QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Oct 25 2007, 03:02 PM)
Same with me if you see a crazy girl in a Tim Nordwind Is A BAMF t-shirt say hi!
Oh and im baking 200 cookies to take to school and pass out while wearing my Tim shirt. Im such a loser and I know im going to get made fun of but who cares its sooo worth it. Oh and the cookies say Ok Go on them in icing! WHOO IM SO EXCITED!
If you see Tim let me know so I can tell my Tim obsessed 9 year old. I see you liked my picture of Tim playing with his sticks. Thats one of my favorite pictures I took of him.
If you see Tim let me know so I can tell my Tim obsessed 9 year old. I see you liked my picture of Tim playing with his sticks. Thats one of my favorite pictures I took of him.
Oh if I see Tim EVERYONE is going to know whether they want to or not lol. And if I MEET him oh the whole WORLD will know. Lol.
Wow, you guys are probably seeing them RIGHT NOW!!
So so so exciting! Can't wait for reports, pics, and all that loveliness! Random aside: HIGA just came up on my shuffle
I think the show will be happening when it's 10 in the morning your time Jodie. These time zones are so tricky. I'm getting better with Australia time now because of all the Triple J I was listening to.
Haha, time zones are definitely something I do better not bothering with.
I'm on my way out (and it's really early, ack!) to catch a bus to the bus station (ha!). Hopefully I should be back Saturday night full of pics and stories for you all.
If anyone is interested in meeting up (although I realize we are already at a time crunch), Suzanne and I will be there around three-ish. We are the tall, curly haired and the short red-haired girls.
Katie just called me!! I got to hear AMW, What To Do, part of It's A Disaster, but my reception started getting really bad, so I had to hang up. It sounded so awesome though!
Hee hee, T-dog called me too. She called me during Good Idea and then again during OLISQ. I just called her to get the post-show news and she's gonna call me back, but the show seemed great! I think we've got some great vids and pics coming our way.
Hee hee, T-dog called me too. She called me during Good Idea and then again during OLISQ. I just called her to get the post-show news and she's gonna call me back, but the show seemed great! I think we've got some great vids and pics coming our way.
I'm not sure if you are still awake, so I will just let you READ about what happened.
Well im sure T-dogs is ALOT better than mine because I can't recap worth crap, but I will tell you about my night though!
Ok so I got there around 4 o clock and waited until my sister and her friend showed up at like 6. We walked around to the back to see is they were going to show up or come out just to get some fresh air or go someplace. No luck. We did get to go backstage before the show bc some guy let us in since we were waiting there for so long. When the first band started we went inside and took our seats. I was just eager to see Ok Go. WHen they finally came on I was screaming and yelling and everything and I also yelled "I LOVE YOU TIM" about 3 Times atleast. *Im not very loud so it was useless.* I was jumping around throwing my arms in the arm dancing doing whatever when they were playing. When they did the acoustic AMW and WTD I ran up to the stage and about passed out at the close sight of Tim. After the concert I went back to the back again I was first in line to see them. Their band manager I can't remember what he said he was (but he was super nice and friendly), was like who were the 3 girls who where waiting in the rain for them earlier and My sister her friend and I raised our hands and then a few minutes later he tapped me on the shoulder and was like "There's Dan over there!" I freaked out and jump down the steps and had him sign my Chuck and I got a picture with him. Then after awhile they came out I about passed out. I got Damian to sign my cd then I went to Andy and got him to sign it. THEN! WHOW BUDDY! TIM!!! I made my way through to him and had him sign my cd and I was like I made a shirt with you on it. He looked at me and was like really? I was like YEAH! and showed him and he was like that is amazing! What does BAMF mean? I was like "Bad Ass Mother Fucker" his face had the biggest smile on it and he was laughing and was like "Wow, I've never heard that acronym before. *Of course I was smileing a GINORMOUS smile. I asked to get a picture with him and he goes. "Of course I would love to get a picture with you and some other stuff I can't remember bc I blacked out, I don't even remember getting the picture taken. After his arm went around me I was done. I said thank you and he said no problem and then I came home happy as I will ever be until I meet him again. My picture with him is embarresing though haha my eyes are as big as softballs.
