QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Oct 26 2007, 10:15 PM)
THEN! WHOW BUDDY! TIM!!! I made my way through to him and had him sign my cd and I was like I made a shirt with you on it. He looked at me and was like really? I was like YEAH! and showed him and he was like that is amazing! What does BAMF mean? I was like "Bad Ass Mother Fucker" his face had the biggest smile on it and he was laughing and was like "Wow, I've never heard that acronym before. *Of course I was smileing a GINORMOUS smile. I asked to get a picture with him and he goes. "Of course I would love to get a picture with you and some other stuff I can't remember bc I blacked out, I don't even remember getting the picture taken. After his arm went around me I was done. I said thank you and he said no problem and then I came home happy as I will ever be until I meet him again. My picture with him is embarresing though haha my eyes are as big as softballs.
Hurray!!! I"m so happy for you! I was crossing my fingers that you'd get to see you little BAMF Awesome that you made him smile. I bet you can't even see what I'm writing as you are probably still in a fog of happiness. Aww, I'm so glad for you.
Hurray!!! I"m so happy for you! I was crossing my fingers that you'd get to see you little BAMF Awesome that you made him smile. I bet you can't even see what I'm writing as you are probably still in a fog of happiness. Aww, I'm so glad for you.
Omg I literally can't stop smiling. Like I can't even go to bed because I am just so happy. Im SUPER glad I made a first good impression instead of making an ass out of myself and making him feel uncomfortable and creeped out like I thought I would make him.
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Oct 26 2007, 10:27 PM)
Omg I literally can't stop smiling. Like I can't even go to bed because I am just so happy. Im SUPER glad I made a first good impression instead of making an ass out of myself and making him feel uncomfortable and creeped out like I thought I would make him.
Lol, you couldn't do that, creep him out...or could you lol How was the rest of the concert?
LOL i'm soooooooo happy for you right now!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you had a good time and got to meet Tim. This is something you're gonna remember the rest of your life! But I seriously want to see your pics. LOL
Lol, you couldn't do that, creep him out...or could you lol How was the rest of the concert?
Oh yes. It is VERY possible. The rest of the concert was UH-MAZING! I sorta kinda of lost my voice I was screaming and singing the whole Time. By far the best concert i've been to!
QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Oct 27 2007, 01:39 AM)
LOL i'm soooooooo happy for you right now!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you had a good time and got to meet Tim. This is something you're gonna remember the rest of your life! But I seriously want to see your pics. LOL
Well I didn't take any during the concert bc my camera sucks but I have pictures om Damian, My friend Kate with Andy, and me with Tim and Dan. Ill message them to you bc they are kind of embarressing el oh el. I will remember it for the rest of my life and when I finally marry Tim we will look back on the first Time we met. HAHA!
The show was fabulous. And could not have gone any better.
Suzanne and I got there right on time and scouted the place, finding a Starbucks (which I needed badly), and checked out Clowes before we would be kicked out (and in turn, heard the boys do their soundcheck). After eating, we came back and hung out with a few newer fans, bought matching vinyls, and ran into a friend who was able to provide us with seats...much, much closer to musical genius (the pictures tell how close).
I was able to contact everyone during their particular songs (Sheri during "No Sign" AND the Violent Femmes cover, Theresa during "Get Over It" (although I meant to call during "Invincible"), Rachel during "OLISQ," and Jackie during one of the songs, though it was meaningless since she was there herself). I got my video of "Don't Ask Me," and my infamous jumping shot. Also, during "A Million Ways" and "What to Do" we were able to climb up onto the stage and sit with them while they played. It was a great set, especially since they played both Violent Femmes and ELO, with a cute little commercial jingle at the encore. I also found Damian's pick at my feet after he tossed it.
The boys came out afterwards and chatted with the fans as well. I was able to snag my picture with Dan and chat with Andy while Damian and Tim encouraged a group of fangirls to do the AMW dance.
We also met up with KatieYellow and her brood, and it was so nice to meet up with another fellow board-goer (and a smart one, no less).
My recaps are no where near as thorough as Sheri's, but it will have to do. Suzanne is chatting with Rachel and I am exhausted.
Wow ! toilet dog, you are look like a Hollywood star, Milla Jovovich.
And....Christy, It's good that I understood a meaning of BAMF. Now I learned what is BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER
Thanks for all. I really enjoyed to read. we can't take a picture in the show in our country. They do check your bag before the show. (We can't take the camera with.) So I'm surprised that so many pictures of their shows on the internet.
Theresa during "Get Over It" (although I meant to call during "Invincible")
Ha! The reception was bad and I thought "That doesn't sound like 'Invincible'!" But the song doesn't matter - it was just great to hear from you again. Thank you for thinking of me!!
You are the Queen of the Jump Shot! And Yukihnd is right - you do look like Milla Jovovich!
CHRISTY! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! internet hug! and internet squeal! and internet jump! and internet high five! That is just so wicked awesome. And how you described his smile- I can just imagine how much he loved being called a BAMF! Yay for Christy!! She met her future husband!
CHRISTY! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! internet hug! and internet squeal! and internet jump! and internet high five! That is just so wicked awesome. And how you described his smile- I can just imagine how much he loved being called a BAMF! Yay for Christy!! She met her future husband!
First off, for it being so cold T-dog you still look gorgeous! Second off, I CAN'T STOP SMILING STILL! He was really excited to be called a BAMF and I think part of it he wasn't really expecting some teenager say fucker lol. When he smiled "God your so sexy" almost slipped out of my mouth but I kept it in just in case. Lol.
