123. Sometimes they sing for their fans... after the show.
QUOTE (Beasle @ Dec 12 2007, 01:48 PM)
124. They take time after their shows to have dance offs between their most DEVOTED fans.
YES! YES! Best day of my life.
QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Dec 12 2007, 03:44 PM)
*although I realize some other boardies could be in a similar situation. Did anyone else notice how "Shalu" was "Kulash" backwards without the "K"? I often wondered why she didn't brag about that, or about sharing other similarities with him like: being a graphic design geek, having a lisp when younger, having very few inhibitions, and being obsessed with grammar and coffee...
could it be? nah... nah, it's impossible, right? I must be crazy Shalu's just a girl of indian ancestry from emmm Indianapolis of all places (I'm sure that's just happy casualty too).
Tempe- the kissing sounds are in audio blog play things about the girlscouts and Bernie Abromowitz.
Lol! Of course! I love the Bernie Abramowitz blog! A lady invites me over to her house for every conceivable holiday and I love going because she sort of talks like Bernie Abromowitz's mom Bertie
136. Tim's audioblogs (how has this not been mentioned yet!)
117. "Has your sister been involved in a lot of your other videos?" "Well, my sister's been involved in a lot of my life, because she's my sister..."
QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Dec 11 2007, 11:54 PM)
where's that from?
It's from an audio interview, but I can't remember which one. I just listened to the one I thought it was, and the quote's not in there. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find it.
How come no-one has mentioned this? Or else they have already and I haven't noticed it... 138. They danced on eight treadmills in a video that cost a fraction of other music videos and won a Grammy for it.
145. You can, quite literally, spend an entire day on the internet looking up stuff on the band and there'd still be more interviews/podcasts/videos/audioplays to listen/look at. To make this short - there's a lot out there for their fans.
could it be? nah... nah, it's impossible, right? I must be crazy
Who, me? Oh, never...
Lol! Of course! I love the Bernie Abramowitz blog! A lady invites me over to her house for every conceivable holiday and I love going because she sort of talks like Bernie Abromowitz's mom Bertie
136. Tim's audioblogs (how has this not been mentioned yet!)
It's from an audio interview, but I can't remember which one. I just listened to the one I thought it was, and the quote's not in there. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find it.
138. They danced on eight treadmills in a video that cost a fraction of other music videos and won a Grammy for it.
One of my favorite things about that man
This kind of goes along with 138...
139. They are brave.
AJA! Fesss up! Fess UP!
142. Lipstick and callous and fishstick and malice.
which some of you prolly haven't seen, cause I posted it like over a year ago,.
But it's totally worth it.
which some of you prolly haven't seen, cause I posted it like over a year ago,.
But it's totally worth it.
147. Electra's vulgar innuendo to Tim.
148. Them triggering incredible creativity out of their fans... fanvideos, stories, pictures, build-a-bears,...
150. Damian doing the playground style frog jump at the CCC cinnamon lips video.
Well, I bet they have.
Sooo 152 will be Mr. OK Go Head.