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Complaints Thread



  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 6 2008, 01:26 PM)
    EAST COAST, Baby!! This is where it's at! We've got states that allow Gay Marriage in the Northeast!

    biggrin.gif Hells yes we do! I love living here...

    Although can I rant for a minute about how utterly depressing and awful it is that California, Arizona, Florida, and Arkansas all passed intolerant ballot measures?!?!?!?

    Especially California. Not cool, guys. Not cool.

  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Nov 5 2008, 04:48 PM)
    ^ OMG, you really should've punched her!

    i know right??? but then i would have gotten suspended for fighting and wouldn't get to see my friends, or super cool boyfriend lol

    QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 5 2008, 04:55 PM)
    want me to set Boris on her?

    lol yes boris please that would be perfect

    complaint of the day:


    and thats all i have to say.
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 6 2008, 06:06 AM)
    just got my new x-box

    any name ideas?

    I believe Courtney is always the answer to this age-old question.

    You should name it...

    QUOTE (xxhot-shot-sugarxx @ Nov 6 2008, 04:51 PM)
    i know right??? but then i would have gotten suspended for fighting and wouldn't get to see my friends, or super cool boyfriend lol

    Yeah, but SHE wouldn't have gotten to see the light of day again!
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Nov 6 2008, 04:55 PM)
    Yeah, but SHE wouldn't have gotten to see the light of day again!

    true true
    i shoulda gone all gangsta freezah on her. cool.gif cool.gif

  • Wallet and cell phone are lost after leaving a bag at a party. As everyone there was trustworthy, I assume that 1) it's somewhere in their house or 2) someone mistakenly (read: drunkenly) picked it up. Still, I currently have no way to access money, no ID except my passport, and am currently waiting on hold to cancel and reissue my bank card(s. One American, one Canandian). UGH. I know this happens to everyone, and it very may well turn back up, but until then... UGGGGGGGGGGGGH.

    On the plus side, Skype is always here for me!
  • can yuo not phone your mobile?

    find out where that is, your money shall follow
  • FOUUUUND it. We had been calling my cell last night and no one was picking up. I called again this morning and a girl picked up, apologizing that her friend drunkenly (and accidentally) took my bag last night. It will be returned this afternoon.

    Long-term lucky.
  • awesome =]

    glad you found it!
  • oh man, i'd be in a panic i wouldn't even think of calling my cell if i lost it, plus my cell is usually on vibrate so i'd be pretty screwed if that happened to me.
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 8 2008, 05:50 PM)
    awesome =]

    glad you found it!

    Thanks Pandy!

    QUOTE (Extraabsorbant @ Nov 8 2008, 05:58 PM)
    oh man, i'd be in a panic i wouldn't even think of calling my cell if i lost it, plus my cell is usually on vibrate so i'd be pretty screwed if that happened to me.

    Oh my god, I know. It's always my friends that remind me. One time when my friend was visiting, my phone accidentally dropped out of my bag in the metro while she was playing with it and I didn't notice until I was back at my home metro stop. I started FREAKING out (I'm actually kind of embarrassed to admit that I snapped at a friend who was only trying to help me out). He started calling my phone until someone finally picked up. It was some random guy who was just going to keep my phone. We ended up convincing him to meet us at yet ANOTHER metro stop. Amazingly, rather than just running off with my phone (as I assumed he was going to do, as when I picked it up, he had taken off all the stickers on my phone), he actually waited.
    Again: long-term lucky
  • My friend lost her wallet after a party at the beginning of the year, but she found it too. Turns out the girl who had driven her home had just been too lazy to properly look in her car.

    But that's really lucky that you found your bag, Amy smile.gif

    My main complaint as of now is just having too much homework.
  • Uggh, why do my parents always have to compare me to my little sister?!

    This makes me feel slightly more unwanted than ever.
  • The only topic I ever started got spammed. That's garbage.
  • its my birthday this week, the wife bought me gifts and she wont tell me whaat. i hate waiting.
  • QUOTE (MyFavoritePerson @ Nov 9 2008, 03:46 PM)
    The only topic I ever started got spammed. That's garbage.

    aww... most the topics i start are only sustained by me talking to myself in them... perhaps you should give that a whirl in your next topic tongue.gif
  • my complaint is when you work with incredibly stupid people who insist on arguing with you even though they're wrong. sleep.gif
  • I'm very proud of MA again, since we voted OVERWHELMINGLY for Obama- aaaaaand! we voted not to lower taxes so we can support schools and libraries. Aaaaaand! we decriminalized marijuana! While I do not , honestly, approve of marijuana except medically, I don't believe that I have the right to impose my beliefs on anybody else, and I especially don't believe the government has the right to make any kind of laws toward what it sees as moral or religious behavior. So I'm happy.
    It's really weird, I have to say, that MA is officially still the ONLY state in the WHOLE NATION that allows same sex marriage. It's like, I knew we were open-minded, but I thought at least CA and NY were too. But no.

    QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Nov 6 2008, 03:16 PM)
    biggrin.gif Hells yes we do! I love living here...

    Although can I rant for a minute about how utterly depressing and awful it is that California, Arizona, Florida, and Arkansas all passed intolerant ballot measures?!?!?!?

    Especially California. Not cool, guys. Not cool.
  • QUOTE (Extraabsorbant @ Nov 9 2008, 09:10 PM)
    my complaint is when you work with incredibly stupid people who insist on arguing with you even though they're wrong. sleep.gif

    Sounds like my boss.
  • haha it's usually the boss, but not for me, my boss is cool biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Nov 10 2008, 02:12 AM)
    It's really weird, I have to say, that MA is officially still the ONLY state in the WHOLE NATION that allows same sex marriage. It's like, I knew we were open-minded, but I thought at least CA and NY were too. But no.

    What about us over here in CT?
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