called Estavio up, first thing. Angela did most of the talking, since they were family. He wasn't sure at first if he'd have time to pencil them in, but after Courtney yanked the phone out of Angela's hand and screamed "ESTAVIO, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, DAMN IT!!!" they made plans to meet at the....
Sacred Aboriginal Burial grounds, because they thought there would be no way Julian could track them if they went there. When they got to the grounds Estavio and Courtney had an instant connection. It was love at first sight, but there was no time for love. They got doneup in thier costumes and then...
got on the plane to travel to Europe. However, someone else was on that plane with them- Talbert! After awkward introductions all around, and an explanation of their predicament, Talbert agreed to help out. Little did they know that Talbert already knew Violet- they...
secret lovers... Suddenly the plane started rumbling. There was some trouble with the engine. The lights went out. The passengers started screaming. All of a sudden, the plane was aiming for earth. Courtney and Talbert were flung across the plane. Luckily Angela and Estavio had their seat belts on. The pilot managed to bring the plane back up and land in New York. They all went to see a doctor...Courtney had lost the baby...
... she was devastated. Though she hadn't even admitted it to herself, she already loved that baby. The four new friends had to stay in New York for a while, so that Courtney and Talbert (who'd fractured his arm) could recover. But Estavio was getting nervous and jumpy, for living in New York was...
putting him in serious danger. You see, Estavio owed these guys some money- a lot of money. They'd been trying to track him down for months now, with an order to kill him if they saw him. These men worked for the biggest crime boss in town, whose name was.....
Marcia from the Brady Bunch. In this new disguise, Inna would never find him! Esatavio didn't want to endanger his friends, and merely said that the disguise was for "personal reasons", which nobody wanted to question.
After spending a few incognito days in NYC, the 4 friends decided to try booking another flight to Europe. Miraculously there were 4 seats left on the next flight to France. Everything went smoothly until Talbert ran into some trouble with airport security...
see Talbert has a massive Coke addiction... witch swore he quit but never had there been a flare up of this immensity. He tried to sneak some of his "Secret stash" onto a plane when Security dogs started barking at him and he was mauled.
The gang couldn't believe what they were seeing the only thing they could do was...
try and scrounge up enough money to go bail him out of jail. Talbert was in this with them; they weren't about to just leave him in prison while they went to find Julian.
Estavio was getting nervous again. He'd been in this situation before- desperate for money and not sure how to get it. But just when he was about to tell them his secret, Angela came up with a perfect plan. She knew they could get enough money if they went....
To Inna. It was terrifying for Estavio to even hear this sugesstion. They saw the fright on his face and he was forced to fess up on why he was dressed as Marcia and the whole story. What they were extremly surprised to hear was that ESTAVIO HAD ONCE BEEN IN LOVE WITH INNA! After Inna got fed up Estavios money grubbing ways and dumped him, Estavio had sworn off men forever and was scared straight... But he still had "urges" and decided to Go to Inna Himself.... It was time he faced the truth.... and maybe reunite with Inna...
Estavio knew he had to go alone. And he also knew it wouldnt be like the last time they met. Inna, who was gaining success as the 5th member of the hit sensational band OK Go, had already found already found someone new to hang his hat with. Estavio took the bus to the gated community that Inna lived in, but the security guard wouldnt let him pass through the gate because...
Estavio was on the America's Most Wanted list!!! The security guard called the police. Estavio heard the sirens coming and managed to escape. But the truth was that Estavio wasn't on the list, it was his twin brother Fabrizio, a serial killer. Estavio knew that no one would belive him so he decided to rob a bank instead of asking Inna for the money. He was in his way to the bank when . . .
ran like his life depended on it! Julian knew about his connections with Courtney & Angela, and they weren't ready to confront him yet. Estavio didn't know for sure if Julian had seen him. He didn't even know if Julian was alright after the crash. His main concern right now was robbing that bank and finally getting Talbert out of jail.....
See Estavio had cut all ties from Innas Mob ring when they broke up, but he knew of one person who could help him out.... his technically still girlfrined Felster, see they were on a break but he knew Felster could never pass up a good bank robbery... her teachers the "Mythbusters" had taught her everything she knew and loved useing her blowing up skills... he was getting tired of trying track down old lovers but he knew Felster was his last chance....
Estavio knew where to find Felster - the Purple Lagoon, a secret underground bar. She was wearing a dress that appeared to made entirely out of tiny diamonds, and diamonds decorated her hair swept elegantly from her head. She also had a cigarette holder - this was the final proof that Felster was indeed expert enough at robbing banks to help Estavio raise the money he needed...
But as soon as Felster saw Estavio she slapped him! So hard it left a red handprint on Estavios face. Seems she still wasn't over what he did to her... she didn't know if she could ever forgive him see before they went on thier break he...
knows what he did, and there is no use in bringing it up again. But felster was forgiving, and to tell you the truth even a little flattered that Estavio would think of her. Despite this, Felster would not help Estavio, he was too much of a liability, so she recommended Missaggie. Missaggie was considered a sage when it came to theaft and at covering tracks, which Estavio really needed. Missaggie lived in...
Suddenly the plane started rumbling. There was some trouble with the engine. The lights went out. The passengers started screaming. All of a sudden, the plane was aiming for earth. Courtney and Talbert were flung across the plane. Luckily Angela and Estavio had their seat belts on. The pilot managed to bring the plane back up and land in New York. They all went to see a doctor...Courtney had lost the baby...
... she was devastated. Though she hadn't even admitted it to herself, she already loved that baby. The four new friends had to stay in New York for a while, so that Courtney and Talbert (who'd fractured his arm) could recover. But Estavio was getting nervous and jumpy, for living in New York was...
He HATED people who owed him money, but loved everyone else... most of the profits from his mobbing went to fund inner city schools.
Estavio decided he needed a disquise too so he dressed up as...
After spending a few incognito days in NYC, the 4 friends decided to try booking another flight to Europe. Miraculously there were 4 seats left on the next flight to France. Everything went smoothly until Talbert ran into some trouble with airport security...
The gang couldn't believe what they were seeing the only thing they could do was...
Estavio was getting nervous again. He'd been in this situation before- desperate for money and not sure how to get it. But just when he was about to tell them his secret, Angela came up with a perfect plan. She knew they could get enough money if they went....
So this is what you guys do while I'm gone.