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A Neverending Story



  • a few days later police started poking around. asking questions, taking names. julian started to
  • freak out! He knew that no madder what they could never find out about his...
  • alternative lifestyle. He thought only Courtney had known about it. But someone else also knew and that was...
  • Angela. Julian had no clue that she knew about all those....
  • ... wierd bunny fetish tapes he had.
  • The tapes that cluttered his secret, locked cabinet, and that even now made him feel a shudder of guilt...
  • (now y did u have to make julian all nasty...sad.gif)
    He had to dispose of all of them. He was about to go to the dump when all of a sudden Courtney was at his door. . .
  • "I did not have sexual relations with that bunny!", but it was too late, all the papers already knew...
  • about his bunny fetish. It was all over the news. His father's agency was ruined. Then . . .
  • Julian turned to Courtney and looked confused. He said to her, "This can't be you. You're supposed to be dead!!" He quickly.....
  • ran to the door and jiggled the knob, but it was locked! Julian was scared. He wanted to cry like a little girl, but he knew it was time to face coutney, so he...
  • ....plugged in his microphone and got his sexy synth out, and started serenading her the song went as follows...
  • "Oh, Courtney, are you a ghost?
    Sadly, it isn't you I love the most.
    You're my wife; when it's you I'm kissing,
    It's really Angela that I'm missing..."

    He sang his heart out, but when he finished...,
  • Courtney was still there and the door was still locked. He didn't know what to do. Then all of sudden Albert came out of the wall . . .
  • ... wearing skin tight leather pants, a fringed jacked with an axe that would put any hair-metal-rocker to shame, and the biggest fro known to man. Albert confessed! He'd been having an affair with Courtney!....
  • Courtney blushed and then ran to his arms, tears streaming down her face. Just then, Angela walked in, and the extra twist came out - she'd been secretly married to Albert for years!
  • Angela, being the most prominent divorce Lawyer in the whole contry, exclaimed "IM GOING TO GET EVERYTHING!" and she ran out of the house in tears.
  • (^^^^OMG OMG OMG this is getting exciting!!!! and i love the albert description)

    Julian was so disappointed. He had been in love w/ a married woman and his wife had cheated on him. Things were just not looking up. Then, Talbert walked in. He ran to Courtney and professed his love for her. Albert and Julian then grabbed Talbert and . . .
  • ...and started makeing out with him... as they had just been put under the love spell Talbert was trying to put on Courtney! mama mia!
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