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Complaints Thread



  • ^^^ it's very..... middle school, in the worst sense.
    But yeah, it's altogether not cool :/
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Dec 5 2008, 09:00 AM)
    Pointless yes. Barbaric, maybe not. Maybe Puerile. wink.gif

    Yes! That's the word I was looking for. Don't know why, of all words, I chose barbaric.
  • it worries me, when it used to ask me which of my two cousins id like to sleep with

    ", no facebook, NO I WONT GO DOWN THIS ROAD"

    and then i deleted it

    and thats the story of how i rescued france in 1687
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Dec 7 2008, 03:49 AM)
    I'm homesick sad.gif

    I am sorry Tempe. Homesickness has to be one of the worst feelings one can have. Can you curl up under something warm and comfy and watch a good movie? And perhaps remember how smart and capable you are on your own. I know it's not much, but sometimes it helps.
  • my dad apparently felt the oven was an excellent place to store the dirty dishes... i turned the oven on to preheat it to make brownies, not thinking i had to check it for dirty dishes, so when i opened it up to put the brownies in i was greeted by a super hot stack of dirty pans, and i burned my hand trying to take thm out sad.gif
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Dec 6 2008, 07:55 PM)
    I am sorry Tempe. Homesickness has to be one of the worst feelings one can have. Can you curl up under something warm and comfy and watch a good movie? And perhaps remember how smart and capable you are on your own. I know it's not much, but sometimes it helps.

    Aww, thanks tonetoile! I think I found the cause of my homesickness. I didn't know it, but yesterday, Davy Jones came to Phoenix to do a show and I missed it cause I'm stuck here in Colorado for a few days! He rarely comes to AZ.

    QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Dec 7 2008, 12:53 PM)
    my dad apparently felt the oven was an excellent place to store the dirty dishes... i turned the oven on to preheat it to make brownies, not thinking i had to check it for dirty dishes, so when i opened it up to put the brownies in i was greeted by a super hot stack of dirty pans, and i burned my hand trying to take thm out sad.gif

    Dang, sorry Darbie. Fear not, I shall send that hyperactive emo leprecahn over to bring you pizza and a kiss on the fingers to make the burn heal faster.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Dec 7 2008, 04:56 PM)
    Fear not, I shall send that hyperactive emo leprecahn over to bring you pizza and a kiss on the fingers to make the burn heal faster.

  • I know it's overdone, but seriously:

  • this stupid, stupid paper that I'm soooo apathetic towards and can't think of anything to say.
  • I hate Finals and having 3 huge art projects to do. And two of those I KNOW are going to take over 20 hours total EACH! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!
  • OK. Montreal gets lots of snow: FACT. However, the city seems to find NO REASON to clear the 1-inch layer of ice on all the sidewalks? It's not something you can get past, the ice covers most EVERY sidewalk, including all the major routes. I honestly almost fell about 5 times today (until I gave up and took the metro home). I can't imagine having crutches or a wheelchair or even a baby carriage in this type of weather. As a city that is habitually covered in a layer of ice during the winter, they should have some better sort of system then leaving the ice on the sidewalks and hoping the next snowfall just covers it up. REALITY CHECK: IT JUST MAKES THE ICE THICKER.

  • There are some rare moments when I have this huge feeling of pride in humanity, but most of the time I'm just disgusted and appalled by the way we act.

    Or maybe, hopefully, it isn't that way with all of us and it's just a teenage phase, and these people will grow out of it. But probably not.

    And I'm not saying I don't act that way either, but sometimes I just wonder, 200 thousand years of existence and evolution, and this is all we have to show for ourselves?

  • the heat in my car stopped working!.. when it's 11 degrees outside and i have no money to get it fixed...
  • today was the last day of uni for this year and a week ago I was really really happy, now I just put that pile of uni work aside to see the HUGE pile of other work... the shirt I have to finish tonight and send away tomorrow, the drawing I have to do tonight and have to send away tomorrow, the spontaneous strong need of a colleague for my pay-tax-thingy, which I dont have, cause I moved, so I might have to spend tomorrow in the town hall, ... orrr, hope that that thing is at my dads house, which would be great if he ever EVER answers his phone, damn it, the fun fact that its christmas and presents need to be bought and I dont have any .... bla bla bla

    My complaint? I am even too tired to complain, meh.
  • My complaint is the stupid, intolerant, self-important jackasses who think they're the only ones who matter from September to January. I will be So Glad when this month is over.

    Seriously? The only good thing about the month of December is the Serious Business Party. I mean it.
  • Mother Freaking Nature. Sometimes she's a callous bitch.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Dec 2 2008, 04:18 PM)
    $70.00 fees for overdrawing my checking account by 2 DOLLARS!!
    banking system is messed up sad.gif

    and now I REALLY can't buy any of the things that are on my list to have.

    FIGHT IT. Seriously. That is major BS. Remind them that, hey, we're in a recession, banks are failing, and, oh, you could take your business elsewhere if that's the way they're going to be. They WANT to keep you happy; it's in both of your best interests.

    And set up overdraft protection, too, that helps. smile.gif

    My unhappy list: My unhappy feet. Stupid shoes that I wore all last night!
  • urg...more work complaints

    1) gotta go in an hour early tonight as its only me and gaz all night
    2) its only me and gaz for 6 hours, in a busy busy shop right before crimbo

    this is going to be a shite day
  • ^ bring smudge with and put him to work... tongue.gif
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