and as a fan, I'd only want to discourage that behavior and not let it easily slide by
I'd like to put in my own two cents about this. I have 3 sisters and while they would never say this, and would punch me for doing so, they're my best friends. But when I say that, it doesn't mean we hug and play nicely and all that. In fact, to outsiders, we appear really, really cruel to each other. My sister is always punching me in the arm- I always have bruises. We insult each other nonstop. Bicker, bicker, bicker...shove. Whack. Name call. Yell. Laugh. When I read about siblings who skip through the forest, it's kind of shocking. But you see, we act that way because it's how we's like, you would never exchange insults with a stranger- you would be perfectly polite and stiff and smiley-face. But you're so familiar with your sisters that you can be lioncubs. An outsider would never understand, and they completely get the wrong idea when they see us in action. And while I don't know at all if this even applies, I wouldn't be surprised if what happened that night was that an outsider- the audience- happened to see Damian playing lioncub. In that person's blog, they emphasized Damian's swearing. So what? He swears all the time. Just like how my sisters and I call each other names all the time. It means nothing, and an outsider would never understand.
I love you Shalu-lah, I thought you should know that.
"It wasn't our last song"? Was this the beginning of the encore?
ETA: Thanks for having the banter in separate videos. Fun!
Ooh thanks mumblo! I've been listening to that bit again and again, but I couldn't get it! But that fits! Yes, it was the start of their 'encore'. You're welcome! Glad you're enjoying the vids!
You have made me very happy. And not for the ass. For the love.
Thanks Sherib! Hee! I love you Juniperberry! They were the first show I ever went to, W&C and yeah, I was like "I did not enjoy that." You're right, they kept on playing the same thing over and over and over again. I counted and they seriously played the same bit 100 times! But I like listening to their CD, my favourite is "This Mess." But yeah, live? Not so great. IMO!
How were the Chiefs? You must tell me all about it!!
Kareh - When I read about the Melbourne show, I was a bit disconcerted myself. But as others have pointed out, we have no idea of what the exact circumstances were and what EXACTLY happened. I guess we'll have to wait for Katie's report on this. With that being said, nobody's perfect and everyone is entitled to a spat - just not one in front of a paying crowd there to support them and at the risk of hurting somebody else.
I finally uploaded those videos. Don't get your hopes up, they're nothing spectacular. The end of it. My memory card filled up and I ended up mistakenly deleting HIGA.
Did you see W&C supporting or were they headlining? I truly feel for you, especially if it was headlining! Another song would have meant death for me The Chiefs were fantastic! I have bruises all over (i actually got a few from OK Go too, fancy that!) They were really energetic and I pretty much fell in love with the drummer, Nick... Umm they did this really cute thing with Peanut where they pretended he was going to sing the song and Nick said, "Not only can he press buttons but he can clap too!" or words to that effect. He looked really worried when it go to the vocals and then Ricky came on and saved him! Very cute.
I really want to watch those videos but i should be studying I'll try and watch them soon!
Did you see W&C supporting or were they headlining? I truly feel for you, especially if it was headlining! Another song would have meant death for me The Chiefs were fantastic! I have bruises all over (i actually got a few from OK Go too, fancy that!) They were really energetic and I pretty much fell in love with the drummer, Nick... Umm they did this really cute thing with Peanut where they pretended he was going to sing the song and Nick said, "Not only can he press buttons but he can clap too!" or words to that effect. He looked really worried when it go to the vocals and then Ricky came on and saved him! Very cute.
I really want to watch those videos but i should be studying I'll try and watch them soon!
They were headlining! My friends dragged me to see them and I wanted to know what going to a show was like. Aww, sounds like you had an awesome time with the Chiefs! My report on the Arctics (if you wanna still read it) is on my LJ, that I posted a linkee to somewhere on this thread.
No no! Study Juniperberry study! Hmm, I should probably take my own advice and do the same!
