AGHH! i cried 2!! and i dont cry during books yeah in the 19 years alter was a little corny the only really sad thing about it was how he has a son named albus SERVERUS and he was like he was the bravest man i knew that made me cry. if she was going to kill off tonks AND lupin i think she should have put more in the end how harry had to take care of Ted.
I finished it in 6 hours and 45 minutes. and I only cried once. while re-reading the part where Percy comes back and Fred forgives him, and then Fred has to go and die on us... GOD. Fred and George were/are my favorite characters. The Ear jokes were priceless, though. I was done by 8:45 Saturday morning, and yes, I know that's sad.
But the concert? SO GOOD The Hungarian Horntails were adorable, they're like 8 years old. and they were so nervous.... awwwh. Draco and the Malfoys are the funniest band I know. not to mention amazing just in general. And I LOVE the cover of "99 red balloons"... "99 Death Eaters" and Harry and the Potters, of course <3 it was so ridiculous, there was like 15,000 people packed into Harvard Yard. For a Wizard Rock band... I love people.
The wait for the books @ the COOP was absolutley ridiculous... my friends and I ended up getting the book at the Newsstand above the T station instead. there was no line, and we got free bags too! actually, there was a ton of free swag
Oh, and my friends and I were on the NEWS. Channel 7 (NBC)... looking at toys and stuff in the Curious George store. Actually, I think my friend's arm got more coverage than we did. They showed it on the National news, too, that and a picture of us waiting in line, in the intro for a story about the braille book. I think it's still on, haha. But anyways, my friend artistically wrote "The weapon we have is LOVE" on her arm, and they thought it was a real tattoo haha.
Wooot, I finished it in under 24 hours, and that includes the night, through which I slept!
Also - was anyone else really jealous of Hermione for getting with Ron? He's mine, bitch!
I feel the same way, i miss him already! oh ickle Ronny!!
Don't even get me started on the epilogue... oh well, too late! I thought it went too far into the future, c'mon 19 years!?! it's a bit ridiculous! It was waaaay corny and it was written in a completely different tone to the rest of the book. You could tell that Rowling wrote it back in the Philosophers Stone days when everything was happy. It wasn't just the tone though, the language and even names of the characters were reminiscent of the beginning. Hugo!? wtf? why not Fred!!? that would have been more appropriate, considering Harry's choice of names (i bet Ginny didn't even get a say in those!) And even though they were supposed to be 36 they still spoke like teenagers and their kids acted like toddlers.
I know it doesn't really matter, i just think i would have preferred the book without a lame epilogue.
During this book, I actually stopped during parts of it and thought, "I hope that's in the movie."
By far one of my favorite parts was on Potterwatch, when Fred (George?) was talking about Snape and the shampoo. The book had gotten so dreary, it was the perfect comic relief.
During this book, I actually stopped during parts of it and thought, "I hope that's in the movie."
By far one of my favorite parts was on Potterwatch, when Fred (George?) was talking about Snape and the shampoo. The book had gotten so dreary, it was the perfect comic relief.
omg i did the exact same thing and i was laughing so hard when he told that joke
I'm so glad that people over here are complaining about various aspects of the book, because I was sure I was going to be the only person who wasn't 100% enamored of it.
QUOTE (Shalu-lah @ Jul 22 2007, 12:17 AM)
Good book overall, although it seemed to drag on FOREVER in the middle... It was like "oh, let's hide, oh wait, I'm retarded and now we're captured, let's escape... and REPEAT!" For about 450 pages.
That was my huge problem. Parts of it are great. Especially the Battle of Hogwarts. (And I thought it really great how significant Hogwarts became in all of this- it went from being a location to really kind of being a character in its own right.) But it draaaaaaaaaaaagged. It was pretty much 400 pages action, 450 pages filler, and that annoyed me. I felt like I was turning circles with Harry and Hermione in the countryside, and that got super frustrating after a while.
And really, the narrow escape from the Death Eaters and Voldemort at Malfoys' Manor would have been super thrilling- if Harry and co. hadn't made about 60 million narrow escapes from Voldemort and the Death Eaters earlier in the book, and throughout the rest of the series. I mean, the whole series starts with a narrow escape from Voldemort, really. It got repetitious, honestly.
Basically, I felt the whole thing could have been streamlined a bunch.
There's a recent chatweb interview with JKR posted over here that answers some pretty important/interesting questions not answered by the book or epilogue. (Uhh, hello, what do they do after defeating Voldie other than getting hitched and having babies??)
I read a really great article the other day in New York Magazine about how JKR basically copped out. Like Katy said, Harry & the rest have always narrowly escaped death. People expected him to die in a way. However, JKR made him both die AND live. It was like she couldn't choose one side and so, instead, decided to just throw both in. She was indecisive and, in a way, made a mediocre ending when it could have been amazing.
ahem, fred's death made me cry too. like, we're talking hysterics here. i was upset and teared up at everyone else's deaths as well... i read awhile ago that j.k. sacrificed tonks and lupin because she had initially planned on killing mr. weasley (GASP) in the 5th book when the snake attacked him at the ministry... but she couldn't bring herself to it, and she had to kill them? i don't know... i was pretty upset by their death, but then again, i was upset about everyone elses... and yes, i thought the whole hiding, we're caught! hiding thing got drawn out a bit much..
i don't know how to do that black-out thing, so i'll just try and say stuff vaguely... nevermind. i can't. but rachel... i'm with you on that last part.... although i really relaly thought the epilogue was totally unnecessary.
