angel on Monday nights with my mom and ignore phone calls/tell my friends I'm at work so I don't have to be social.
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