^^ haha! That guy is awesome! You even get to hear the dogdy "one zero zero zero..." with aussie accents. I must admit I cringed when I first heard it... so bogan!
Aww what kind people in Perth, sitting down so people at the back can see!
Aw man, that's embarrassing I actually thought that for a second after I posted it, but then I checked the clothes, and that's the color of Andy's suit ... or am I completely wrong and it's the lighting??
If so, it's pff (pretty f-ing funny, haha), because I almost said, "Andy's ass is looking rather Damian-like there."
Other pics--that's his beer bottle. I got them from one of your delightful videos. Which I loved--thanks for posting them! Loved the one with the "gay" stuff, and loved the one about the "dick shaped building." Loved them all, but those of course come to mind.
Wow. I had no idea people were bad-mouthing the Melbourne show. I hadn't even read that persons comments until now (I only moved to Melbourne 2 weeks ago, I don't even have my own home at the moment, least of all the internet so I'm just mooching off a friends wireless for the weekend - life's been pretty hectic the last year which is why I haven't been around in a long time).
Anyway, as I said I think the show was fantastic. I'm frankly shocked by that comment on the blog because half of it is bullshit and the rest is blown completely out of proportion.
Regarding the Speaker incident: Damian shoving a GIANT speaker ONTO a guy? Pure bullshit. Yes, he shoved a speaker. No, there was no one near it so it definitely didn't land on anybody and GIANT? Was the person who wrote this review two feet tall? It was fucking small as. It didn't even tip over. It just tilted a little bit and was off centre and then quickly fixed up.
Was there a risk of hurting anyone? God no. I could see the area where Damian threw his guitar and no one was standing there. The only thing that could have been harmed was his guitar and a digital clock that indicated it was around 11.18 at the time (Show started promptly at 11.15 - The crowd didn't seem bad to me, but granted I was in the front so I have no idea what was going on behind me). I don't remember anything particular happening re: a microphone stand. It certainly wasn't thrown. It stayed infront of me the whole damn show.
Did he swear at the guy? Yes. Was a speaker shoved? Yes. Onto a guy? No. Was it giant? No. Guitar thrown? Yes. Anyone in danger of being hurt? Hell no. Continued outbursts at the stage crew? No.
Everything (the swearing, the guitar and the speaker) happened during the House Wins and from there it stopped. I don't think the person who wrote the article understands sarcasm or humour. Damians Rock Gods comment was clearly a joke, and we all laughed. Swearing wasn't a big deal, he wasn't swearing at the crowd it was just a few swear words here and there, big deal. It was just Damian's sense of humour - something the reviewer clearly doesn't have. Frankly, it sounds like that person has a gigantic pole up their arse. I'm frankly disgusted by that review. It's practically slander, for Gods sake. It makes Damian out like he's some vicious, violent arsehole and I didn't get that impression in the slightest.
In case anyone is slightly worried I'm just being biased, my friend who I dragged along and has absolutely no interest in OK Go whatsoever backs up everything I saw. It's really been massively blown out of proportion with a few complete lies thrown in to make it sound worse than it was and I'm really annoyed by that.
On a positive note, regarding Les Mis: It was fucking awesome. Best bit about Les Mis was the fact Tim was standing infront of me while doing his thing and hoenstly I'm not familiar with the song they picked (Les Mis not being one of the many musical theatre shows I've seen a bajillion times) but they were referencing Eponine or maybe her mother or you know, whatever, and Tim gestures at us as though referencing one of us. I couldn't stop laughing. Am quite happy for the technical issues because something tells me they don't do Les Mis renditions at every show.
When I realised Damian had heard my friends comment I was just so embarrassed but hey, at least we had an explanation for the smell and why Damian's jacket had a rip in the arm pit. lol.
