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Complaints Thread



  • It's 10 o'clock.

    I have a paper due at 9 tomorrow morning.

    and I have NO CLUE what I'm writing it about.


    I am not happy right now.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Sep 29 2008, 08:59 PM)
    It's 10 o'clock.

    I have a paper due at 9 tomorrow morning.

    and I have NO CLUE what I'm writing it about.


    I am not happy right now.

    HAH! DITTO!!


    a crappppp load of stuff I need to read. Dammit.


  • yeah, I'm feeling really overwhelmed with all my classes and work and extra stuff. It's not fun. I'm not sure what to do about it.
  •!!! Why am I an art major!!?
    I have so many projects at one time and for mid-terms and tests I have to read text books and take a test over what's in them, along with having to do all those art projects that are also worth a lot of my grade!!
    I'm feeling SO stressed! I'm so glad I dropped that history class earlier. If I didn't I think I would pretty much be dying right now.

    And why is all of my work sucking so much!!!! COME ON!!!! Drawing is suppose to be my strength!! And I'm ending up HATING that class!!! And everyone else's is so much better than mine! I'm just really not as good as I thought it was. I don't know what I'm going to do....
  • i'm sick.
    again. sad.gif

    my tonsils were so swollen this morning, i thought i wasn't going to be able to breathe...
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Sep 30 2008, 10:49 PM)
    i'm sick.
    again. sad.gif

    my tonsils were so swollen this morning, i thought i wasn't going to be able to breathe...

    Awww, Katie! Hope you recover quickly!!
  • Aww, Katie, feel better. And I hope everyone feels better about school, I'm sure you'll all be fine!
  • I'm echoing everyone else's sentiments - Feel better Sissie-in-law!
  • thanks, all my lovelies smile.gif thanks to school and papers, its getting harder for me to get a good night's rest... *sigh*

    QUOTE (MyFavoritePerson @ Sep 30 2008, 06:49 PM)

    My worst enemy. I'm sorry fave sad.gif
  • I'm sick of people (particularly parents when I discuss the evils of too much sugary soda and lollipops) who say snidely to me, "Don't you want me to eat sugar and have cavities so you have business?" People! I AM a doctor! My goal is to keep you healthy not to make sure you have cavities so I can greedily make some dough. Cavities are the least of my concern. There's a lot of bad stuff that can go on in a mouth besides cavities. Why do people look down on dentists! We study the whole body (like med students and sometimes with med students depending on what dental school you go to) and then we focus on the mouth. We have to know as much about drugs and their cross reactions as a med student. We prescribe drugs too. That's just a stupid excuse to be lazy about taking care of yourself and make me look like the bad one. Take some personal responsibility and be thankful a dentist wants you to be healthy!

    Lol, pointless rant I guess. But Grr!
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 2 2008, 04:35 AM)
    I'm sick of people (particularly parents when I discuss the evils of too much sugary soda and lollipops) who say snidely to me, "Don't you want me to eat sugar and have cavities so you have business?" People! I AM a doctor! My goal is to keep you healthy not to make sure you have cavities so I can greedily make some dough. Cavities are the least of my concern. There's a lot of bad stuff that can go on in a mouth besides cavities. Why do people look down on dentists! We study the whole body (like med students and sometimes with med students depending on what dental school you go to) and then we focus on the mouth. We have to know as much about drugs and their cross reactions as a med student. We prescribe drugs too. That's just a stupid excuse to be lazy about taking care of yourself and make me look like the bad one. Take some personal responsibility and be thankful a dentist wants you to be healthy!

    Lol, pointless rant I guess. But Grr!

    hahaha, my dad is a pulmonologist, and every time we see a smoker, first my dad will make his little "more business" joke but then he'll grumble to my mother about how nobody cares about their health anymore and what a shame it is.
  • ok, so at college I can go on iTunes and if people are using their iTunes and it's not locked I can listen to their music. I usually look so see if they have any bands that I like, just cuz it makes me happy. So, of course I look to see if they have OK Go. Usually if someone does have them it's only a couple songs: Usually Here It Goes Again and Get Over It.

    So I was looking at this girl's music and she had two OK Go songs. She had Get Over It and "There She Goes Again". At first I'm thinking what the heck? I have basically everything they've done that's available, what is this? So I click to play it thinking that maybe they just accidently mislabeled the artist, but then HERE IT Goes Again starts playing! The stupid idiot! haha, I just got kinda mad at it.

