(sigh) I wonder if they are holding A-G for the students.
Looks like I am making a trip to Butler. Row N really doesn't cut it.
my friend and i were thinking the same thing... which, to me isn't fair to the people who were up and raring to go at 9am (me) but... i won't lie. i'm still so fucking excited that being that far back doesnt really bother me that much. i seriously hate ticketbastard because we had refreshed the page at 10am TWICE, TWICE and it locked us out of the system for over 5 minutes... and i got through by PHONE before the net... what. the. HELL!
my friend and i were thinking the same thing... which, to me isn't fair to the people who were up and raring to go at 9am (me) but... i won't lie. i'm still so fucking excited that being that far back doesnt really bother me that much. i seriously hate ticketbastard because we had refreshed the page at 10am TWICE, TWICE and it locked us out of the system for over 5 minutes... and i got through by PHONE before the net... what. the. HELL! so tdog... are you, or aren't you coming?
I *am* going, regardless. I am still going to Butler to check on tickets closer to the stage (since it is a mere 25 minutes from my house), but I already bought the craptastic Row N tix they were offering (sureeyesawake will be accompanying me). I can't miss out on the concert that has never been closer.
we're definitely going to keep checking for closer tickets... the system is f'd up, but what can you do? and if i were that close, i'd go too haha and we're coming from michigan, so, a show is great for us regardless... if you have any luck at butler... let me know. i'm hoping they start to release closer tickets *crosses fingers*
you guys did better than me - row P My mom felt bad she couldnt get anything better. I mean I was pissed because thats the best there was, but I can't blame her. When she said that was the closest, I figured students had first grabs. Stupid ticketmaster! I really do hate their system. I seem to get screwed over everytime.
Don't get me wrong. I am still REALLYYYY excited. I guess I just hoped it would be closer...
I'm in row M, seat 124, I just bought my ticket. I'm pretty sure that's a craptastic seat, but still totally worth it. Now to figure out how I'm getting there...
I'm surprised how quickly my friends and I arranged who's going, who's driving, etc. Now all we need are tickets, haha.
Thanks, Shalu
Wait from what I read tickets go on sale NEXT friday. 9/28/07
I'm pretty sure it won't be general admission. Those seats look pretty damn fixed.
And WHOA, you're right. My bad, guys!
Yeah I guess your right.
I just begged my mom into letting me miss the first half of school until I buy the tickets!! WHOO! OH JOYOUS DAY!
I just need to double check that my dad can take us and then I'm totally there haha. Aw, this made my bad day a lot better
(sigh) I wonder if they are holding A-G for the students.
Looks like I am making a trip to Butler. Row N really doesn't cut it.
I had Row L, and then they were mysteriously released to the public. Thanks, Dicketmaster.
Looks like I am making a trip to Butler. Row N really doesn't cut it.
my friend and i were thinking the same thing... which, to me isn't fair to the people who were up and raring to go at 9am (me) but... i won't lie. i'm still so fucking excited that being that far back doesnt really bother me that much. i seriously hate ticketbastard because we had refreshed the page at 10am TWICE, TWICE and it locked us out of the system for over 5 minutes... and i got through by PHONE before the net... what. the. HELL!
so tdog... are you, or aren't you coming?
so tdog... are you, or aren't you coming?
I *am* going, regardless. I am still going to Butler to check on tickets closer to the stage (since it is a mere 25 minutes from my house), but I already bought the craptastic Row N tix they were offering (sureeyesawake will be accompanying me). I can't miss out on the concert that has never been closer.
My mom felt bad she couldnt get anything better. I mean I was pissed because thats the best there was, but I can't blame her. When she said that was the closest, I figured students had first grabs. Stupid ticketmaster! I really do hate their system. I seem to get screwed over everytime.
Don't get me wrong. I am still REALLYYYY excited. I guess I just hoped it would be closer...
I'm still psyched, though.