I loved the epilogue, but then I always wanted Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny to get together and have loads of little redheaded children. So it was kind of like she was writing that for me.
i suppose you're right. i kinda wanted it to be like it was... but i kinda wanted it to be up to my imagination to decide... i like the thought of ron and hermione together, and i always did, it was just a matter of time
Last night I got a belated b-day present. It's an AWESOME t-shirt that says "Your wand is too measly for Ginny Weasley". Navy blue, sparkly silver writing. Ohhhh Yeah.
No I did not remember that myself - my friend who loves Harry way more than I could ever aspire to do pointed it out to me.
yeah in the 19 years alter was a little corny the only really sad thing about it was how he has a son named albus SERVERUS and he was like he was the bravest man i knew that made me cry. if she was going to kill off tonks AND lupin i think she should have put more in the end how harry had to take care of Ted.
But the concert? SO GOOD
The Hungarian Horntails were adorable, they're like 8 years old. and they were so nervous.... awwwh.
Draco and the Malfoys are the funniest band I know. not to mention amazing just in general. And I LOVE the cover of "99 red balloons"... "99 Death Eaters"
and Harry and the Potters, of course <3 it was so ridiculous, there was like 15,000 people packed into Harvard Yard. For a Wizard Rock band... I love people.
The wait for the books @ the COOP was absolutley ridiculous... my friends and I ended up getting the book at the Newsstand above the T station instead. there was no line, and we got free bags too! actually, there was a ton of free swag
Oh, and my friends and I were on the NEWS. Channel 7 (NBC)... looking at toys and stuff in the Curious George store. Actually, I think my friend's arm got more coverage than we did. They showed it on the National news, too, that and a picture of us waiting in line, in the intro for a story about the braille book. I think it's still on, haha. But anyways, my friend artistically wrote "The weapon we have is LOVE" on her arm, and they thought it was a real tattoo haha.
Also - was anyone else really jealous of Hermione for getting with Ron?
Don't even get me started on the epilogue... oh well, too late!
I thought it went too far into the future, c'mon 19 years!?! it's a bit ridiculous! It was waaaay corny and it was written in a completely different tone to the rest of the book. You could tell that Rowling wrote it back in the Philosophers Stone days when everything was happy. It wasn't just the tone though, the language and even names of the characters were reminiscent of the beginning. Hugo!? wtf? why not Fred!!? that would have been more appropriate, considering Harry's choice of names (i bet Ginny didn't even get a say in those!) And even though they were supposed to be 36 they still spoke like teenagers and their kids acted like toddlers.
I know it doesn't really matter, i just think i would have preferred the book without a lame epilogue.
By far one of my favorite parts was on Potterwatch, when Fred (George?) was talking about Snape and the shampoo. The book had gotten so dreary, it was the perfect comic relief.
By far one of my favorite parts was on Potterwatch, when Fred (George?) was talking about Snape and the shampoo. The book had gotten so dreary, it was the perfect comic relief.
omg i did the exact same thing and i was laughing so hard when he told that joke
"Seriously, Pom-Pom, I'm about to pee in my pants."
I'm cool =P
I just started translating it... "Dominus et Domina Dursley, qui vivebant......"
In other news, I'm surprised Andy hasn't/didn't come and call us all nerds. I mean, I know he was away, but he hasn't missed a chance yet =P
That was my huge problem. Parts of it are great. Especially the Battle of Hogwarts. (And I thought it really great how significant Hogwarts became in all of this- it went from being a location to really kind of being a character in its own right.) But it draaaaaaaaaaaagged. It was pretty much 400 pages action, 450 pages filler, and that annoyed me. I felt like I was turning circles with Harry and Hermione in the countryside, and that got super frustrating after a while.
And really, the narrow escape from the Death Eaters and Voldemort at Malfoys' Manor would have been super thrilling- if Harry and co. hadn't made about 60 million narrow escapes from Voldemort and the Death Eaters earlier in the book, and throughout the rest of the series. I mean, the whole series starts with a narrow escape from Voldemort, really. It got repetitious, honestly.
Basically, I felt the whole thing could have been streamlined a bunch.
There's a recent chatweb interview with JKR posted over here that answers some pretty important/interesting questions not answered by the book or epilogue. (Uhh, hello, what do they do after defeating Voldie other than getting hitched and having babies??)
I'm cool =P
I just started translating it... "Dominus et Domina Dursley, qui vivebant......"
In other news, I'm surprised Andy hasn't/didn't come and call us all nerds. I mean, I know he was away, but he hasn't missed a chance yet =P
actully its geeks,
and you are all geeeeeeeeks
and you are all geeeeeeeeks
And quite proud of it!
I didn't want Harry to die. It ended the way I wanted it to end. So I'm happy.
Thanks for posting that interview, Katy!
nevermind. i can't. but rachel... i'm with you on that last part.... although i really relaly thought the epilogue was totally unnecessary.
ahem, fred's death made me cry too. like, we're talking hysterics here. i was upset and teared up at everyone else's deaths as well... i read awhile ago that j.k. sacrificed tonks and lupin because she had initially planned on killing mr. weasley (GASP) in the 5th book when the snake attacked him at the ministry... but she couldn't bring herself to it, and she had to kill them? i don't know... i was pretty upset by their death, but then again, i was upset about everyone elses... and yes, i thought the whole hiding, we're caught! hiding thing got drawn out a bit much..
overall, i'm happy.
nevermind. i can't. but rachel... i'm with you on that last part.... although i really relaly thought the epilogue was totally unnecessary.
I loved the epilogue, but then I always wanted Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny to get together and have loads of little redheaded children. So it was kind of like she was writing that for me.