BTW: I think I saw like all of you guys, but I was not sure if it was you guys so I didn't say anything Lol.
Oh and im baking 200 cookies to take to school and pass out while wearing my Tim shirt. Im such a loser and I know im going to get made fun of but who cares its sooo worth it. Oh and the cookies say Ok Go on them in icing! WHOO IM SO EXCITED!
If you see Tim let me know so I can tell my Tim obsessed 9 year old. I see you liked my picture of Tim playing with his sticks. Thats one of my favorite pictures I took of him.
Oh if I see Tim EVERYONE is going to know whether they want to or not lol. And if I MEET him oh the whole WORLD will know. Lol.
Oh yess I LOVED that picture its amazing!
So so so exciting!
Can't wait for reports, pics, and all that loveliness!
Random aside: HIGA just came up on my shuffle
So so so exciting!
Can't wait for reports, pics, and all that loveliness!
Random aside: HIGA just came up on my shuffle
OMG you scared me.
So so so exciting!
Can't wait for reports, pics, and all that loveliness!
Random aside: HIGA just came up on my shuffle
I think the show will be happening when it's 10 in the morning your time Jodie. These time zones are so tricky. I'm getting better with Australia time now because of all the Triple J I was listening to.
But I'm still thinking of all you guys!
But I'm still thinking of all you guys!
Haha, time zones are definitely something I do better not bothering with.
I'm on my way out (and it's really early, ack!) to catch a bus to the bus station (ha!). Hopefully I should be back Saturday night full of pics and stories for you all.
I'm not sure if you are still awake, so I will just let you READ about what happened.
Ok so I got there around 4 o clock and waited until my sister and her friend showed up at like 6. We walked around to the back to see is they were going to show up or come out just to get some fresh air or go someplace. No luck. We did get to go backstage before the show bc some guy let us in since we were waiting there for so long. When the first band started we went inside and took our seats. I was just eager to see Ok Go. WHen they finally came on I was screaming and yelling and everything and I also yelled "I LOVE YOU TIM" about 3 Times atleast. *Im not very loud so it was useless.* I was jumping around throwing my arms in the arm dancing doing whatever when they were playing. When they did the acoustic AMW and WTD I ran up to the stage and about passed out at the close sight of Tim. After the concert I went back to the back again I was first in line to see them. Their band manager I can't remember what he said he was (but he was super nice and friendly), was like who were the 3 girls who where waiting in the rain for them earlier and My sister her friend and I raised our hands and then a few minutes later he tapped me on the shoulder and was like "There's Dan over there!" I freaked out and jump down the steps and had him sign my Chuck and I got a picture with him. Then after awhile they came out I about passed out. I got Damian to sign my cd then I went to Andy and got him to sign it. THEN! WHOW BUDDY! TIM!!! I made my way through to him and had him sign my cd and I was like I made a shirt with you on it. He looked at me and was like really? I was like YEAH! and showed him and he was like that is amazing! What does BAMF mean? I was like "Bad Ass Mother Fucker" his face had the biggest smile on it and he was laughing and was like "Wow, I've never heard that acronym before. *Of course I was smileing a GINORMOUS smile. I asked to get a picture with him and he goes. "Of course I would love to get a picture with you and some other stuff I can't remember bc I blacked out, I don't even remember getting the picture taken. After his arm went around me I was done. I said thank you and he said no problem and then I came home happy as I will ever be until I meet him again. My picture with him is embarresing though haha my eyes are as big as softballs.
BTW: I think I saw like all of you guys, but I was not sure if it was you guys so I didn't say anything Lol.
Calling you...