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Complaints Thread



  • smudge refuses to work this time of year

    hes claiming to be jewish and christion...

    oy vay..
  • Tell Smudge the Jewish excuse doesn't hold up. Jews work during Chanukah because it isn't important. wink.gif
  • damnit...poor smudge

    just wants to eat bamboo...
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Dec 22 2008, 05:09 PM)
    damnit...poor smudge

    just wants to eat bamboo...

    and refuse to mate?


    the family is leaving me on thursday morning for two weeks, and the wife leaves a week later for 10 days, its going to be looooooooooonely.
  • poor joe, come to england! we'll look after you
  • QUOTE (Extraabsorbant @ Dec 23 2008, 04:01 PM)
    I got dumped sad.gif

    awwww, I'm sorry sad.gif
  • meh it's okay, i wasn't ready for a boyfriend anyway :\
  • I love my relatives and all, but sometimes they can be so cringe-worthy.
    I'm ready to go home now, kthx.
  • guys wearing extremely saggy pants

    burning your cookies/popcorn

    accidentally getting a black licorice jelly bean while watching a movie

    not being able to remember people's names that you're supposed to know

    getting colds

    the list goes on, but i'll spare you
  • my internet going down for nearly three days!!! i was going crazy... and without the internet was unable to get directions to go see dot dot dot on saturday sad.gif
  • Comedians. Many are assholes and love to makes jokes at the expense of others then act like it's just a joke so lighten up. No wonder so many of them end up divorced. Bullies in disguise.

    (Not Craig Ferguson but his opening act dude who works for him is definitely the above.)
  • whats the deal with airline peanuts amirite?

    jokes like that!? cause those guys are bastards.

    i kid i kid. i totally get what youre saying though tempo
  • It's currently (according to
    "-9 degrees F, feels like -30 degrees F"

  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jan 14 2009, 08:22 AM)
    It's currently (according to
    "-9 degrees F, feels like -30 degrees F"


    now i don't feel as bad about my 8 degrees feeling like -3 degrees...
    however i am sick, and my car still has no heat, so not exactly anticipating driving in -3 weather to go get cold medicine...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Jan 14 2009, 08:58 AM)
    now i don't feel as bad about my 8 degrees feeling like -3 degrees...
    however i am sick, and my car still has no heat, so not exactly anticipating driving in -3 weather to go get cold medicine...

    And snow. Don't forget the snow.
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Jan 14 2009, 12:41 PM)
    And snow. Don't forget the snow.

    haha, how could i forget the snow, there's like 8 inches of it sitting on my car now... i've decided to just try and sleep off my cold instead of going out for medicine...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Jan 14 2009, 02:58 PM)
    now i don't feel as bad about my 8 degrees feeling like -3 degrees...
    however i am sick, and my car still has no heat, so not exactly anticipating driving in -3 weather to go get cold medicine...

    Ugh. That does suck.

    The amount of clothing I put on today for my 20 minute walk to school was ASTOUNDING
  • -30° with wind chill
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