It was truly, TRULY amazing to say the very least. It was great to meet Tdog and Suzanne
I will give a better recap later, but I've got a TON of shit to do tonight, pictures will also come. But all I can really say is, A Million ways will NEVER be the same to me again
More coming later, but here's another clip of the Jhoon Rhee commercial -- longer and with intro commentary by Damian. Tdog, great job finding the original. I laughed and laughed!
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Oct 28 2007, 07:26 PM)
I think I could watch this about 10000000000 Times and never stop laughing about it.
Seriously, that concert and the trip down there and everything, it was all worth it just for that 2 minutes.
I'm going to quote it all the time now, I'm not even kidding. Nobody will understand - but nobody will bother me eeder.
EDIT: realized I haven't said anything about my concert experience. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet the band - was busy visiting the people I stayed with before and after the show. But I did get to sit on the stage during the acoustic set (OMG so close to them!) and when Damian ran through the crowd during the ELO cover, he got out to the aisle literally right in front of me, if I'd been sitting one row forward I could have touched him. (Note: this sounds really obsessive. Haha. When I told my boyfriend, he was more than a little weirded out about how happy that made me...) I was also only about 6 seats away from catching Dan's drumstick at the end. Ack, so close!
One of my favorite bits of the night was when Damian mentioned that they hadn't played any shows in a month. "So, Butler, you're like a rock oasis in our desert." *cheering* "Does Butler have a Latin motto?" *somebody screams Sexy!* "Sexy? Sexy is your Latin motto?" *laughter* "Because if you don't have one, I think 'Butler: Rock Oasis' - only Latinized - would make a great motto."
It was pretty much an awesome concert. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the one at Notre Dame for a couple reasons: ND was my first OK Go experience, so it's obviously more special; I didn't go with anyone to Butler, and it's not as cool seeing concerts alone; the ND show was in a sports arena and seating involved bleachers and folding chairs on the floor, which I think creates a different atmosphere than a performing arts center; and after the ND show my now-boyfriend and I started dating. That kind of topped the night off nicely. But, the Butler show was still awesome. And totally worth it.
totally agree beasle. last time i saw them was when they were opening for the fray in columbus. it was good don't get me wrong. but the atmosphere wasnt great. this concert just blew me away. i CANNOT wait to see them again. i told all my friends i am dragging them along with me next time because they are missing out on life.
btw beasle, sorry i dont know your name, your avatar is one of my favorite pictures of damian ever!
It was truly, TRULY amazing to say the very least.
I will give a better recap later, but I've got a TON of shit to do tonight, pictures will also come. But all I can really say is, A Million ways will NEVER be the same to me again
OK Go cover of a Martial Arts infomercial
"Nobody bodders me eeder." Shit, that's classic! Thanks, Jennifer!
Too much prettiness for one picture!! Your pictures are beautiful and thanks for all the videos. I can't wait to watch them all.
Christy, those cookies look sooooo good! Congrats on meeting Tim. I'm so jealous right now.
i love how andy is conducting us all with his little xylophone thing... shit. what's the proper name? i don't even know.
Oh Christy, you got to mee Tim! And make him smile! That has got to be the best feeling ever! I'm so uber happy for you!
And those pics and videos are AMAZING tdog! And I don't care what you say, I think you're freaking gorgeous!
Hahah, "did you say I'm fired? Shit!"
Aww, I miss OK Go.
thanks everyone for the pictures and videos because my camera sucked. you made my day!
i LOVEDDD the acoustic sets!!
Tdog, great job finding the original. I laughed and laughed!
I cannot stop laughing hahaha
Seriously, that concert and the trip down there and everything, it was all worth it just for that 2 minutes.
I'm going to quote it all the time now, I'm not even kidding. Nobody will understand - but nobody will bother me eeder.
EDIT: realized I haven't said anything about my concert experience. Unfortunately I didn't get to meet the band - was busy visiting the people I stayed with before and after the show. But I did get to sit on the stage during the acoustic set (OMG so close to them!) and when Damian ran through the crowd during the ELO cover, he got out to the aisle literally right in front of me, if I'd been sitting one row forward I could have touched him. (Note: this sounds really obsessive. Haha. When I told my boyfriend, he was more than a little weirded out about how happy that made me...) I was also only about 6 seats away from catching Dan's drumstick at the end. Ack, so close!
One of my favorite bits of the night was when Damian mentioned that they hadn't played any shows in a month. "So, Butler, you're like a rock oasis in our desert." *cheering* "Does Butler have a Latin motto?" *somebody screams Sexy!* "Sexy? Sexy is your Latin motto?" *laughter* "Because if you don't have one, I think 'Butler: Rock Oasis' - only Latinized - would make a great motto."
It was pretty much an awesome concert. I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the one at Notre Dame for a couple reasons: ND was my first OK Go experience, so it's obviously more special; I didn't go with anyone to Butler, and it's not as cool seeing concerts alone; the ND show was in a sports arena and seating involved bleachers and folding chairs on the floor, which I think creates a different atmosphere than a performing arts center; and after the ND show my now-boyfriend and I started dating. That kind of topped the night off nicely.
btw beasle, sorry i dont know your name, your avatar is one of my favorite pictures of damian ever!
Welcome Angie! :-D
Editing post to add a link to a review of the show. The funniest bit to me is that they use the word "u.tilize"
utilized amazingly...
He also ran threw about 15 rows...
amazingly fun...
but alass...
Ok Go
(insert large, grammatical eyeroll here)
Otherwise, decent review.
He also ran threw about 15 rows...
amazingly fun...
but alass...
Ok Go
(insert large, grammatical eyeroll here)
Otherwise, decent review.
I am with you on that. Their grammar is NOT fucking impeccable, but looking past that, the review wasn't bad.
Thanks for the welcome DJRose