    I guess one of my pet peeves is kinda when people mislabel music that I really love. I know they might just not love it as much as me. I know I probably have a couple mislabeled songs that I got from other people and didn't know the exact names of. It just upsets me when I see an OK Go song wrongly named. sad.gif Especially their most popular song!!
  • OMG! I get what you mean! My complaint is similar, but with Jamba Juice.

    So I used to live in Hawaii and California since I was...9, I think. There, they had Jamba Juice like everywhere. I moved to San Antonio when I was 13 and was so sad to know that no Jamba Juice existed here. Until September 20th this year. That was basically my rebirth, even though I always get the same flavor.

    Suddenly, all the popular kids at school are using Jamba Juice as a status symbol. Think of that! Using smoothies to say you're better than some other person. Oh, why isn't Aly in class today? She texted me, she's at Jamba Juice. OMG! I love Jamba Juice, I always get the largest size. I love how they give you free boosts. Yeah, I've been waiting since like last month for it to open. They're treating it like Hollister (blech), but for your stomach.

    Please. It's a smoothie.
  • I'm upset. Neither the Walmart near my college, nor the one at home had a Locksley CD sad.gif
    So, I'm gonna have to order it online. I know I could just buy it on iTunes, but I wanna get the actual CD. I like getting the actual CD cuz then when I get it, it makes me more happy and excited about it. If I just get it online, it's just kinda there, but I don't know, a CD just feels different.
  • QUOTE (Rebekker @ Oct 4 2008, 03:23 PM)
    I'm upset. Neither the Walmart near my college, nor the one at home had a Locksley CD sad.gif
    So, I'm gonna have to order it online. I know I could just buy it on iTunes, but I wanna get the actual CD. I like getting the actual CD cuz then when I get it, it makes me more happy and excited about it. If I just get it online, it's just kinda there, but I don't know, a CD just feels different.

    Can it usually be found at Walgmart or Target? There are plenty of those stores around here. I'll keep an eye out for it for you, Rebekker. And I know totally what you mean about real cds vs. itunes. I never buy anything on itunes for that reason. I like having a really cool physical library of music.
  • yeah, I think it can. It says on the Locksley official street team site on Myspace that you can pick it up at target, virgin megastore, walmart, barnes & noble, best buy, and iTunes. I guess the Walmart's near me are just too lame to carry it. I know that it's available on but I wanted to check the walmart at home first, so I might not have had to wait so long to get it. But I'll probably just order it online today. I'll still get the CD and then I guess that way it will be a nice surprise when I get a notice in my mailbox saying I have a package biggrin.gif

    edit: Nevermind, It just hit me a little bit ago that my sister just went out of town earlier and she was at the mall, so I called her to ask if she could go in a couple cd stores and see if they might have it. And then she just called me back and she got it!!!!! Yay!
  • Yey, Rebekker!

    I woke up with a sore throat. Now all the glands in my neck are sore and swollen and my cheeks feel hot. I think I caught something from the rabbi's 7 annoying clingy children.
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Oct 3 2008, 07:38 PM)
    OMG! I get what you mean! My complaint is similar, but with Jamba Juice.

    So I used to live in Hawaii and California since I was...9, I think. There, they had Jamba Juice like everywhere. I moved to San Antonio when I was 13 and was so sad to know that no Jamba Juice existed here. Until September 20th this year. That was basically my rebirth, even though I always get the same flavor.

    Suddenly, all the popular kids at school are using Jamba Juice as a status symbol. Think of that! Using smoothies to say you're better than some other person. Oh, why isn't Aly in class today? She texted me, she's at Jamba Juice. OMG! I love Jamba Juice, I always get the largest size. I love how they give you free boosts. Yeah, I've been waiting since like last month for it to open. They're treating it like Hollister (blech), but for your stomach.

    Please. It's a smoothie.

    They use Jamba Juice as a status symbol? The popular kids at your school are weird. But at least you have Jamba Juice now! I'm still waiting for a Jamba Juice to open within walking distance of my house. The closest one is a 10 minute drive/20 minute bus ride, which is still better than none at all I guess.

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Oct 4 2008, 09:25 PM)
    I woke up with a sore throat. Now all the glands in my neck are sore and swollen and my cheeks feel hot. I think I caught something from the rabbi's 7 annoying clingy children.

    Aww, I hope you get better soon Tempe!
  • im ill also

    fuck this shit...
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