Anyway, no need feel sorry for the Melbournian fans because we saw a stellar show. We were treated well by the guys, we saw an incredible show that can't be replicated again and I honestly put OK Go on the top of my list of all time favourite Live Acts. I'll admit before I went into the concert I was slightly concerned as to whether or not they'd be good live (I'm always worried if I've never seen videos etc before) but those concerns were completely pointless because it was truly an excellent show (My friend agrees it was one of the best shows she's seen and she's not even a fan).
When I get my life back on track (as in, when I finally move into my apartment, get the internet set up, find a stable job etc) I'll be back on more often and be able to answer any more questions anyone might have, but yeah, there's my explanation for my late response and lack of activity. I feel awful that anyone might have spent the last week thinking Damian pushed a giant fucking speaker onto a person. I hope I cleared everything up for you guys. I just can't believe how twisted that review was, I feel slightly upset on behalf of Damian just because... it's not cool.
YES. Thank you, God! <----- Thanks for posting that.
This is what I was expecting we would eventually find out. I don't understand some people. Flat out lies.
It's good to see you here--good luck getting life in order and we'll see ya around some time
*Edit: Forgot to ask: did the guitar he pitched actually break? (I suspect not, just based on the other inaccuracies ...) There was a picture of him playing the new yellow/ivory one since Melbourne, so that one's not broken, and he's been playing his old beat-up one since (lots of pics w/that one this past week), so that one's okay, so I suspect not. Anyway, can you confirm (if you see this )?
*Edit #2: I posted on that blog about the inaccuracies.
YES. Thank you, God! <----- Thanks for posting that.
This is what I was expecting we would eventually find out. I don't understand some people. Flat out lies.
It's good to see you here--good luck getting life in order and we'll see ya around some time *Edit: Forgot to ask: did the guitar he pitched actually break? (I suspect not, just based on the other inaccuracies ...) There was a picture of him playing the new yellow/ivory one since Melbourne, so that one's not broken, and he's been playing his old beat-up one since (lots of pics w/that one this past week), so that one's okay, so I suspect not. Anyway, can you confirm (if you see this )?
*Edit #2: I posted on that blog about the inaccuracies.
I reealllyyy wish I could say re: the guitar but I don't remember seeing it afterwards. I'd guess it's possible since it didn't reappear during the rest of the show. The one he threw was red, if memory serves.
But yeah, lies are extremely uncool. I got really cranky when I saw that 'cause it was so incredibly inaccurate. My friend was pretty shocked by the claims, too.
Meanwhile, I would quite frankly die to see the guys live again, I enjoyed that show that much. I think I spent all of Sunday in a daze and then most of Monday and Tuesday sulking that the show was over. In fact, remembering how much I enjoyed it makes me sulk that they're gone lol. Need to move to the US, damnit.
Ah, yeah, there's a red one. I think that one's been around awhile, because I've seen pics of Andy Duncan playing it. That, or Andy Duncan had one exactly like it.
Only if your garage has the internet. I've been dyyinnggg this last week without the net. Come Monday I will be net-less once again unless I go visit a friend who has it. Am crashing at a friends place over the weekend which is why I have access right now (Same friend I took to the show). I was definitely impressed by the Melbourne show, it was full of all kinds of awesomeness. Tim and Damian's new handshake being one example and Damian's attempt at creating a new expression "How's it doin'?" being another.
Thanks for clearing everything up, God! I was sort of upset by the review at first... now I'm just upset that someone would post something that blown out of proportion.
Meanwhile, I would quite frankly die to see the guys live again, I enjoyed that show that much. I think I spent all of Sunday in a daze and then most of Monday and Tuesday sulking that the show was over. In fact, remembering how much I enjoyed it makes me sulk that they're gone lol.
I know! I remember how sad I was the day afterward... hell, it's been almost two months since I saw them, and I would still give anything to see them again. I hope someone posts a video of that Les Mis rendition!
I think I spent all of Sunday in a daze and then most of Monday and Tuesday sulking that the show was over. In fact, remembering how much I enjoyed it makes me sulk that they're gone lol.
Wow. Good thing to know that I'm not the only one who feels mopey because of this!
