In this Discussion

Ok Go avas and sigs



  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 21 2007, 04:46 AM)
    ahh man! i was gonna use the one mundum has... i feel bad using the same one as someone else... but i love them all... way too hard for me to pick JUST one

    I don't care. I was origionaly going to use the one in your sig, but I didn't for the same reason lol rolleyes.gif
  • like i said! just too many options!! smile.gif
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ May 19 2007, 12:41 AM)
    thx. xxhotsugar, HMM, and Juniper! You're so sweet! And btw, HMM, I LOVE the one in your sig- it's really pretty!

    You're welcome. happy.gif
    And thanks, someone from another forum made it for me. She is quite good, actually she made the other two animations in my sig too. smile.gif
    Awesome job, i love your work as well. biggrin.gif
  • i have but another request... i would LOVE an avatar from c c c cinnamon lips.. .if thats possible...
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 23 2007, 02:37 PM)
    i have but another request... i would LOVE an avatar from c c c cinnamon lips.. .if thats possible...

    I can try one if you want
  • i only ask b/c i've been unsuccessful in finding it online, so i don't know a start point or an end point... but it's right after the minute mark (i'm pretty sure) and its where damian is on his knee, and tim does his little hip shake thing on the beat of the drums... im seriously laughing right now just picturing it...

    and there is NO rush at all... im just bored at work and i keep thinking about that part of the video and i just randomly start laughing b/c of it....

    sally=the greatest
  • okey, I'll try to find that point.
    That whole vid is laugh out loud funny. Damian looks like a totally different person and Dan has hair.
    I always stare at Ira Glass though, cuz it's like, omg, there's Ira Glass...pretending to be in a backup band. I was obsessed with This American Life long before I heard of Ok Go, so seeing him all crazy was a ttl shock.

    katie=the bestest
  • yeah, when you see it, i think you'll know what i'm talking about... he's saying 'i've never felt like this before *shake shake*' lol
    and you're right... the entire video i'm laughing hysterically... i love andy's can opener dance. damian has a mullet what's with the cutoff, dudebro? doesn't matter. it's pure genius. smile.gif and i love it.

    and forgive me for being uncultured... but i don't even know who ira glass is... blink.gif
  • Oh! ok, thanks, I was having trouble finding where you meant- I'll just go to that line.

    Ira Glass is the host of This American Life, a program on NPR (well, technically it's a PRI program, which is NPR's rival public broadcasting station or something, but NPR plays it). Both NPR and PRI are affiliated with PBS, if that helps. NPR usually airs BBC news and boring stuff like that so This American Life is a hidden gem. It's basically an hour of true stories about things like getting a job, embarrassing moments, childhood- everything and anything in American life. In between segments, music plays for a few seconds; the music relates in someway to the story. It turns out that Ok Go actually got their start on This American Life. Damian used to work for NPR, doing some behind-the-scene thing, and that's how he met Ira Glass. Then, Ok Go became the house band for This American Life and went on tour with them (which is where Cinnamon Lips debuted). On air too, Ok Go was played in the few seconds between segments on This American Life. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, our lovely admin on this forum, actually still works for This American Life. I didn't post it at the time, but about 2 weeks ago I heard his name in the credits again at the end of This American Life. A few months ago, Ok Go played again for the This American Life tour in California- just like old times. Damian mentioned in an interview that he played in a basketball game for the NPR team against the PRI team, I think. There's also a podcast where Tim and Damian chat with Johnathan Goldstein, a huge This American Life personality (it's been said on this forum that they also did a podcast with Ira, but that hasn't been released or something). So, yeah, Ira Glass is in the Cinnamon Lips music video- and that lady in the black dress is a big NPR reporter and in fact, all the "backup band" are actually Ok Go's famous NPR friends, pretending to play instruments.
    I love how Ok Go is connected to NPR because it's like, they're a band from the ultimate nerd place who became the ultimate rockstars.

    (I admit, however, that even though I heard episodes of This American Life with Ok Go in them, I don't really pay all that much attention to the music and didn't know who Ok Go was until HIGA on youtube)
  • holy shit!!! that's so badass!!! that they got their start on NPR... ahhh thanks for the story smile.gif i thoroughly enjoyed it
  • lol, sorry that story was so long- I wasn't sure which one your state broadcasts, PRI or NPR.

    sorry to ask you to describe again, but I didn't wanna give you the wrong thing- did you want just Tim shaking his hips or Damian in there too?

    edit: it was really hard to make it fit avatar size. I kept chopping off bits of his legs, and by the time the height got to 90 pixels, the hip movement just wasn't the same as when you could see his legs. I did try to resize the whole thing altogether, but that made the image kind of blurry when it was forced that small. (and this was Tim by himself, not with Damian). I'm gonna try to focus on just the hips and see if that looks better.
  • haha aww i'm sorry to put you through so much trouble!! if it not being an avatar is better, that's totally fine too! i could use it for my sig... and damian in there or not its up to you/whatever is easier! i'm just grateful you're doing it!! lol

    we have NPR here smile.gif
  • Aw, you're so sweet. Don't worry, it isn't any trouble- I just didn't want to disappoint you with something completely different from what you wanted. I'll try out some things including signature size and you can pick whichever you like best. Sorry it's taking so long.
  • lol no disappointments here... everything you come up with is better than what i could do. and seriously don't apologize!! i really just appreciate you taking my request smile.gif
  • here's some stuffs:





    and now, what I came up with for that Cinnamon Lips one, Katie:



    (more in next post)
  • image







    let me know if you want anything changed

    and Katie- pshaw, you could do awesome stuff. Did you get the PowerDVD to work?
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ May 25 2007, 11:41 PM)
    here's some stuffs:


    Oh. Oh my. Sally, you're my hero.
  • ohhhh my god. sally. i FUCKING love you!!! how the f am i going to pick just one?! i seriously love it smile.gif all of them... thank you so much!! you're the best.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 26 2007, 08:47 PM)
    ohhhh my god. sally. i FUCKING love you!!! how the f am i going to pick just one?! i seriously love it smile.gif all of them... thank you so much!! you're the best.

    You're the bestest and I love you too, hehe smile.gif
    I'm glad you like them! If you want anything changed, anything at all, let me know- I'm always bored and lookin for stuff to do.

    And Rachel, you're my hero too smile.gif
  • haha no, i love em! smile.gif i put one of the avs on my myspace, as well as the andy banner smile.gif i will give you cred too, if you like!!
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