In this Discussion

Ok Go avas and sigs



  • The Office:

    what happens when my sister and I become obsessed with Queen:

    I've always thought that in real life, Andy just looks like a Disney prince. So I slapped a crown on his head, and stuck pictures of a castle and horse together and stylized it - I wish I could draw for real though. A Prince Andy pic really needs to be drawn.

    a tribute to ARR:


    this isn't really anything, but Tim was too cute not to post:

    (more in next post)
  • A Dan avatar:

    Tim brushes his teeth ava:

    the chicken as an ava:

    Tim in Don't Ask Me:
  • i find no other words but...

    i fucking love you. aaaaaaaaaand i'm stealing the andy one
  • hehe, not stealing. It was made for you; I was actually thinking of you when I made it, so I'm glad you like it smile.gif
  • haha awwwwww shucks i'm honored smile.gif i was going to say that i especially love the clip on the left but then i realized that i really love the clip on the right too... i just. love it.
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 18 2007, 12:49 AM)
    Tim in Don't Ask Me:

    I really love this!!!! i think tim is very cute in this vid!!
  • aa!
    i can't believe your sister.

    his white teeth are sooo beaauuuttiifuull!

    and none of them suck Sally

    they are alll wondeful!!
  • Yeah. Definitely going home and watching the DVD again. Thanks. ;-)
  • i was just thinking the same thing... 5 more hours til i go home.

    theresa, i agree. he has perfect chops.
  • I haven't checked this thing in a while! Man Sally, your banners just keep getting better and better!! I want an Andy one of my own, so could you make one with him talking on the This Week in Baseball interview? here He just looks so charming in that interview! wub.gif
    If you could do that I'd love you forever (not that I don't already though! wink.gif )
  • Thx and sure- is there a specific part you want?
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 18 2007, 11:46 PM)
    Thx and sure- is there a specific part you want?

    It's all amazing, but I like his expression when he says "Maybe I should wait a minute" And if you put that part could you put what he says in the banner?
    You're the best sweety!
  • You know, I watch that video and every time I wonder if I should ever tell Andy that I'm a Yankee fan...

  • Oh Sally! I want my very own Andy banner too! Is that possible?! YOu can chose from any videos you want! It'll be more awesome that way!
  • Sure! I'm so glad you like these- thx! I'll do them tomorrow (I would've done them sooner, but I have an exam tomorrow morning, sorry)
    I'll try to make a bunch so you can choose from the best ones.
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 20 2007, 04:30 PM)
    (I would've done them sooner, but I have an exam tomorrow morning, sorry)

    Good luck!
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 20 2007, 09:30 AM)
    Sure! I'm so glad you like these- thx! I'll do them tomorrow (I would've done them sooner, but I have an exam tomorrow morning, sorry)
    I'll try to make a bunch so you can choose from the best ones.

    Awesome! I think it's too late to say 'Good Luck', but I hope it went well!
  • Thanks! I'm working on the Andy ones for you right now smile.gif
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 21 2007, 01:06 PM)
    Thanks! I'm working on the Andy ones for you right now smile.gif

  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jun 21 2007, 08:06 PM)
    Thanks! I'm working on the Andy ones for you right now smile.gif

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