Thanks for clearing everything up, God! I was sort of upset by the review at first... now I'm just upset that someone would post something that blown out of proportion. I know! I remember how sad I was the day afterward... hell, it's been almost two months since I saw them, and I would still give anything to see them again. I hope someone posts a video of that Les Mis rendition!
Good luck on getting your life back on track!
I was upset when I saw that too. I was practically yelling at my friend about it. She was like, "Calm down, Katie! Breathe!" while I was ranting on and on about slander and lies.
I hope someone got the Les Mis on video too, that'd be awesome to see again. It was all kinds of adorable to watch. And yay for me getting my life back on track. I promise once it's done I'll scan the set list I ripped off the floor for you all. Not that anyone will care then but lol it's my set list. My friend had to hoist me up so i could rip it off the floor and after i'd shoved it into my bag one of the crew had obviously gone over to get it for someone who had asked for it or something 'cause he was just all, "Where'd it go? Someone's already taken it!" but yeah. I need to shop for a nice box to keep all my concert memorabillia in. It's got to be big enough to fit drumsticks which makes it complicated.
Thanks for explaining everything!! Wow. Good thing to know that I'm not the only one who feels mopey because of this!
How are you enjoying Australia?
lol I'm insanely mopey when I think about it. I mean part of me is all "omg fuck ya, I saw OK Go live and it was awesome" and then the other part of me is all, "omg, I saw OK Go live and it's over". I saw the set list before the show started and was slightly broken hearted that it was so short. If only I had had a pen, I could've scrawled a few more onto the bottom, y/y? Maybe "Return", "You're So Damn Hot" and "Crash the Party"?
and I'm actually from the Gold Coast originally so I'm enjoying it as much as usual but fuck Melbourne is cold. I'm not used to it at all (as you would know, being from Brisbane, yeah?) and I nearly cried when I saw the weather report the other day. It was like, 14 in Melbourne and 26 in Brisbane. I was like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISS THE GOLD COAST. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."
lol I'm insanely mopey when I think about it. I mean part of me is all "omg fuck ya, I saw OK Go live and it was awesome" and then the other part of me is all, "omg, I saw OK Go live and it's over". I saw the set list before the show started and was slightly broken hearted that it was so short. If only I had had a pen, I could've scrawled a few more onto the bottom, y/y? Maybe "Return", "You're So Damn Hot" and "Crash the Party"?
and I'm actually from the Gold Coast originally so I'm enjoying it as much as usual but fuck Melbourne is cold. I'm not used to it at all (as you would know, being from Brisbane, yeah?) and I nearly cried when I saw the weather report the other day. It was like, 14 in Melbourne and 26 in Brisbane. I was like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISS THE GOLD COAST. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."
OMG, I feel exactly the same way. On the one hand, I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to have seen these guys live, but on the other I'm like, oh no, will any other show I go to be as good as this?
What? How short was their set? Did they play for the full hour?
Oh, wow, I always thought you were originally from the States. Sorry. I'm still a bit of a newbie around these parts. Oh gosh, I actually like the cold, so me and Melbourne would go together well, but yeah, I can imagine, coming from the Gold Coast!
I'd like to put in my own two cents about this.
I have 3 sisters and while they would never say this, and would punch me for doing so, they're my best friends.
But when I say that, it doesn't mean we hug and play nicely and all that.
In fact, to outsiders, we appear really, really cruel to each other. My sister is always punching me in the arm- I always have bruises. We insult each other nonstop. Bicker, bicker, bicker...shove. Whack. Name call. Yell. Laugh.
When I read about siblings who skip through the forest, it's kind of shocking.
But you see, we act that way because it's how we's like, you would never exchange insults with a stranger- you would be perfectly polite and stiff and smiley-face. But you're so familiar with your sisters that you can be lioncubs.
An outsider would never understand, and they completely get the wrong idea when they see us in action.
