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  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 2 2006, 03:54 PM)
    Truth: If it wasn't for theatre, I would still be really hesitant to take my clothes off around other people.

    OMG. I know EXACTLY what you mean. After 4+ years of shared changing rooms in high school theatre and 4 years of changing on a bus with 70 other people for marching band, I really don't give a shit who sees me in my underwear anymore.

    Case in point: I was on a movie set on Monday (did I tell you guys about that?), and I was sitting around with my shortgown way open, so my two new guy friends could totally see my shift and my corset, and I didn't even care. And these were guys I'd known for like, five hours.

    QUOTE (agentnumone @ Aug 2 2006, 10:13 PM)
    Truth: I can't wait until I'm no longer an "Oscillating Fan", I don't really get Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore's humour on that one...

    Really? 'Cause I totally just got the joke and I think it's hilarious.

    QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 4 2006, 09:32 PM)
    truth: i actually consider all you guys here at the forums to be my family. you all know more about me than most people do and were all very open about our selves. if one of you were to die i would work very very hard to get a plane ticket to go to your funeral. i love you guys..
    (i probably sound like a stalker freak right now)

    No you don't, 'cause I feel exactly the same way. I've discovered this summer that so many of my close friends aren't people who live anywhere near me. Everytime I go to tell my family about something that happened to one of my friends, I always have to start with, "So-and-so, one of my online friends from the OK Go Boards, did such-and-such today...."

    Truth: I've said this before, but I kinda' want to take these boards and make some kind or documentary or something about all of us, 'cause I think the fact that we're all so close, all because of four guys who decided to form a band one day is really interesting. But maybe only I think it's interesting.

    Truth: I really like this boy, and I think he likes me the same way, but I'm not 100% positive, and I'm so fucking scared by that because every relationship I've almost gotten into in the past two years has just fallen apart before it starts. It's freaking me out more, because it's always been because of another woman, and as boy doesn't even live in the same country...I get kind of...almost upset when one of his girl friends posts on his MySpace, especially this one good friend of his.

    Truth: I've had a borderline eating disorder. It was never diagnosed or anything, but I know it was there, and it still pops up from time to time.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Aug 5 2006, 02:39 AM)
    OMG. I know EXACTLY what you mean. After 4+ years of shared changing rooms in high school theatre and 4 years of changing on a bus with 70 other people for marching band, I really don't give a shit who sees me in my underwear anymore.

    Case in point: I was on a movie set on Monday (did I tell you guys about that?), and I was sitting around with my shortgown way open, so my two new guy friends could totally see my shift and my corset, and I didn't even care. And these were guys I'd known for like, five hours.

    Truth: I've said this before, but I kinda' want to take these boards and make some kind or documentary or something about all of us, 'cause I think the fact that we're all so close, all because of four guys who decided to form a band one day is really interesting. But maybe only I think it's interesting.

    Truth: I've had a borderline eating disorder. It was never diagnosed or anything, but I know it was there, and it still pops up from time to time.

    To the near-nakedness: I know. While doing Earnest, I found that I was completely comfortable walking around in a corset and underwear. Sure, my director didn't like it too much, but it made me more comfortable with my body and its imperfections. Along with a multitude of other things I can't begin to list, I am so thankful for theatre for making me more comfortable with my body.. something I've never really been entirely comfortable with.

    To the book Truth: That is an AMAZING idea. It would totally work. I mean, we all like the boys, but as trite as it sounds, this board is so much more. I look forward to seeing what adventures everyone has been on and sharing my own. It's a place to unwind. It is realy interesting and I think a really, REALLY wonderful idea.

    To the eating disorder Truth: My close friend had an eating disorder and it ripped me apart. Know that we're always here for you. I hope for the best.
  • that book thing would be great.
    i just dont know how it would be written.
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 4 2006, 09:52 PM)
    that book thing would be great.
    i just dont know how it would be written.

    in a chaotic manner...

    truth: i'm a poor excuse for a toaster...
  • truth: yes, you are lol
    but im not much of a muffin.
  • QUOTE (GirlInTheDark @ Aug 4 2006, 10:52 PM)
    that book thing would be great.
    i just dont know how it would be written.

