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Complaints Thread



  • yeah, i know eh?
  • Prop 8 might pass. sad.gif

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Nov 2 2008, 09:31 PM)
    (This was typed before the blindness: *hugs* to Kalinda! Brothers are so selfish! He deserves a small bout of sea-sickness for making you miss the fun. Maybe he was shy to invite you because he knew you would overshadow him with your awesomeness wink.gif )

    Thanks Tempe! My brother is actually awesome most of the time. He drives me places and he's pretty funny, so I wouldn't wish any sickness on him. And sorry about your blindness.

    QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 3 2008, 07:30 AM)
    Umm, a person who used to call me her "friend," works for Abercrombie and Fitch, and I work for abercrombie (kids store) and I have worked for this company for 3 years mind you..., just told her manager that I am "lazy and unproductive" and she couldn't believe I got hired in the first place. We work for the same company in the same mall, but diff stores. I just interviewed to be a manager last Wednesday and she said all this on Friday. Gotta love backstabbing bitches.

    That's horrible Katie! I'm sure you'll get the manager position and then you can shove it in her face.

    QUOTE (Rebekker @ Nov 3 2008, 02:43 PM)
    yeah, I think they'll probably have some other tour maybe towards the beginning of next year. I'm hoping anyways smile.gif And we should tell them that they need to go on a tour with Hymns again sometime. biggrin.gif

    I think they were friends before they started touring together because they all live in Brooklyn. Even if they don't tour together again, I think there's a good chance they'll at least play a show in Brooklyn together.

    QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 4 2008, 05:43 AM)
    I was up at SIX AM so that I could go vote. I am NEVER up that early. The polls are about two blocks from my apartment, and they opened at 7. I was ready to leave the house by 6:35, and then Adam said "Oh wait, I'm gonna come too." So I waited and we FINALLY left at 6:55. We got to the poll at 7:03 and the line was out the door. No, I mean it. Out the door. I waited for 20 minutes before I just had to leave to get to work on time. So I got up a full 45 minutes early and didn't even get the pay off.


    Aww, that sucks. I was thinking about getting up early to vote because I had to work from 10-6, but I decided to go after work and I was worried that there would be a big line, but I guess no one in my neighborhood votes (or voted early) because I didn't have to wait at all.
  • yesterday I bought some stupidly expensive medication for me cause of this horrible cold I have, cause I cannot miss any time at uni or work and I already spent monday at home and I dont feel ANY better today, I think its getting worse and so today I missed the most important lecture of the week and will go to uni later today so I can do at least a bit and not be behind in ALL of my courses, and I have to read an article for that and work through and all and now I realize that the copy machine was all stupid (yeah,. the machine, NOT me...) and gave me only half of the text... so Im going to that course unprepared and sick.
    And I wont go to the show tomorrow night... and, seeing as this cold is getting worse every minute, I wont be going to the show on Friday as well... meh meh meh

    and I just had like a thousand typos... tongue.gif
  • Susan, I hope you feel better.

    I have a migraine. From yesterday. Gah...
  • suze if your still ill in jan, ill help you get better =]
  • omg
    so today some bitch got on to me about my taste in guys and my boyfriend and i just wanted to punch her in the fuckin face. at least i have boyfriend who cares about me, and even if my taste in guys is different then hers that doesn't make it bad.
    she need to go jump off a cliff into a pit of spiky poisonous marshmallows.
  • ^ OMG, you really should've punched her!
  • want me to set Boris on her?

    my x-box 360

    has offically bricked it, im so sorry

    *hugs x-box*


    *wipes tears away*

    we had a good run kid, you were 2 and a half years old, much older then your peers who have already bricked it

  • As an ex-videogameholic I can sincerely feel your loss Pandy sad.gif
  • im'a getting a new one tomos morning

    as fuck waiting a month for them to "fix it" for it to die again
  • Aw, Andy!
    A moment of silence for your 360.
  • just got my new x-box

    any name ideas?
  • In the days since the election, I've seen heinous bigotry and stupidity. It really makes me worry.
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 6 2008, 11:05 AM)
    In the days since the election, I've seen heinous bigotry and stupidity. It really makes me worry.

    Me too. You can imagine how it is here in a red state. sad.gif
  • EAST COAST, Baby!! This is where it's at! We've got states that allow Gay Marriage in the Northeast!
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 6 2008, 12:06 PM)
    just got my new x-box

    any name ideas?

    whats that kids, call him HOPE?

    sure, ill call him hope
  • LOLZ, Glad to be an ispiration to you. Although what about XBox Obama?
  • ironicly i could have bought a black elite x-box today, but im poor..

    so ive got a white one instead
  • name it....

    whitey mcfly
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