And while I don't know at all if this even applies, I wouldn't be surprised if what happened that night was that an outsider- the audience- happened to see Damian playing lioncub. In that person's blog, they emphasized Damian's swearing. So what? He swears all the time. Just like how my sisters and I call each other names all the time. It means nothing, and an outsider would never understand.
ETA: Thanks for having the banter in separate videos. Fun!
You were saying?
Okay, last video, I promise!
Request For A Cover
You were saying?
Hahaha! I have fully switched to ass happiness!!
And it's Andy ass happiness! What a treat!
Btw, I'm sick and tired of you people treating these guys like sex objects.
Hee! I love you Juniperberry! They were the first show I ever went to, W&C and yeah, I was like "I did not enjoy that." You're right, they kept on playing the same thing over and over and over again. I counted and they seriously played the same bit 100 times! But I like listening to their CD, my favourite is "This Mess." But yeah, live? Not so great. IMO!
How were the Chiefs? You must tell me all about it!!
Kareh - When I read about the Melbourne show, I was a bit disconcerted myself. But as others have pointed out, we have no idea of what the exact circumstances were and what EXACTLY happened. I guess we'll have to wait for Katie's report on this. With that being said, nobody's perfect and everyone is entitled to a spat - just not one in front of a paying crowd there to support them and at the risk of hurting somebody else.
I finally uploaded those videos. Don't get your hopes up, they're nothing spectacular.
The end of it. My memory card filled up and I ended up mistakenly deleting HIGA.
Did you see W&C supporting or were they headlining? I truly feel for you, especially if it was headlining! Another song would have meant death for me
The Chiefs were fantastic! I have bruises all over (i actually got a few from OK Go too, fancy that!) They were really energetic and I pretty much fell in love with the drummer, Nick... Umm they did this really cute thing with Peanut where they pretended he was going to sing the song and Nick said, "Not only can he press buttons but he can clap too!" or words to that effect. He looked really worried when it go to the vocals and then Ricky came on and saved him! Very cute.
I really want to watch those videos but i should be studying
And it's Andy ass happiness! What a treat!
WHAT is he doing to that microphone?!
The Chiefs were fantastic! I have bruises all over (i actually got a few from OK Go too, fancy that!) They were really energetic and I pretty much fell in love with the drummer, Nick... Umm they did this really cute thing with Peanut where they pretended he was going to sing the song and Nick said, "Not only can he press buttons but he can clap too!" or words to that effect. He looked really worried when it go to the vocals and then Ricky came on and saved him! Very cute.
I really want to watch those videos but i should be studying I'll try and watch them soon!
They were headlining! My friends dragged me to see them and I wanted to know what going to a show was like.
Aww, sounds like you had an awesome time with the Chiefs! My report on the Arctics (if you wanna still read it) is on my LJ, that I posted a linkee to somewhere on this thread.
No no! Study Juniperberry study! Hmm, I should probably take my own advice and do the same!
Some dude does the AMW dance by himself during the acoustic set. They stop playing for some banter about it (about 1:10 minutes into it).
Aww what kind people in Perth, sitting down so people at the back can see!
WHAT is he doing to that microphone?!
Aw man, that's embarrassing
If so, it's pff (pretty f-ing funny, haha), because I almost said, "Andy's ass is looking rather Damian-like there."
Other pics--that's his beer bottle. I got them from one of your delightful videos. Which I loved--thanks for posting them! Loved the one with the "gay" stuff, and loved the one about the "dick shaped building." Loved them all, but those of course come to mind.
Anyway, as I said I think the show was fantastic. I'm frankly shocked by that comment on the blog because half of it is bullshit and the rest is blown completely out of proportion.
Regarding the Speaker incident: Damian shoving a GIANT speaker ONTO a guy? Pure bullshit. Yes, he shoved a speaker. No, there was no one near it so it definitely didn't land on anybody and GIANT? Was the person who wrote this review two feet tall? It was fucking small as. It didn't even tip over. It just tilted a little bit and was off centre and then quickly fixed up.
