Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore posted this on a myspace bulletin but it's not on yet:
Two Nights Of The Tonight Show--April 19th & 20thHere's another bit of big time news: The boys will be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on April 19th as well as April 20th. Why two days in a row? I like to believe it's because their sheer awesomeness could not be contained. Anyway, if you're in the area, I'd suggest getting to the taping on April 19th. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, is there a special way to get tickets rather than by
mail since it says to get tickets 6 weeks in advance? Or should we just stand in line at the box office at 8am the day of the taping?
Thanks in advance!
Man! They work so hard
Man! They work so hard
What I got from what Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore -Hey said, perhaps they're filming both of their performances on the 19th. However, I wouldn't put anything past those globetrotters!
I'm going to have to remember they are on there so I can watch it.
oh! looool! I'm stupid.
edit: wow. I just... forgot how to spell coast.
it's channel seven in the boston/northshore area, but prolly different whereever you are, so that doesn't really help.
and woot for april vacation! I'ma be able to watch these w/out taping em or anything!
ooo, and thankie, rocksugar, for the heads up! I don't really pay attention to myspace bulletins, so thanks so much.
**Sheri- set up your tivo so we can get this on okcentral
Unless I'm a boner and mess it up, of course.
No, I have every intention of getting this. (You like that? I still didn't make any commitment the way I worded that. Hee hee ;D)
No, I'll get it.
Edit: Added link to wishlist tickets.
Edit: Added link to wishlist tickets.
Thanks for all that info, very helpful!
Hopefully I can get tickets
Hopefully I can get tickets
Good luck, Mia!
WOW JAY LENO! I want to go!!!
Barbara, I thought Pepperdine was your "last" show!! I knew that you couldn't resist the temptation of possibly seeing them again
I'll be there at the ticket office early on Thursday but there's no guarantees there'll be tix
Sheri, promise me, and all us other non americans, that you'll get it for okgocentral
we miss out on all the cool stuff