Well, since they're doing this at the JC, I suppose we'll do it here so they can see how it's truly done.

I'll start a story, and the next person adds and so forth.
Bob: "The great big tree snapped in two and when..."
Joe: "...the farmer came out, he took a rake and started to..."
SuzieJo: "...beat the tree with it. 'Darn you, you tree,' he exclaimed just as..."
Just make sure the story isn't
one circuitous sentence. Have fun.
Actually, the next poster after me - you start the story.
You are brilliant, Courtney
So I'm using your name
Alright here goes -
Courtney picked up the ringing phone and held it cautiously to her ear. "Hello?"....
The voice on the other side of the line cleared its throat gruffly. "Yes, Ms. Courtney? This is Mario from the..."
(This is getting juicy.)