Was there a risk of hurting anyone? God no. I could see the area where Damian threw his guitar and no one was standing there. The only thing that could have been harmed was his guitar and a digital clock that indicated it was around 11.18 at the time (Show started promptly at 11.15 - The crowd didn't seem bad to me, but granted I was in the front so I have no idea what was going on behind me). I don't remember anything particular happening re: a microphone stand. It certainly wasn't thrown. It stayed infront of me the whole damn show.
Did he swear at the guy? Yes. Was a speaker shoved? Yes. Onto a guy? No. Was it giant? No. Guitar thrown? Yes. Anyone in danger of being hurt? Hell no. Continued outbursts at the stage crew? No.
Everything (the swearing, the guitar and the speaker) happened during the House Wins and from there it stopped. I don't think the person who wrote the article understands sarcasm or humour. Damians Rock Gods comment was clearly a joke, and we all laughed. Swearing wasn't a big deal, he wasn't swearing at the crowd it was just a few swear words here and there, big deal. It was just Damian's sense of humour - something the reviewer clearly doesn't have. Frankly, it sounds like that person has a gigantic pole up their arse. I'm frankly disgusted by that review. It's practically slander, for Gods sake. It makes Damian out like he's some vicious, violent arsehole and I didn't get that impression in the slightest.
In case anyone is slightly worried I'm just being biased, my friend who I dragged along and has absolutely no interest in OK Go whatsoever backs up everything I saw. It's really been massively blown out of proportion with a few complete lies thrown in to make it sound worse than it was and I'm really annoyed by that.
On a positive note, regarding Les Mis: It was fucking awesome. Best bit about Les Mis was the fact Tim was standing infront of me while doing his thing and hoenstly I'm not familiar with the song they picked (Les Mis not being one of the many musical theatre shows I've seen a bajillion times) but they were referencing Eponine or maybe her mother or you know, whatever, and Tim gestures at us as though referencing one of us. I couldn't stop laughing. Am quite happy for the technical issues because something tells me they don't do Les Mis renditions at every show.
When I realised Damian had heard my friends comment I was just so embarrassed but hey, at least we had an explanation for the smell and why Damian's jacket had a rip in the arm pit. lol.
Anyway, no need feel sorry for the Melbournian fans because we saw a stellar show. We were treated well by the guys, we saw an incredible show that can't be replicated again and I honestly put OK Go on the top of my list of all time favourite Live Acts. I'll admit before I went into the concert I was slightly concerned as to whether or not they'd be good live (I'm always worried if I've never seen videos etc before) but those concerns were completely pointless because it was truly an excellent show (My friend agrees it was one of the best shows she's seen and she's not even a fan).
When I get my life back on track (as in, when I finally move into my apartment, get the internet set up, find a stable job etc) I'll be back on more often and be able to answer any more questions anyone might have, but yeah, there's my explanation for my late response and lack of activity. I feel awful that anyone might have spent the last week thinking Damian pushed a giant fucking speaker onto a person. I hope I cleared everything up for you guys. I just can't believe how twisted that review was, I feel slightly upset on behalf of Damian just because... it's not cool.
This is what I was expecting we would eventually find out. I don't understand some people. Flat out lies.
It's good to see you here--good luck getting life in order and we'll see ya around some time
*Edit: Forgot to ask: did the guitar he pitched actually break? (I suspect not, just based on the other inaccuracies ...) There was a picture of him playing the new yellow/ivory one since Melbourne, so that one's not broken, and he's been playing his old beat-up one since (lots of pics w/that one this past week), so that one's okay, so I suspect not. Anyway, can you confirm (if you see this
*Edit #2: I posted on that blog about the inaccuracies.
This is what I was expecting we would eventually find out. I don't understand some people. Flat out lies.