Oh I almost forgot. These are the cookies I passed out at school yesterday. Well these arn't all of them these are only like 1/2 of them. (It looks like we out them on the floor, but we didn't I stood on a stool and took it. They were on the counter so no worries they are sanatary.)
During HIGA, Damian fumbled and started laughing, forgetting two lines. He later stated that at every fumble, he was thinking about it. This was apparently an old informercial on during his youth in Washington, D.C.
And in case you thought I was going to go without looking for the original...
Hurray!!! I"m so happy for you! I was crossing my fingers that you'd get to see you little BAMF
Awesome that you made him smile. I bet you can't even see what I'm writing as you are probably still in a fog of happiness. Aww, I'm so glad for you.
Hey hey, what about the rest of us waiting here for a good read
Awesome that you made him smile. I bet you can't even see what I'm writing as you are probably still in a fog of happiness. Aww, I'm so glad for you.
Omg I literally can't stop smiling. Like I can't even go to bed because I am just so happy. Im SUPER glad I made a first good impression instead of making an ass out of myself and making him feel uncomfortable and creeped out like I thought I would make him.
Lol, you couldn't do that, creep him out...or could you lol
How was the rest of the concert?
More later. A mind-blowing show, guys. Wow.
I think I saw a couple of you, but random shyness (wtf, from me of all people) took over.
How was the rest of the concert?
Oh yes. It is VERY possible. The rest of the concert was UH-MAZING! I sorta kinda of lost my voice I was screaming and singing the whole Time. By far the best concert i've been to!
Well I didn't take any during the concert bc my camera sucks but I have pictures om Damian, My friend Kate with Andy, and me with Tim and Dan. Ill message them to you bc they are kind of embarressing el oh el. I will remember it for the rest of my life and when I finally marry Tim we will look back on the first Time we met. HAHA!
Suzanne and I got there right on time and scouted the place, finding a Starbucks (which I needed badly), and checked out Clowes before we would be kicked out (and in turn, heard the boys do their soundcheck). After eating, we came back and hung out with a few newer fans, bought matching vinyls, and ran into a friend who was able to provide us with seats...much, much closer to musical genius (the pictures tell how close).
I was able to contact everyone during their particular songs (Sheri during "No Sign" AND the Violent Femmes cover, Theresa during "Get Over It" (although I meant to call during "Invincible"), Rachel during "OLISQ," and Jackie during one of the songs, though it was meaningless since she was there herself). I got my video of "Don't Ask Me," and my infamous jumping shot. Also, during "A Million Ways" and "What to Do" we were able to climb up onto the stage and sit with them while they played. It was a great set, especially since they played both Violent Femmes and ELO, with a cute little commercial jingle at the encore. I also found Damian's pick at my feet after he tossed it.
The boys came out afterwards and chatted with the fans as well. I was able to snag my picture with Dan and chat with Andy while Damian and Tim encouraged a group of fangirls to do the AMW dance.
We also met up with KatieYellow and her brood, and it was so nice to meet up with another fellow board-goer (and a smart one, no less).
My recaps are no where near as thorough as Sheri's, but it will have to do. Suzanne is chatting with Rachel and I am exhausted.
(Frigid-as-fuck face)
The videos tell a better story than I ever could.
Damian really took off his clothes here. Well, some of them at least.
"Don't Ask Me," though strange as this is the only one where you can hear Damian scream the end (whereas it is usually myself doing so).
say that again, and I may have to punch you
Hurray, some video too.
Hurray, some video too.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and guess that you have not been in Indiana when Old Man Winter peers around the corner.
That wasn't a "fish for a compliment" statement. It was fucking cold!
That wasn't a "fish for a compliment" statement. It was fucking cold!
Lol, ah, nevermind then.
And....Christy, It's good that I understood a meaning of BAMF.
Now I learned what is BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER
Thanks for all.
I really enjoyed to read.
we can't take a picture in the show in our country.
They do check your bag before the show. (We can't take the camera with.)
So I'm surprised that so many pictures of their shows on the internet.
Ha! The reception was bad and I thought "That doesn't sound like 'Invincible'!" But the song doesn't matter - it was just great to hear from you again. Thank you for thinking of me!!
You are the Queen of the Jump Shot!
internet hug! and internet squeal! and internet jump! and internet high five!
That is just so wicked awesome. And how you described his smile- I can just imagine how much he loved being called a BAMF!
Yay for Christy!! She met her future husband!
internet hug! and internet squeal! and internet jump! and internet high five!
That is just so wicked awesome. And how you described his smile- I can just imagine how much he loved being called a BAMF!
Yay for Christy!! She met her future husband!
First off, for it being so cold T-dog you still look gorgeous!
Second off, I CAN'T STOP SMILING STILL! He was really excited to be called a BAMF and I think part of it he wasn't really expecting some teenager say fucker lol. When he smiled "God your so sexy" almost slipped out of my mouth but I kept it in just in case. Lol.
Oh I almost forgot. These are the cookies I passed out at school yesterday. Well these arn't all of them these are only like 1/2 of them.
(It looks like we out them on the floor, but we didn't I stood on a stool and took it. They were on the counter so no worries they are sanatary.)
I think the three of you are looking at Dan. Because yes, HE is very attractive.
I hope I don't look like Milla now; I believe she is in the last stages of pregnancy.
A Million Ways (acoustic)
What to Do (acoustic)
OK Go cover of a Martial Arts infomercial
During HIGA, Damian fumbled and started laughing, forgetting two lines. He later stated that at every fumble, he was thinking about it. This was apparently an old informercial on during his youth in Washington, D.C.
And in case you thought I was going to go without looking for the original...
here it is.