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Complaints Thread



  • Thanks Courtney... maybe if I saw more Paolo... haha.
  • My brother came home this weekend to go to a Halloween party and half an hour before he was leaving, he said, "I should have invited you because it's a yacht party." For the record, I LOVE boats. I wish I could live on a boat. He said I could still come, but I needed a costume, which I didn't have and I have to work early tomorrow anyway.

    And it's supposed to rain a lot tomorrow, which sucks because I bus and walk to work. sad.gif

    (This was typed before the blindness: *hugs* to Kalinda! Brothers are so selfish! He deserves a small bout of sea-sickness for making you miss the fun. Maybe he was shy to invite you because he knew you would overshadow him with your awesomeness wink.gif )
  • GAH i never have a good halloween costume, because I, too am a procrastinator, and i always leave my costume to the last minute, so i need help going all out this year, maybe as waldo or something.
  • QUOTE (Rebekker @ Oct 23 2008, 09:16 PM)
    I'm so upset sad.gif
    I was SO close to finding a way to go down to Nashville to see Locksley and Hymns
    But both my original plan and back-up plan fell apart
    I'm so upset, cuz they were both so awesome in Chicago and I really wanted to see them again while they're on this tour! Cuz who knows when Locksley's next headlining tour will be. Or if they would ever tour with Hymns again sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif

    I just saw this... what a bummer sad.gif
    However... I think we'll be seeing Locksley again very soon... they're on the up and up so they need to tour a lot... they will be back soon, I can feel it!! As for touring with Hymns.... who knows!

    my complaint?
    It's November. It's supposed to be 70 degrees this week. FUT THE WUCK! I'd rather have 40-50 degree fall weather please! I love my scarves and my hoodies....

    Umm, a person who used to call me her "friend," works for Abercrombie and Fitch, and I work for abercrombie (kids store) and I have worked for this company for 3 years mind you..., just told her manager that I am "lazy and unproductive" and she couldn't believe I got hired in the first place. We work for the same company in the same mall, but diff stores. I just interviewed to be a manager last Wednesday and she said all this on Friday. Gotta love backstabbing bitches.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 3 2008, 10:30 AM)
    my complaint?
    It's November. It's supposed to be 70 degrees this week. FUT THE WUCK! I'd rather have 40-50 degree fall weather please! I love my scarves and my hoodies....

    I am confused by the weather because it's cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon. And that sucks about that backstabber at your work. She's obviously just jealous and petty.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 3 2008, 10:30 AM)
    Umm, a person who used to call me her "friend," works for Abercrombie and Fitch, and I work for abercrombie (kids store) and I have worked for this company for 3 years mind you..., just told her manager that I am "lazy and unproductive" and she couldn't believe I got hired in the first place. We work for the same company in the same mall, but diff stores. I just interviewed to be a manager last Wednesday and she said all this on Friday. Gotta love backstabbing bitches.

    What a bitch. You want I should make a few calls? wink.gif
  • Today I watched a special on TV concerning the elections and all and they went through a city (didn't watch from the beginning so I prob missed a bit) and asked just trivia questions... Now I never was so embarrassed about the Youth of this country... Nobody recognized McCain when a picture of him was shown, one person said that it's this "American guy" when a picture of Obama was shown... but couldn't answer when asked what exactly Obama was doing... Then, and now this really is weird, everyone was asked who was allowed to vote in the elections of the American president ... (which is kinda self-explanatory) and people honestly said "Ireland" (WTF???) and "Oh, England of course, they speak english" ... I could cry. One girl in the end had to explain what the abbr USA meant. ... She said, and I do not kid, "Universally state ..." reporter: "And what does the A stand for... in USA?" long pause "...the Americans?" ... oh dear.

    another complaint: Im sick, meh
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Nov 3 2008, 10:30 AM)
    I just saw this... what a bummer sad.gif
    However... I think we'll be seeing Locksley again very soon... they're on the up and up so they need to tour a lot... they will be back soon, I can feel it!! As for touring with Hymns.... who knows!

    yeah, I think they'll probably have some other tour maybe towards the beginning of next year. I'm hoping anyways smile.gif And we should tell them that they need to go on a tour with Hymns again sometime. biggrin.gif
  • i have another complaint.
    I hate how when in the states they get a couple inches of snow, or like, maybe a foot of snow they get let out of school, but when we get a straight four feet of snow (absolutely no exaggeration) we still have to go to school.

    god. i hate winnipeg sometimes.
  • Katie, you're awesome, and I'll come over there with some pointy dental instruments on those who dare cross you! mad.gif
  • ^ That would make me so angry. Except I haven't actually seen snow in my life so I'd be happy anyways. :]

    My complaint: I just hate it when people think they know me when they don't. I hate it when they base everything off the way I look and go through all that junk instead of just getting to know me. I hate how people ask me "what I am," as if it would actually aid them in getting to know me better. I hate how people think they know more about me than I do, and I also hate the way people think I'm weak because I have a "baby face". Just throwing that last part in there.
  • i hate when people judge you on the way you look too.
    i mean, just because somebody's face looks like a pile of poo, doesn't mean they are one.

    am i right? am i right?
  • what kind of poo?
  • oh shit son..
  • ZING

    oh andy, that was in poor taste
  • I was up at SIX AM so that I could go vote. I am NEVER up that early. The polls are about two blocks from my apartment, and they opened at 7. I was ready to leave the house by 6:35, and then Adam said "Oh wait, I'm gonna come too." So I waited and we FINALLY left at 6:55. We got to the poll at 7:03 and the line was out the door. No, I mean it. Out the door. I waited for 20 minutes before I just had to leave to get to work on time. So I got up a full 45 minutes early and didn't even get the pay off.

  • darn that must suck, well, i'm too young to vote right now so yeah. I won't have to worry about that for a little more than 3 years.
  • Don't get your hopes up, Canadian elections aren't nearly as interesting. Or effective.
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