It's good to see you here--good luck getting life in order and we'll see ya around some time
*Edit: Forgot to ask: did the guitar he pitched actually break? (I suspect not, just based on the other inaccuracies ...) There was a picture of him playing the new yellow/ivory one since Melbourne, so that one's not broken, and he's been playing his old beat-up one since (lots of pics w/that one this past week), so that one's okay, so I suspect not. Anyway, can you confirm (if you see this
*Edit #2: I posted on that blog about the inaccuracies.
I reealllyyy wish I could say re: the guitar but I don't remember seeing it afterwards. I'd guess it's possible since it didn't reappear during the rest of the show. The one he threw was red, if memory serves.
But yeah, lies are extremely uncool. I got really cranky when I saw that 'cause it was so incredibly inaccurate. My friend was pretty shocked by the claims, too.
Meanwhile, I would quite frankly die to see the guys live again, I enjoyed that show that much. I think I spent all of Sunday in a daze and then most of Monday and Tuesday sulking that the show was over. In fact, remembering how much I enjoyed it makes me sulk that they're gone lol. Need to move to the US, damnit.
Ha, wanna move into my garage?
I know! I remember how sad I was the day afterward... hell, it's been almost two months since I saw them, and I would still give anything to see them again.
Good luck on getting your life back on track!
Wow. Good thing to know that I'm not the only one who feels mopey because of this!
How are you enjoying Australia?
I know! I remember how sad I was the day afterward... hell, it's been almost two months since I saw them, and I would still give anything to see them again.
Good luck on getting your life back on track!
I was upset when I saw that too. I was practically yelling at my friend about it. She was like, "Calm down, Katie! Breathe!" while I was ranting on and on about slander and lies.
I hope someone got the Les Mis on video too, that'd be awesome to see again. It was all kinds of adorable to watch. And yay for me getting my life back on track. I promise once it's done I'll scan the set list I ripped off the floor for you all. Not that anyone will care then but lol it's my set list. My friend had to hoist me up so i could rip it off the floor and after i'd shoved it into my bag one of the crew had obviously gone over to get it for someone who had asked for it or something 'cause he was just all, "Where'd it go? Someone's already taken it!" but yeah. I need to shop for a nice box to keep all my concert memorabillia in. It's got to be big enough to fit drumsticks which makes it complicated.
Wow. Good thing to know that I'm not the only one who feels mopey because of this!
How are you enjoying Australia?
lol I'm insanely mopey when I think about it. I mean part of me is all "omg fuck ya, I saw OK Go live and it was awesome" and then the other part of me is all, "omg, I saw OK Go live and it's over". I saw the set list before the show started and was slightly broken hearted that it was so short. If only I had had a pen, I could've scrawled a few more onto the bottom, y/y? Maybe "Return", "You're So Damn Hot" and "Crash the Party"?
and I'm actually from the Gold Coast originally so I'm enjoying it as much as usual but fuck Melbourne is cold. I'm not used to it at all (as you would know, being from Brisbane, yeah?) and I nearly cried when I saw the weather report the other day. It was like, 14 in Melbourne and 26 in Brisbane. I was like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISS THE GOLD COAST. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."
and I'm actually from the Gold Coast originally so I'm enjoying it as much as usual but fuck Melbourne is cold. I'm not used to it at all (as you would know, being from Brisbane, yeah?) and I nearly cried when I saw the weather report the other day. It was like, 14 in Melbourne and 26 in Brisbane. I was like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISS THE GOLD COAST. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME."
OMG, I feel exactly the same way. On the one hand, I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to have seen these guys live, but on the other I'm like, oh no, will any other show I go to be as good as this?
What? How short was their set? Did they play for the full hour?
Oh, wow, I always thought you were originally from the States. Sorry. I'm still a bit of a newbie around these parts. Oh gosh, I actually like the cold, so me and Melbourne would go together well, but yeah, I can imagine, coming from the Gold Coast!
Haha, there's nothing wrong with you!
Glad you had a brilliant time with OK Go!