    Me either. *shrugs*
  • truth: i hate how dependant i am on others...
    truth: i'm posting a lot tonight 'cause i don't want karleigh to outpost me before i outpost dave, haha...
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 4 2006, 10:46 PM)
    To the book Truth: That is an AMAZING idea. It would totally work. I mean, we all like the boys, but as trite as it sounds, this board is so much more. I look forward to seeing what adventures everyone has been on and sharing my own. It's a place to unwind. It is realy interesting and I think a really, REALLY wonderful idea.

    dude, that would be amazing!
    especially since each person brings something different to the forums. (wow that was kinda deep)

    truth: a lot of times I feel like I'm not as close with people as I should be. I've gotten better this year, but I always think that my friends don't like me as much as they do. I also tend to feel left out a lot. Not with my close friends, not now, but even places like here I feel like I could be so much more a part of things, even though I tell myself that that feeling is bogus and I'm just a naturally quiet person, and I tend to hang back more than I should, even over the internet. I always feel like I want to be better friends with everyone, but it never happens, and I know that its no one's fault, but sometimes I just get to pitying myself too much.

    truth: now I feel paranoid that everyone's gonna feel sorry for me and feel like they were the problem, when it's no one's fault. really, its all in my mind. believe me, I know this already.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Aug 5 2006, 03:18 AM)
    truth: now I feel paranoid that everyone's gonna feel sorry for me and feel like they were the problem, when it's no one's fault. really, its all in my mind. believe me, I know this already.

    You shouldn't feel paranoid at ALL. Everyone seems to feel some sort of nervousness about even their close friends. I'm starting to think, through talks with you guys and my own friends, that it's a totally normal feeling that everyone thinks only they have because noone talks about it.

  • awww.. thanks. I guess you're probably right, I just feel sorry for myself from time to time.

    truth: I think that I might have had too much fn on the vh1 boards. oh well.

    truth: I really really really want Ok Go to make it far on that countdown. Otherwise, all of our hard work will have gone for nothing, and that would be awful.

    truth: I feel disgusted with myself when I watch mtv, but not when I watch vh1. It's weird. that being said, I do continue to watch both, even though I know they're brain-rot.
  • Truth: I love to plan my funeral.
  • truth: i miss my internet husband sad.gif
  • truth: I miss darbs internet husband.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Aug 4 2006, 11:39 PM)
    truth: I feel disgusted with myself when I watch mtv, but not when I watch vh1. It's weird. that being said, I do continue to watch both, even though I know they're brain-rot.

    I don't feel so guilty about Vh1. I avoid the stupid "Fabulous Life Of..." sort of shows, 'cause they're sickening. But in terms of featured music and the "I Love The...." series, I really like them. And "Flavour of Love" is amusing just because it's so fucking insane. Also, Vh1 Classic is amaaaaaaaaaaazing.

    Truth: I think three guys have a thing for me right now......but that could be wishful thinking....
  • yeah, I guess vh1 is a lot better than mtv.

    actually, I was thinking about the documentary/book idea, and I think it would be really interesting to do it about right now. Because, Ok Go is right on the brink of major stardom, and there are all of these conflicting feelings about letting more into the "secret" of Ok Go. I mean, we can tell ourselves its a good thing, just deal with it, but many of us are going to feel at least a little upset about their new fame. And that will also make for a good story to tell. Especially if this forum floods with the sort of people we've avoided so long, the sort of people that make us prejudiced against the JC. I just think it would be cool to record this period in the history of Ok Go and Ok Go fandom.

    that being said, its probabaly never going to happen. But, it would be really cool.
  • Truth: I live off those "The Fabulous Life or..." shows. I'm THAT shallow.
  • TRUTH: I have -1 dollars in my checking account and I just went to see one of my favorite bands, 33 West, who are breaking up so I never get to see them again and I'm not in a good mood.

    edit: oh, even better I just found out that I've had a negative balance in my account since July 28 but I didn't know it so I've been using it, and I've been charged like $50 for draft transfer from my other account cause I fail at life. DAMNIT.
  • Gah, the negative balance thing happened to me a couple times. It sucks.

    Truth: I have a jealousy problem, I'm jealous of every one.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Aug 5 2006, 12:18 AM)
    actually, I was thinking about the documentary/book idea, and I think it would be really interesting to do it about right now. Because, Ok Go is right on the brink of major stardom, and there are all of these conflicting feelings about letting more into the "secret" of Ok Go. I mean, we can tell ourselves its a good thing, just deal with it, but many of us are going to feel at least a little upset about their new fame. And that will also make for a good story to tell. Especially if this forum floods with the sort of people we've avoided so long, the sort of people that make us prejudiced against the JC. I just think it would be cool to record this period in the history of Ok Go and Ok Go fandom.

    that being said, its probabaly never going to happen. But, it would be really cool.

    Actually......I've been thinking the same exact thing.
  • Well, just think of it this way, we'll be looked up to by the newbies...or totally ignored...or totally direspected...

    ...but, remember what you told me: it really won't matter in the long run. Who cares? We're just fans. I mean, just in 5 years it won't matter. Chillax. This is a GOOD thing.

    Truth: If it was up to me, ice cream would be sold at every meal.
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